Ask a Mexican anything


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How racist are you?

in a pc I am hitler, in real life not too much.

Are you related to the Aztecs or are you just black/Spanish rape babies?

Just stay on your side and we can be friends.

I am 100% spanish, there are 70 M of pure white mexicans.

nah, I love california, someday I will live there.

Do you plan on crossing the border illegally any time soon?

whats the secret to getting in good with mexican chicks?

Is it really as dangerous there as media always tells?

well, as a white mexican I will get my visa legally.
being white and too much dollarsof course not as dangerous as they say.

Are you the fat bastard with Lupus?

Like if you want to reach something, business wise, is it real competition or do you have to deal with corruption a lot?

Mexico has corruption in every fucking corner.

Awesome, I hope you get it, good luck.

>I love california, someday I will live there.
Why? California's a shithole.

Do you have refugees from other middle/southern american countries too? If so, do they want to stay or proceed to US?

>Calling California a shithole
>Whilst replying to a Mexican
user I...

How many assholes does your hair have?

If I boldly walked up to a Mexican woman in Mexico, as a gringo and said, Let's get married and make babies. Would I get laughed at or slapped?

san diego and los angeles are cool
we have haitians, central americans and south americans like argies and colombians.

I only like argie immigration, the rest can go to US.

Hello my white friend
If I were to go down to a big city in Mexico with semi-fluent espanol, would the cuties like an American guy or do they hate Americans? I mean I know they boo us at soccer stadiums and dumb shit but like in everyday life what would it be like?


but our woman have low IQ and she would think its not a joke.

And how about europeans?

La is a cesspool

Why are 90+ percent of your women fat, short, and ugly?

>they boo us at soccer stadiums

they will answer you in a good mood, we hate you but we love you at the same time.

Never said it was a joke.

i want to live in America, and let it get full of shitskins why don't you go outside for 4 hours and show us that arm again faggot

Please stay in Mexico

>san diego and los angeles are cool
Mexican confirmed

>san diego and los angeles are cool
I heard they're really hot because Californians don't understand the basic concepts of Civil Engineering and don't plant a tree or two every block and just put asphalt on top of asphalt.

too much tasty mexican tacos.
in that case, you will get a mexican girl soon. they worship foreigners

my arm?

>san diego and LA are cool
Sure, if you've been bathed in smog since birth and don't know what fresh air tastes like. Fuck those places and LA especially, I threw up when I got off the plane because I'd never encountered such disgusting air. Never again.

Don't talk shit about my city, esse. I'll cut you, homes.

Implying that I like fat spiks

you probably sit at a computer all day I bet if you see the sun for an hour you will be dark as fuck also the reason you showed the bottom of it

>too much tasty mexican tacos.
Amen to that! Some good shit down there.

That woman is lebanese

California has too much forests and flowers, heaven on earth, fat texas and ppl from arizona envy you so much.

Are they all fat or are there plenty of cuties to go around in Guadalajara and DF?

Latin women love blue eyes, so if you are Germanic or Slavic you are good to go

Why are most of you spic fucks such white wannabes? Not saying there arent white mexicans, but most of yall are obviously of indigenous bloodline, yet claim to be mostly european or spaniards descent.

Nigga, even spaniards are heavily mixed with arabs and moors, so even if you're 50% spaniard you're probably 20% white at best.

>Texas fat

Downtown LA is trash, the area outside of LA to the south is better in general. Also pretty much most places outside of LA are better to a certain extent, with a few exceptions of some places.

You can't be serious, it's terrible in downtown LA, user.

chicanas are all ugly and fat, such horrible creatures. woman from North Mexico and west master race.

Why are most of you spic fucks such white wannabes? Not saying there arent white mexicans, but most of yall are obviously of indigenous bloodline, yet claim to be mostly european or spaniards descent.

thats not true.

A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics Y chromosomes found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%)

Oh the irony I have family in from Texas this week, and they tell me the part they live by is filled with nothing but FAT MEXICANS.

Mexicans are shitty and diseased, they let their women die on the street and no one envies them. A Mexican would die for the chance to go to Arizona or Texas, but they definitely prefer California for some reason...

Then what is a good big city with hwhite qts my man?

Go to second tier cities like Aguascalientes or Durango. I have to go to AC every quarter and there are tons of qt3.14s.
t. Houston

Guadalajara and Culiacan.

Quads confirm. Sup Forums is a bunch of racist brown larpers.

