>Republicans openly rant about destroying healthcare regularly
>Vote republican
>They want to destroy your healthcare
>Get mad
>Vote republican again next election
What the fuck is wrong with right wingers?
Republicans openly rant about destroying healthcare regularly
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I pay for my own health insurance. The amount of care I have for you to smoke meth and get free healthcare is exactly zero.
>"Republicans destroy healthcare"
How? You mean "Obamacare" that significantly raised insurance rates, among causing several other problems?
>implying destroying health care is bad
>implying we would get mad if that happened
shit thread, kys
Healthcare was destroyed long ago through government regulation. Republican efforts won't do much to reverse that, but it's still better than what the dems want.
the right wing is what supports this nation
That's precisely why the Union must be dissolved. Secession along ideological lines is the only sensible option. The right wing side will prosper, and the left wing side will starve, and both will be happy not being ruled by the other.
Republican Health Care plan is actually an improvement if you are a young & healthy (18-30) high income individual
not so much if you are old, sick & poor
ya we tried that ounce and it did not turn out so well
even if there was somehow a democratic balkinization of this country it would only be temporary due to what it takes to compete on an intentional scale
why would states compete amoungst each other while they could unite against Europe and Asia?
Get a job that provides healthcare. Problem solved.
>People get sick because they want to and are lazy
Blue states are the biggest donor states in the US, it's mostly red states that run deficits and have to rely on federal aid (which ultimately comes from blue states).
>Right wing wants to secede from the country
>Destroy themselves forever
Lol the right keeps winning! It's like you fucking morons literally are incapable of learning from history.
What was destroying health care was the garbage democrat planning. I live on Obamacare and I've been dropped by my healthcare provider. It is the only one in the state. How does Obamacare change that?
For the 1,000,000th time, this is because most of the niggers are in the south (otherwise known as red states).
Well let's do the republican healthcare plan and just make you pay out of pocket. How about that?
>States are overwhelmingly red
>But it's niggers
Logic isn't your strong suite.
I had healthcare before king nigger single handedly ruined our system and gave insurance companoes monopolies. Becaise I am white and work for a living.
Kys yourself, you lazy handout nigger.
And those states are filled with tens of millions of welfare niggers and spics that leech off of right wing earners like myself.
What's your point nigger?
See the post above you.
How about you WORK for health insurance you fucking neet ass gibs me dat
Shit. Two above you.
Yeah, everyone should have to pay out of pocket for medical care or FUCKING DIE. God, why are poor people so damn lazy??
>posts a tranny in the picture with a completely nonsensical post
Why are leftists so fucking retarded? Christ you people are seriously brain damaged, you're not even human.
I'll keep switching between the two parties until "single-payer" is what they settle on.
So the blue states are full of niggers but the red states run a deficit because of all the niggers in those states too? You two need to get your stories straight.
I'm Californian from San Jose. I earn 6 figures in the trades, and evwryone I work with is right wing and hates niggers. Including the spics. In fact spics hate niggers more than I do.
You have no argument. The democrats have created ghettos full of welfare niggers as their voting blocks to make sure democrats never lose an election... necause niggers are literally retarded.
I work at fucking Walmart, free healthcare and dental for me and my family. I'm just a cashier. Get a job.
If you weren't a retard you would understand.
>South is 60% white, 40% black
>White southerners have to deal with niggers daily
>60% are white people voting Republican and paying taxes
>40% are niggers getting government gibs
>North is 90% white, 10% black
>White northerners rarely have to see niggers
>90% are white people voting Democrat and paying taxes
>10% are niggers getting government gibs
>Republicans openly rant about destroying healthcare regularly
Way to conveniently leave out that it's certain "parts" of the healthcare system. What an insufferable faggot you must be.
quit your job
it's funner this way
Oh boy, we got a Californian right winger who hates California. So why don't you live in Alabama or Texas or Arkansas?
