
Is Sup Forums ready for the first Jewish POTUS?

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>one of the richest people alive
>wants your donations for a campaign that's still 3 years away

total jew

That shithead has less of a chance than Kanye.

This manlet sperg is so awkward and unlikeable. He'll never be president and will get annihlated in the primaries. Unless he runs 3rd party and just kills any chance the Dems have.

Remember when they donated to Bernie, lol!

This kike is worth 100 billion dollars and wants your money


every president since Woodrow Wilson has been jewish

We already have a Jewish president.

Not worried about it. If we elect Zuck the cuck I will kill myself or move away from the jewsa

>next election isn't for 3.5 years
>get a head start on campaigning by asking for donations while being one of the world's youngest billionaires
Off to a good start i'd say