All of these chicks have boyfriends. Women are degenerate whores. How do we fix this? I can't be fixed. Women need to be beaten into infantile submission.
All of these chicks have boyfriends. Women are degenerate whores. How do we fix this? I can't be fixed. Women need to be beaten into infantile submission.
youtube videos are fake, mate
if you date a woman who goes out clubbing on any kind of regular or semi-regular basis, you're probably not the only guy she's seeing
play stacy games, win stacy prizes
>this is what betas keep telling themselves
is this photoshopped? Her body looks disgustingly built.
So this guy's a fag right?
You're not going to find a good wholesome woman at 3 in the morning in the local club.
Are you serious? It's like her stomach and hips were photoshopped out.
>Girls like Chad
What a shocking revelation. Girls will always throw their inhibitions aside for Chad. This video just tells us what everybody already knows: Chad is awesome.
women are objects of family construct which allow for procreation of a race. fuck off with your tranny homosexual propoganda faggot
sage goes in all fields
mate ive met chicks in the church and even grew up with em. they arent exactly the sanest bunch either, so where else to look?
I heard they have teeth in their vaginas!
Better stick to being gay, huh?
Church girls are all used goods, too, user.
women are degenerate whores
why won't they go out with me
You vagina slaves are the absolute worst kind of men because you'd sleep with all kinds of fucking trash and have no self esteem in that regard.
I don't know, I guess we're just suck with roasties then.
>american women
I'm convinced continental European women are less prone to this type of degeneracy. A lot women in Europe view having a nice body as unimportant and even shallow if you're very muscly. The good thing is that this keeps the focus on women: they should look good. Men should just be alpha. The downside is that it is once again an excuse for men not to hit the gym, hence why a lot of European men look like skinny bitches
m8, it's fucking easy to get a girlfriend nowadays. It's nightmarish to get a wife-material gf. That's the problem.
Very true. European girls arent angels but compared these whores in thr US, they sure appear to be.
NO. women are fucking sick of disgusting, repulsive, video game playing, broke-ass, beta, white men, with shitty trades jobs. And when they finally find a real man they lose their minds. I don't blame them.
Anyone could have his body if you put in the effort. You can get your skin fixed, you can shave your head if you're bald and get a beard...You can get good clothes and a good job. And if you're still ugly get plastic surgery.
Fucking white men are so pathetic. I can't stand you faggots anymore.
They really enjoy anal
Yeah, do all of that so you can marry some used goods whore, then pray to God she doesn't divorce you.
It's not even hard to get laid as a skeleton necromage, user? Why should I put in all of that work when it's still unlikely they'll be disloyal and not worth marrying in the first place?
White knight nationalists might actually be worse than Jews in that they enable the absolute worst qualities of women.
>How do we fix this?
Artificial wombs
Then gas the cunts
That picture has to be shopped. Where's her midriff??
>Women are degenerate whores
>Implying men would not lick nipples from a hot woman given the opportunity.
People like you make me sick, pursuing a girls vanity to the point that you put in all this pointless, mindless work on your body just so you can fuck some used whore and have her divorce you a year later, you dense cunt, read a book and empower your stupid fucking mind.
Portugal bro speaks the truth
>the key is held up to the same standards as the lock
You have a lot to learn, moor cuckbaby
White knighting gets you nowhere.
>Women are degenerate whores. Women need to be beaten into infantile submission.
I thought Sharia permitted beating women?
Women are literally biologically made to have sex and grow children. They will do it as much as they can unless men systematically stop them as they have for thousands of years. Or at least systematically stop invading tribes from fucking their women.
Calm down, Ahmed
But what if you are bald AND can't grow a beard?
My god 100% this fellow nazi bro
Can I get taller? No? Fuck off then.
Anyone who thinks women should not be beaten down is a fucking retard and a faggot. Men have come up with those old rules beacuse they were needed. You don't fuck other men's chicks, you don't let your woman do crazy shit, all of you lock them up and take care of them. If there's a dude who goes around fucking taken women - everyone murders him.
Modern consumerist society killed all dreams, robbed people of greatness therefore the only thing modern guys think about is sex, BUT becoming a great person, contributing to greatness of your people is MUCH more important. If a man has to spend so much time and resources on getting a decent woman he'll never have the opportunity to become his true self and find his destiny. Women are important but not as much as modernity tells you.
