>Hard Brexit will CRASH British economy
How fucked is Britain?
>Hard Brexit will CRASH British economy
How fucked is Britain?
>>Hard Brexit will CRASH British economy
no it won't
Archive bls.
This will be the end of Trump's campaign.
Hillary has a 90% chance to win.
Remember when just voting for Brexit was supposed to crash the British economy?
>ever taking the advice of the fucking IMF
There's literally no quicker way to see your nation picked bone dry by predatory fucks
Drumpf is FINISHED now.
And that's a good thing.
It did though... for about 2 days.
Is that a threat? I wish the British empire would reawaken and bring back civilization to the world
Looks like America is going to have to save England again...
Knew it was this German faggot from the catalog. IMAGINE MY SHOCK when clicking on the thread.
>gets hacked and controlled by foreign powers
cucked haaaard
Why do you bros shill for EU?
Is this esoteric German irony or what the absolute fuck is going on between those ears m8?
Not fucked at all.
Didn't she pull some move like this before the referendum too
She was wrong then, f course. She's an EU globalist shill and nothing more.
>turkish education
There is nothing ironic about my absolute support for the EU. I was euphoric when Macron won the election, France single-handedly saved Europe from rural and suburban retards
IMF would never lie to us right guys?
right guys?..........
No seriously guys...
>saved Europe
Saved what about Europe, precisely?
Guys help!
My cignitive dissonance is falling apart....
People in positions of authority always tell the truth don't they?
Yes, goyim. Please remember that the intervention in Libya wasn't a mistake. Also, we've just gotta do something about the Assad character. Word is that he has ties to Russia.
Oh no im taking the red pill... Everything... makes....... Sense now...... YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGDHDHDHDHDHFHFDBBDJ
How come she isn't locked away in prison yet?
Without France, the EU would fall apart, meaning we'd have less leverage and bargaining power and would be in a much weaker position to compete with USA and Asia.
It's the reason why Trump and Putin want to see the EU fail. Macron delivered us from their evil.
>Meddling IMF decides its going to crash British economy if they pull a hard Brexit
Temporarily held a position. the tide has turned. Eu is doomed
...said increasingly nervous toothnigger for the 100th time this year.
I think the EU has made you weaker, Germany especially. You would be the leader of Europe and you would trade freely regardless of the Union's existence. This perceived market advantage can be considered expedient, if it's even an advantage to the common European at all and not solely to financial sectors who manipulate political bureaucracy, considering the sacrifice of sovereignty, identity and numerous other factors to stay in the union.
I think the reason why I asked this as there seems to not be very much questioning of authority in Germany, against all reason imo.
Screenshot this. Brexit will not happen.
>*locks door in 98% white gated community*
Basicly if IMF says its true, it won't happen. So hard Brexit is the way forward for the UK to go
A lot.
When you guys finally reveal your true plans after creating the EU army and attack em, well, they will be fucked.
But you guys will get defeated by russia and US again.
By continueing opening borders and inviting african uncivilized retard savages, he saved France?
what will they do when those are no longer a thing?
Britain was fucked since the day Cameron announced the referendum. Having a referendum at all was a tremendously stupid idea, his political posturing threw the country under the bus. Now Britain's multiple-century-long game of "one foot in/one foot out" foreign policy trying to prevent continental unity, but still benefiting from the continent, is over. They can no longer play spoiler because now they've openly decided to isolate themselves. It was the only major geopolitical advantage Britain still had after it lost its empire, and he fucking blew it.
He completely fucked up generations and generations of foreign policy progress, and for what? Making his party more successful. Which it fucking isn't, so good going. Britain has been in decline for decades and it was already in dire straits, but Cameron was too blind to see that and though Britain would survive his stupid selfish political game and come out on top, because it always has. Protip: It won't, because Cameron just destroyed the reason why.
who is we? if the EU fell apart no country in Europe would trade?
>Economy crashes
>no more welfare
>chavs starve to death
>no more make work jobs for softcocked office cucks
>shitskins flee back to continental Europe for deutsch gibs
White ethnostate achieved
>it's a "German is salty as fuck about Brexit" thread.
Also, isn't Christine Lagarde still on trial for fraud?
go ahead and crash it yourself hans i'm waiting
that picture...
With the French it's advanced Gallic post-post-post-post-ironic shitposting, but the Germans are just morons.
I'm honestly becoming convinced most German's have a genetically built in desire to annihilate Europe.
Only rural and suburban retards voted brexit.
City people all voted remain.
Your gay country will be fucking arabia U stupid nigger
The same IMF that allowed Europe to ruin greece?
I suggest Brits do whatever the IMF doesnt want them to do
I'm really tired of the EU.
I didn't even vote Leave but they constantly lie and exaggerate about our dependence on the EU.
The thing that really pisses me off is the EU is literally just a bunch of fat cats on the top taking credit for all of European peoples achievements. The fucking arrogance. They even take credit for peace in our time (neglecting to acknowledge the existence of nuclear weapons).
The EU are so arrogant they assume we have no leverage at all.
We own their politicians communications. Lol. Faggots. Theresa May is certainly not above using CIA tactics. Except she is a globalist.
If we are forced to half in stay then I'm going full Machiavellian Rockwell.
A little fucked short term and better long term.
german exports benefit from the schengen zone (free movement of people), single market, and the euro currency.
Germany manufactures stuff, aiming for quality versus China's quantity. Quality is expensive. So Germany supports bringing in poor nations into the EU like greece and ukraine etc as these nations will weaken the Euro currency, making German exports cheaper for importers.
Added to this, the free movement of people, and single market means Germany can buy the majority of its resource materials cheaply in Europe (supposedly supporting local economies) and exploit cheap labour, especially in things like logistics and manual labour/retail.
This lets Germany cut costs across the board, from labour to materials, and compete with USA, India, and China (etc), by virtue of the final price being lower, while the quality is still high.
Without the EU the German economy tanks HARD.
It's essentially a smaller scale version of the USA's Petrodollar system which artificially creates demand for dollars.
You could quite easily call it currency manipulation, but only China is guilty of that goy- i mean guys.