No. You faggots literally talk about shit like "healthcare savings accounts" and shit.
My entire family pays for our own healthcare, and yours, you waste of life.
My sister runs her own company and had to pay an $1800 fine last year for not being able to afford $600 a month insurance with a $10,000 deductible. So several sheboon godless welfare niggers can have free shit as a reward for poor life choices. Meanwhile she pays per visit in cash and it is still cheaper.
The day you commie faggots are cast into Hell will be a great day.
This, living in georgia has taught me one thing, NIGGERS ARE WORTHLESS!
No, you cretin. You pay for health INSURANCE. You are NOT paying out of fucking pocket for healthcare.
Who said I believed in universal healthcare?
Fuck that, keep the state out of it
Nigger population is highest in the south. CRAZY RIGHT?! This makes them a large enough population to break the system. Whereas California has billions in their budget because of white working men like myself.
You have to actually pay taxes to have tax revenue, you finacially illiterate nigger. In states that the population is literally half nigger the revenue is going to be nil.
Huh what are WV and Oregon doing on that list?
Fact is, republicans literally destroy economies and lower standard of living everywhere they go.
>No. You faggots literally talk about shit like "healthcare savings accounts" and shit.
And you faggots talk about universal healthcare for people that dont even pay into it like the rest of us. If you like free healthcare so much, move to Canada faggot. We aren't your fucking minorities anymore.
>this - lol = silent majority
come at me you hippies
>And you faggots talk about universal healthcare for people that dont even pay into it like the rest of us
You mean like every first world nation? Do you actually think you have an argument?
>You are NOT paying out of fucking pocket for healthcare.
Dont tell me what I do, you leftist communist cocksucker. It may seem impossible for a burden on society like yourself to comprehend earning a living, but it is people like myself that actually built this country before you filthy spic greasers showed up to destroy it.
We pay out of pocket.
>like every first world nation
i'll bet you can't name one that's not ethnically cohesive or on the brink, faggot
Look at this fucking parasite trying to justify leeching off of good hard working people.
Do the world a favor and kill yourself parasite.
So in other words you care about america but not about americans?
And yet Republicans have the nerve to say the working class and veterans are forgotten
Veterans and workers only matter during election season. Then it's back to "I got mine, why can't you get yours?"
Giving niggers handout isnt an act of love, it's an act of oppression.
Free your mind, nigger, and your ass will follow.
It all starts with getting a job and working your hardest, no matter what that job may be.
The west rose to 1st world status because of the protestant work ethic.
>Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you; Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
>And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
>Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.
>The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. {The second epistle to the Thessalonians was written from Athens.
Godless commies arent to be healed, commies are to be hanged then burned.
Fuck your socialist healthcare, pay for yourself
Then why is Illinois, a blue state, about to file for bankruptcy.
Woah, is that you, Ayn Rand?
They enjoy voting against their own interests cause "muh fox news"
It's going to the greatest deal ever in history, the biggest deal, the best deal, i make the best deals. No one is as smart as i am...
The main issue is that pharma fucks everyone with patent laws, and they end up overpricing everything, sucking the life out of the American budget.
If someone can't pay they will die and that is their own fault for having medical problems at all. It's their own fault for not having a sweet job that covers their insurance. It's your fault for getting sick or injured, not mine.
Republican logic, well, until the bill comes...
>We want to make Healthcare more affordable and better for all
>Forced to subsidize woman healthcare
>Forced to have coverage on shit that I would never need like drug addiction treatments
>Paying more than thrice of my original plan before Obamacare
>Been dropped two times because, of Obamacare is outright shit
>Have ONE insurer doing business in my county
Yeah. This thing you called healthcare faggot. Deserves to be taken around the barn and shot to death.
And yet the 3rd black states (including DC) are on that list. So you proved my point. Thanks.
You'll also find a similar trend that the states with lowest IQ, most inbred, most murders, etc. are also the blackest. Funny how that works.