Every mp4 from USA:
>hand clap xylophone guitar strum piano picasso advertising for my better vegan enema startup
>cheery beep boop limpdick techno chad music
What the fuck is wrong with america?
Scientists are working on making artificial eggs from skin cells
It's how you educate women. West has education through music, fashion, television and they teach no morals in school, instead they teach how gays are normal. They didn't dress like that 30 years ago, they didn't behave like that, it's basically every decade different and more slutty. Americans keep telling themselves that they are free and decide how they become, but they actually decide nothing, everything is decided for them, how they speak, how they dress, what they like..etc.
It isn't women go bonkers if you're in shape. They might try to say they're better than us and they like personality. No his personality is that he's hot as fuck.
6'1" muscular dude with a much better than average financial situation and a great job here.
The girl I was engaged to decided to cheat on me with a fat unemployed guy. The only reason I know is that one of my friends was looking out for me.
All women are like that, even if you're chad.
Isn't it interesting how Anglos created this environment where hot guys are fit, when hot women can be anything, depends on your fetish i guess, even fat woman peeing on you is hot.
You can't fix degenerate women, and when you try to do that you just become a degenerate man.
You reject the degenerate whores and don't breed with them, and then their stupid, shitty, degenerate bloodlines end there.
If you can find a traditonal woman instead then great, but good luck in todays society, maybe in 2-3 generations that will have changed. But it'll be too late for most of us.
That bitch, if that isn't a shoop, looks creepy as fuck
They cheat because that's cool, more partners the better, the capitalistic model of more is better. Settling down comes after she becomes a sponge.
The few times I was in shape it was like a movie and I wasn't cut like this guy I just looked tougher and in the states and in Europe it was like having super dick powers. As soon as that meat was gone I was mostly invisible
Capitalism leads to convenience of family. It's socialism what empowers them by removing the necessity of family.
What about this bitch? It's all about style.
>Phuckable Physique
Step 1
>permaskip leg day
Step 2
>forget traps exist
Step 3
>slack on your pecs and lats
Step 4
>Work arms till unproportional
Step 5
>look like fag from the Twilight series in the face
Step 6
>wear some abercrombie clone shit
Step 7
>hit a campus town the return weekend
Step 8
>target underclass girls eager to blow off steam
You are now in the bone zone Chad, praise KEK
>muh women
Socialism had low divorce rate, while capitalism has high divorce rate. Just look at statistics of ex-Socialistic countries, they all have more divorce after Socialism and lots more prostitutes.
why does he have a little boy's chest? did he not hit puberty? does he nair it and cross-dress?
>Dating a woman.
Not even once.
>mfw I realize the decay of monogamous (read: religious) values in Western countries is leading our civilizations down a path of strife and unravel
>mfw I see all the guys complaining about whores on Sup Forums as men who would've been happily married just 70 years ago
>mfw you see the "nothing wrong with sex and getting fucked all the time!" propaganda EVERYWHERE
>mfw fuck this whole civilization and fuck the Jews
>having to pay hookers to act as regular people
wikipedia says only black men can do that
you would think that would be obvious.
what isn't obvious is where to find 'em if you aren't on boomer funded tuition for the rapefest that is college.
Economic stress is a significant cause of marriage failure.
>inb4 why don't you just leave muh america then
>okay, bye
>she says
Are you claiming that the current welfare for women is inferior to the one of the socialist age you describe?
USA is suppose to be the richest country on planet and most free, how do you expect anybody else succeeding in marriage that is nr. 2 or nr. 60 country taking your capitalistic lead if not even you can?
bluntly, and simplistically, it's brain-washing.
women are very impressionable. this is fact. men too, this is fact, GI joes and barbies, boy toy girl toy at mcdonalds. noticing what the hens are up to makes you a big fegg.
alright, i'll meet you at gender equality, ok. equal pay, etc. wtvr. load the truck with it.
