What's 2043? The year when Pigskins will fall below 50 percent of the US population. All your onk onk will have little to no effect on that change--that's already cast by the declining population of Baby Boomers and the increasing births of Asians and Latinos. Nothing will stop it now. The country will change. The identity of the country will change too. When you think of an "American" the image will no longer be of a white, blond hair, blue eyed person but someone wholely different.
2043 is coming Pigskins
God bless.
What about September 23rd 2017?
Yeah, you're probably right. And when that time comes, when people think of "America", they will no longer think if it has the richest, most powerful nation on earth. They will probably think of something more akin to Brazil or India. High crime, crumbling infrastructure, huge wealth disparities.
At this point, I can't even be mad at shitskins. If I was in their position, I'd do the same thing. I'm upset at my own people. They voted for this. So, really, fuck them. If we are so pussified that we will democratically vote for our own demise, then so be it. The country can rot.
But, come 2043, I will still be here, and I will still be white, and you will still be the shade of shit. I can take solace in that. You can take my country but you can't steal my identity.
The more shitskins the more slaves.
>hurr durr fuck you whitey
why so you even try with anymore with this shilling?
the demographics are changing because of mass immigration, not failing birth rates of whites vs birth rates of non-whites
same thing in Europe
There are 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.4 billion East Indians right now, and there's going to be 4 billion Africans by the end of the century
The age of men is over
people don't already think of america this way?
Funny how you talk about Baby Boomers. You know that can happen again, right? A white baby boom I mean.
Nice despair shill thread, Chang.
If whites rise up and organize effectively, Europe can very easily be purged of it's shit-skin population fortified against further nigger hordes immigrating from the Africa.
The US is more more tricky, but that can be solved by ethnically cleansing the cities of Chinks/Pajeets/Jews (especially Jews) and then forming an ethno-state to launch future ethnic cleansing operations against the dark-skinned hordes that inhabit certain regions of the US.
The future is in no way decided. It will all be lost however if you give up before you start like OP wants you to.
I am the shade that whites in the US spend $10 billion a year trying to attain. Many end up looking like Orange orangutans like your deranged leader. My white wife loves my skin color and unlike her, our kids actually tan well in sun. I am very happy with my skin color as is my wife.
And I am glad that I played my part in bringing about 2043 a little faster.
The age of Pigskins is over. Men will take them over.
You need women for that. Young white women are never going to do that. You are not going to tame them ever again. If you try, they will revolt against you and find brown and black men.
I thought whites are allready under 50% there
Also doesn't help having Jews consistently brainwash our people.
You know kids revolt against their parents stupidity, right?
The next generation will be the most right wing bullshit you can think of.
Lol ibthink you're confusing woman with liberal bitches. White woman want a strong stable family still, mostly with white males.
They are among the kids. Older pigskins still persist. But as the older generations dies down, pigskins will be a minority. And since they are already a minority among the kids, it is hard to change it now. It's baked in the cake at this point.
Seriously? Not banned? the fuck?
Lazy El Janitoros
Majority of white women voted for Obama twice. 48% white women, more so among the younger ones voted for Hillary, despite her crooked behavior and her tonnes of baggage.Majority of them are again going to vote for democrats if they run a decent enough candidate.
Did I hurt you so much that you want me banned? Oh my .... Nazis are really touchy.