Should /gif/ and Sup Forums be purged?

We'll start getting mistaken for tumblr

Fuck Traps and fuck porn. This whole site should just purge all porn and anime boards.
>hurrr anime website
Things change, facebook was the harvard connection

fpbp, duberinos confirm

No, lest they flood this place even more. That is their ghetto - let them stay in it.

Bumpu desu

They just need some actual moderation.. why there isn't a nsfwlbgt board or some shit that gets all the mental illness threads dumped on it.. i'll never know :S the only reason can be that they want it there, they like it destroying the boards.. mods do literally nothing about it

you need to fucking die

I mean really the entire site can be fixed with mods that are less worried about safe spaces and more worried about top allocation. if there's enough trap and tranny porn for an entire board.. then make one :S

Additionally.. the reason Sup Forums and Sup Forums went down hill was because the mods culled the occasional cp thread and gore. Although distasteful to most.. them just being there meant the facebook tier newfags just couldn't bring themselves to exist here.. so the content was funnier, edgier, less lefty.. way more fun.. crap in other ways but massively better than these reddit kids

Mods dont give a fuck, I've seen more Porn on as blueboard than you'd ever believe. You'd think with all that fapping those fuckers would be skinnier

gookmoot and no new moots can fix it until we get a ruler that isn't worried about traffic and money. Until then.. this place will just grow and grow and we'll end up over at hot wheels chan eventually. this place is barely bareable now

Gif is fine, just avoid retarded threads.

I thought you said "avoid the redhead threads" and i got triggered.. theyre the best :)

What do you mean by retarded threads? Pretty much 80% threads here are retarded.

Stop watching porn

WMAF ruined Sup Forums

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums

Gif is most certainly not fine. Gif is the biggest source of this cancer I could name.

50% of the threads are gay/trap/sissy/cuck threads.


It's very effective at making people gay too, because you'll be aroused, dick in hand, from a straight thread, then while scrolling through you're still aroused but seeing gay images. It breaks your brain.

/gif/ needed to be split into /gaygif/ and /normalgif/ ages ago.

Pol loves ugly asians

How to stop?


Everyday Sup Forums is derailed by WMAF threads


Sup Forums is even worse than /trash/. [S4S] and /bant/ are great replacements



>purging containment boards
This is never a good idea, newfriend.

Purge wmaf

>turning gay from /gif/ and Sup Forums
That is literally not true.
I spend my days looking at sweaty, muscled men on /fit/ then dick rate threads and man rate threads on /soc/ and I am not gay, I even make High test threads on /fit/ for that.
I can even tell you my favorite porn artists from Brazzers and Facial abuse just by looking at their dick.

safespaces are for libtards

And /cuckgif/ too.... Every God damn thread!

Sweden? Is that you?