but you can't buy 300$ lipstick and expect me to pay for dinner, and buy you "gifts" that you seek from other men you don't disclose about because you're in a constant chase for a hyperbolized existence and undue level of importance. so you'll strip and clamor for the chad you've been sold like some expensive handbag, and you wont get him, he's in a coal mine if he's lucky. the guy you will find has never been told no, and has all the keys, he doesn't give a fuck about you and will play you like a cluster B slut you are, and, you'll be left in shambles by mid thirties once your ovaries have dried up and all that disposable income is gone and you
ve impressed nobody but disposable people. for your disposable life.
oh boy.. this kind of thread for 10000000th time.
weak man = loud degenerated whore
real man = obidient, caring, respected woman
next thread pls
Socialism didn't had welfare, capitalism has welfare because you exploit people. In Socialism people own the government aka public ownership and write their own laws, control their own money reserves, welfare literally doesn't needs to exist, everybody gets a job and can buy anything without credit.
you know how hard he worked for that body.
the thing that fucks me off is how vain he is.
The guy is an attention whore. seems like a fuckhead aswell.
Sure he's got a great body and some women like it but those are actors.
>muh leader board
Stronger family support systems, including financial, emotional, and direct labor support
Stronger social support systems, including financial and direct labor support
Stronger public services
More realistic approaches to social ills, e.g. France's don't-ask-don't-tell monogamy norm
In other words, everything the melodramatic, pompous (((leaders))) have taken from us, other countries still have.
what the fuck
jesus what are we doing on a mongolian paper airplane enthusiast website at 3 am on a saturday
>reddit spacing
>reddit content
checks out
oh fuck.... wot? shiiiiitttttt... again.
There should be a law that punishes cheating. Yes, government needs to get involved into your personal lives here or cheating will continue to happen.
for those of us who aren't NEETs and are those stupid fucking flags here to stay?
ive seen a few of this guys video's and they are all about him, his body and getting attention.
I dont care how many women he gets, he's a fucking tool, constantly parading around his body like a fag at a gay parade.
Seriously . American girls are complete whores in comparison. It's sad, but Jew media works well. Also American parents seems to have given up on raising good daughters
ever hanged around with a guy in public that walks around with his shirt off like an attention whore?
no one wants to associate with him, bet all his friends are women because guys think he's a tool.
>I got laid! (woman)
No shit
>I got laid! (man)
Nice work
That said, OP has a Chad vid. Turns out we're not all equal.
this I strut especially for the church girls that burgers seem to have huge problems with
since there's only peoplease in church who actually want to be there, most of them don't fuck around like crazy, and I've never heard about "anal is not real sex" before I came here, so I'm guessing it's not really popular either
that bring said, of course there's still girls trying to rationalise their behaviour, saying the no premarrital sex thing was only for ancient times and it's okay if you're in a longterm relationship, but they're probably a lot less than in the US
I have a qt gf, been together for 2 years. She rarely goes out, has a proper 9-5 job thats pretty comfy and fairly conservative parents.
What should I do Sup Forums?
>play stacy games, win stacy prizes
"Prank" channels were proven to hire actresses to pretend that they do degenerate shit like that. Why the fuck did op even watch this anyway?
Why do anything if everything is perfect?
it almost seems too perfect. Something must be up.
You mean, it's everything abnormal around you and you feel like you don't fit into environment. Hopefully you aren't married already.
Not married, not planning too yet only 21.
Yeah I guess im too fucking autistic to handle a normie life.
Most marriages fail anyway when you that old and they all think it's going to work out. Must be because they aren't very mature in head.
c'mon Captain Sweden, I'm sure you can fix that with tolerance.
I know fuck these whores!!11!!! Because men wouldn't lick toppings off a hot woman's body, right? Look... We got rid of Christianity, and replaced it with nothing, This is what you get. And there's no way to fix it. The whole thing just has to collapse.
which it will.
here's a pro tip though, it's illegal to show someone's face when you upload a video without their permission - meaning all these women had to agree for this to be shown on YT (just like all other pickup/pranks/whatever channel) - meaning it's bullshit, ie they are all actors.
just watched the video, btw, if you think that shit is real... then you are an alien lizard who doesn't know how humans operate
It's not white men. It's just Sup Forums fucking betas. Stop painting us all with the same brush you fucking stupid cunt. Everyone on this board is a bunch of soft cunts.