Ah, I will check out Guadalajara. I have a Mexican friend who lives there summers and strikes out with women but his head is shaped like a butternut squash so hopefully I am lucky

Am I more or less likely to get beheaded in a second tier city?

>You can't be serious

>Am I more or less likely to get beheaded in a second tier city?
Can't answer you there. I've only been to Aguascalientes, Guadalajara and Durango. Naturally stay out of the barrios and shady areas. The only way you get into deep shit like that is when you start asking for drugs and stuff. Just common sense

Go ask the ghosts of Rhodesia or the Boers if they'd rather have had Mexicans become a majority, or niggers.

In reality you only have access to shit if your market value is also low, a poor fat obese is a loser in the dating market anywhere. If you look alright and make bank, you're going to do well in any developing country, its the flat out nature of reproduction for gold diggers

Would I blend in in a Mexican city as a brown hair green eyed guy or would I be obviously foreign? Assuming I dressed "like a Mexican" and spoke perfect Spanish

>that pic
Never trust an Asian's appearance unless she's just out of the shower

yes. they would think that you are a northern white mexican or spanish.

Quickest way to piss off a Mexican in Mexico?

Are there a lot of real Spanish (like born in Spain) in Mexico?

Where the fuck is my extra guac, you fucking spic? These taquitos are dry as shit! Also, where the fuck is the tapatio, you border jumping wetback.

Who is like a conservative comedian or radio host or celebrity or politician or something in Mexico that is actually pro-wall, anti-immigration to USA, etc? In American media they say there aren't any but there have to be. And also it can't be that 100% of the population supports illegal immigration to the United States. It just does not seem possible considering some people would have to have national pride and want people to stay in the country to make it better.

Tapatio is babby's first hot sauce. Cholula is the patrician's choice


since 1492-2017

Why do Mexican men toss used toilet paper around the outside of the toilet in public restrooms?

call him joto, pendejo, maricon or indio

because we throw used papers in bins in our bathrooms.

wtf is wrong with ur hand ur thumb curls like a vine and ur fingers are as red as sausages, i cant tell if thats the back or front of ur hand

The story I've always heard is their toilet plumbing can not handle the paper

im dying of diabetes.

Are you an Indio, Sambo, mestizo, Castillo, or Spanish?

The wife and I are watching that movie on vhs as we speak

nice, tell her what do they thing about mexicans.

ive never seen diabetic hand this bad, the contrast in ur skin is a marvel


She's half spic

pls answer mr mexican man

it was chocolate cookies.

Why Isn't there more public outcry about corruption and cartels in Mexico? Why isn't there like a political party that would run and win on fighting corruption and ending organised crime. Its it that PRI is ruling for over 50 years or something? Also why is Mexico so impoverished you guys didn't have Communism like we did so what gives ?

Oops I ment the half spic thing for you pack

So you have a worker class of browner mexicans that pick your shit up?

Eye opening thread OP...

Vhs master race

50+ and still sexy as hell

Any hope that a wall will help your shit government stop letting it's citizens be killed? When is the next school bus full of college kids going to be murdered?

no its not! that is your blood pooling in your fingertips, you have shitty circulation

I still have mine and use it for a little nostalgia. I have Indiana Jones, the Last Crusade and it's cool seeing a late 80s Pepsi ad before the movie.

no because cartels are not in all mexico and cartel is more a yellow american media thing. corruption is a cancer
im middle class, not rich.all mexican murders are thanks to american guns, I hope that wall help us to stop ak47s from your countryam im gonna die?

It wasn't niggers that did them in. It white people who didn't live around niggers.

Do you like TexMex food or does it offend you?

no, you might actually be in the early stages of diabetes though, that could be blood vessel damage from increased glucose in your bloodstream damaging your vessels. check your neck: do you have these dark skin spots? its a sign of insulin resistance. how much do you weigh?

As a Texan, I also want to know this.

>offend me

and burritos are mexican not tex mex.I dont.

76 kgs.

Yep, I'm hip Democrats spin it as keeping Mexicans out wich in fairness Mexico is fucking with our elections. But it is also to keep the USA crazy from fucking you guys as well.

Got a bunch of ol recorded shit from back in the day commercials are the best

What super power would you NOT want?

This one really gets my goat.

Who has claim to Salma Hayek, Mexico or Lebanon?

Duuuuuuuude my parents have the same one! That ad cheesy but fucking awesome.

i dont know whats wrong with ur hands i feel like its not right, it looks like the skin is extremely tight on your fingers.