How do we fix India Sup Forums?
How do we fix India Sup Forums?
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what is to fix here? He is treating a whore like a whore, what we need to fix is the white knight that is defending her.
Op is the white knight
Deaer paki OP,
Sir, must do necessary thing
Delete post, friend
Don't be make bad image of India.
Pleas CC saxy tit milk
Kindly, your friend
Education can be turned into indoctrination. The way to save mankind is BELEVOLENT TIRANY.
That isn't how fast things fall from orbit.
t. Pajeet
Idk who is cringier here Alexander or the poo in loo
Women dont like random mudz doing this but you can say the exact same things as a white chad and they love it.
>speak from experience
>Whore posts a pic of herself
>Creepy Indian sees she is a woman of little value, thus he treats her like a woman of little value
>White knight comes in to defend his little degenerate slut
I think you have it backwards OP. The white knight and whore is the one that needs to be fixed.
More like the indians overwhelmingly infatuated and a creep.
Doesn't really matter since Indians are autistic in flirting
They think the western web is one big hook up site full of pornstars. They see an average white woman and thinks shes goddess.
We should make Indian/Paki accounts to troll attention whores
>Good persanality i like you
Top kek, my fucking sides are in orbit. Poos are truly retarded.
Leave India alone. Indians living in India are not a problem for you fags.
First off, solve your Muslim problem and then we talk
How do we fix the white knights tho?
They are not only bad at flirrting,but they are pretty bad at flirting irl,I had a pic where some indian guy in a club aproached a girl and asked here would she like do suck his dick lol.
They are his wingmans. Classsic pua
its impossible
Solve your shitting in the street problem
>in a club aproached a girl and asked here would she like do suck his dick
What's wrong with that. Why are they in club anyways. Why can't we just cut to the chase and let everyone get whatever they want from each other and leave them bullshit fake games behind.
It's our problem, you shouldn't be having concern for our shithole.
An Indian in India doing the national pastime of creeping on young girls on the internet isn't as much of a problem as that cringy cunt who's one of our own.
Could the Indians out there speak to your fellow countrymen and tell them to stop calling me? It doesn't matter how often they try I do not believe they are from Telstra, Microsoft or Windows and that there's something wrong with my internet or that my computer has a virus.
>India is making a movie about poo in loo
There are loads of scam artist puas that teach indians they can all have glamour model gfs if they follow their advice.
Thats why they do this negging bullshit combined with bad english its really cringy.
The problem is being pajeet. You cant expect a succ just like that unless youre a hot guy
Kill yourself
Also how does India feel about Pakistan wrecking England's shit?
can't make this shit up
>8 inch
But hot Benjis can make up for ugliness. Don't you get that.
Agreed. I'm triggered by how he bastardizes a famous proverb to be snarky. I'm triggered by his plebbit-tier "you, sir". And I'm god damn triggered just for such white knights existing. That girl is not going to fuck him. Why can't he see that?
You make good point Pajjeet. I would happily swap all the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis for Indians. Would be like losing 1pence and finding 2pence
>It's our problem, you shouldn't be having concern for our shithole.
Good persanality i like you. Despight what /pool/ say daddy.
>Why can't he see that?
raised by a single mother probably
>declares his intent to a whore
>btfos white knight beta faggot
Now we just need to teach him how to shit in the toilet...
Fucking hell lmao
>ok rape you next week
tfw I'd have to sell my soul to the devil to have moves like that.
Are these satire? I cannot believe they actually write shit like this and think it's okay.
Does anyone have a greentext about how one indian guy is trying to get a girl that he was been in love for almost a decade and after she got a bf he got all depresed,if so pls post I need a good laugh
I have been looking for this all week.
this one?
That's pretty good.
*breaths in*
Man, I love Pajeets and le lulz they are bringing to the world.
Delete this. Its too much for any one man to wrap his fucking head around. I'm starting to get dizzy.
Why do the Indians do this?
shrikant is a legend
>do milk
It always gets me
What's life in Moldova like user?
>be pajeet
>get rained on by poo from the sky
Do milk
Poos are too alpha for women to handle
Thank you!! I was looking for it too
Probably great. Cat Goddess is from Moldova.
Pajeet please.
what's with the indians and milk wtf
The fucking comments on this lol;
>I feel ashamed when mom pee in public... ...we should have toilet for Cows as well.
They think cows are holy and sacred, so probably that?
muh sides
This is from the same guy who made that cow toilet comment
>Mr.canadian Akshay kumar you should be ashamed of yourself.just for selling your movie u are ruining India Name? you are showing the whole world that we Indians dont have toilets? We are poor sick n our country is Worst than Ever? What you want to prove with this type of movie??! All other country people make fun of us? This is what you want ? If u r so concerned about toilet awareness u shud do something in real life for them n not just make movie to earn big bucks by showing the world that we Indians dont have toilets. Already many country people r taunting n making fun of us for not having toilets . You are canadian but u live in india dont forget this we indians gave u name n local fame have atleast some dignity n shame . Dont ever try to fool us again by doing fake charity. You are snake of our country coz of ppl like u we Indians have to face so many bad things in our life . Go to canada n do movies on shit n etc dont ruin my country name .
if i send u frnd request than what u do"
had me dying
What the fuck is going on here. It's almost like a person having a conversation with themselves.
Whats with finns and milk
If they drink enough of it people will think they're white
wait, let me get this clear: the girld could've easily block him both on facebook and phone, could ask her dad for help, could ask het bf to help, could to hang out the phone everytime hi's calling, could be sure to hide her info better on all the social media and to ask het fb freinds to not give any information to which will lead of revealing of her perspmality, and in the end could've complain to police for stalking... and shit did nothing... that whore just liked the idea of being a indea fix for a guy, that all. Typical woman over there.
And her bf is a bloody cuck.
Whats with confederates and milk
Supreme gentleman vs Poo in loo, who would win in a fight?
Supreme gentleman killed 3 pure blood chinese with his bear hands.
Though indians are pretty sneaky and know gay karmasutra rape.
I've seen White people say the same things in better English.