Second Civil War International Allegiances

The United States will be the staging ground for a world war against, or in favor of, globalism.

Red - Right
Blue - Left
Grey - Neutral/Don't Know/Doesn't Matter

Right wins - State lines redrawn. Major cities become their own states (only single senator each). State laws override federal laws, including (in a few cases) The US Constitution.

Left wins - National lines redrawn. US joins with Canada and Mexico. US Constitution rewritten to validate LGBTQIA+, ban firearms, and ban certain forms of speech deemed problematic.

i sell 3d penises on second life, and haven't really left my house in 10 years or something. i don't really care what goes on out there.

Living the dream. Now draw a fucking map.

I'm gonna steal this and make my own version.

>implying the UK's "right" is anti-globalist
>implying most of Eastern Europe is in the left

Just go to the link in OP. You can make a map with that software and save it out as an image.
Post yours m8

here you go

Dunno if I agree about the UK. 30 years later they will need help in their own war against the EU, and the Left will side with the EU regardless.

A reminder that Texas won't fight with the U.S., we will take our rightful clay (Oklahoma), and maybe some other states, and we are going to build a wall and the USA and Mexico are going to pay for it.

Your geopolitics game is weak.
>Major cities become their own states (only single senator each).
So you're domestic politics game.

as if India would fucking work together with China and vice versa
Also, the US are the only guys who got Mass riots against globalism at this Point, and they voted Trump, showing that they truly are the only free People on this planet

Will be tough to do when Mexico is drilling a hole in your dick with F-35s. The Right has the firepower you'll need.
They aren't allied with each other, they are simply supporting the Right in some way.
Other nations use this system, I think it's a good one. Ensures that city-dwellers can foster their own culture that doesn't interfere with everyone else.

Canada would never fight Big Brother USA. Also China would choose to not get involved and pick up the pieces after. Civil war in America would mean that China will take over USA. Europe is a not issue and is doomed to be absorbed by Russia. Russia can never match the sheer power in numbers that China has, but likely would be MAD, so they would leave eachother alone. India is too busy pooping in the streets.

OP you have it all wrong and know fuck all about geopolitics and the sides that would be taken.

see >geopolitics
India and China both have a very strong nationalistic identity (although sometimes virtue signal otherwise), and only the Right respects this

how can Europe with 500 Million native Europeans get easily absorbed by russia with only 142 Million Russians, if they lost 41 Million against 4 Million Germans in WW2 alone ?

>Canada would never fight Big Brother USA.
They won't be fighting the USA, they will support the Left in the Second American Civil War.
>China would choose to not get involved
>China will take over USA
Nah, neither side wants that. The Right want sheer sovereignty, and the Left wants mutual integration.

China and Taiwan Hate each other
China and Japan Hate each other
China and India Hate each other and will be the next staging Point for another WW
Britain red ? WTF
the dude is right, sry to say it

>Lockheed Martin produces fighter jets in Texas
>We have tons of large military bases
>we have tons of airports
>we have large seaports
>we have tons of land for resources

Russia would not side with Turkey. India would not side with China. Australia would either remain neutral (unlikely) or join the blue team. Japan would not side with China; it holds a bitter rivalry that has spanned hundreds of years.

wow, so this is what the geopolitical knowledge of a toddler looks like

The countries you mentioned already all have separate, mutually-beneficial agreements with the USA, and they're fine. That dynamic doesn't need to change in order to support a US civil war faction.

>Major cities become their own states (only single senator each). State laws override federal laws, including (in a few cases) The US Constitution
Have fun with the senate being made up of 90% Democrats.

>Russia would not side with Turkey. India would not side with China.
They aren't "siding" with one another, they're supporting a certain US faction.

If you dont have any input, shut up pathetic tryhard

It would only amount to about 6 new senators, and the other 50-ish postwar states would almost certainly be "gerrymandered" to support Right-friendly populations.

China and India working on the same Team in an american civil war ?
What you are talking about are fucking trade deals, do you even know how a civial war in the US would work ?
India and China would fight a Proxy war against each other if it ever came to pass. Also russia fighting for a more conservative US ? that would be like you giving your wife to your most hated enemy to watch over her.
Japan, Taiwan, Australia would definetly fight to Keep america nationalistic bc they Need the US to help them against China and Russian Expansion
China India and Russia fighting for a more conservative US is like giving your biggest rival a fucking Steroid injection before the big tournament
complete bullshit

They wouldn't support such a faction no matter how influential the US is. Those countries would never ally in the current year--especially in a WWIII scenario. For fuck's sake, Turkey shot down Russian aircraft a year ago and the only factor that prevented all out war was NATO (which Trump isn't a bigly fan of nowadays). Anything could happen in the coming months but your fantasy isn't one of them.


In fact, with cities cordoned into their own containment units, the Left would lose nearly all of its practical power at the federal level.

But it's moot, because state law supremacy would diminish the practical power of the entire federal government anyway.

>Also russia fighting for a more conservative US?
You think Putin wouldn't support Trump?

Putin hates Trump now mate.

Just look how much his state-run media puts out that's anti-trump

no, he wouldnt. He is supporting him right now bc Trump Looks like the Strong man at this Point. He is Chief of the biggest Military in the world and has NATO behind him, which gives him around 1 Billion People who would fight on one side against 142 Million Russians.
Putin is sucking his dick right now but clearly working to undermine US power wherever he can, he schemes because he wouldnt stand a Chance on the open field. Of course he is friendly, thats his survival strategy

>Those countries would never ally in the current year--especially in a WWIII scenario.
It isn't WWIII, there were international powers involved in the first civil war, who weren't necessarily in alliance with one another. Hawaii wasn't "allied" with France, for example.

>Mexico getting involved
I swear to god white people are obsessed with nonwhites Mexico will just sell drugs to both sides


Red is supposed to be the Right (France and Germany?), and the USA couldn't be all on one side in their own civil war.

No way, the Left will offer them huge gibs to flank the Californian front.

>and the USA couldn't be all on one side in their own civil war.
Shieet, I saw the image and thought this was a WW3 thread.
Anyway, the red is the fascist alliance, while blues are democrats

China, democrat ?
WTF !?!?

Romania would never take the part of Russia man, unless they clubbed our heads in like last time.

it's countries that would either support the American right wing or the left wing, Romania would probably be more supportive of the right wing side of the US.

The year is 2061
China is the biggest leading economy by far with a GDP of 50 trillion, while US incomparision has around 25.
Why they should ally with poor decandents fascist shitholes like Russia? They already got US by the balls, and they fear a mighty India far more than the US