Kiwi/pol/ General - Auckland Hosuing Edition

Kiwi/pol/ General every night until Election Night

>Election Date - 98 Days Remaining
Saturday, 23 September 2017
>Register to Vote

>Latest Poll - Newshub Reid Research - 15 June
National - 47.4
Labour - 26.4
Greens - 12.5
NZ First - 9.4
Maori - 0.7
ACT - 0.9
United Future 0.3

>UK assigns Kiwi to top trade negotiation role

>Who's up and who's down in NZ politics?

>Rogue landlords on the taxpayers' payroll

>Simon Bridges defends attempt to block OIA request

>Internet Party's new leader is a citizen journalist living in Russia

>New $59 million weapons package begins Defence Force rollout

>Flights cancelled, delayed by fog at Auckland Airport

>From business leader to behind bars: The fall of Nelson hospitality boss Paul Max

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>greens with 12.5%

who the fuck evens vote greens? never in my life have I met a cunt whos ever voted in the green party for their whole life

I know a girl who wants to vote greens because weed fuck yeah

I was more implying the fact that (((they))) could potentially be installing the green party to parliament every election to dilute NZF, but I guess dumbcunts like her are part of their small electorate.

Is she the only person you know? Cause never in my life have I met a person who's voted or had intentions to vote for the Greens.

Afternoon lads

You guys keep this up please?
About time you lot got a general.

What's the current situation on Maori crime in around Auckland?

its only Indians getting robbed so its fine

This was today. Just look at the main video

think you meant

Fuck I hope he wins

is he going to let me in or what

Fuck off, we are full

>Fuck off, we are full
yet backs mr 70k asian migration a year

Where's the best place to move when the Marxist revolution officially begins? It should be as close to old NZ as possible.
On a similar note my best mate here has stopped talking to me because I wouldn't recognize my white privilege.

Fuck off, look at that face, if the establishment was a face, that is it.

Which party is thw good one?

Then you'll want to be down south, Dunedin or lower, that's old NZ where the marxist and immigration bullshit hasn't reached yet.

NZ First.

NZ first. The guy has a dodgy past with campaign donations so hes potential establishment but hes the best we've got.
(By best I mean closest to pre-elected Trump.)


All of them are shit.

quick rundown on this guy please

So is our Labor Party like Jeremy Corbyn's labor party?

Inherited the position from John Key, last time he ran National he basically fucked it, he's quite unpopular and is just a political who use to be a farmer.

Kind of, one of the political analysts said our politicians are way too boring for them to get a similar Corbyn result.

Catholic. Deeply religious and conservative, dairy farmer from Southland. Hates faggots and sjws.

Hes a good guy in my book.

So in a way like Corbyn's labor, ours has some form of Marxist/Leninist ideologues?
He was the head of the Ministry of Finance before he assumed the position, I think he still is but don't quote me on that.

Not really, its pretty fringe area because life is pretty good here compared to the UK, so its not as radical as Corbyn's Labour, more of a toned down NZ version.

He's not as popular as Key, but I wouldn't say he's unpopular, especially compared to the other candidates.


He was the finance minister under Key, but has now been succeeded by Steven Joyce.

At least we don't have SJW's calling for the resignation of Bill English.... Yet.

He's still riding off Key's popularity, but if he wasn't against Little, he'd be down in the dumps.

What's the deal with Andrew Little anyway?

if you dont hate chinks and are not voting winston peters kill yourself


>Poo in loo national door knockers out in force today
Told 'em to fuck off. They are the brown man's party now.

Labour is adopting the policies of Green and NZ First in an attempt to gain voters. Andrew Little has a weak personality and his face isn't as memorable as Bill English's or Winston Peter's.

chekd and keked

Reminder that these billboards will be out in force soon.

is it degenerate to destroy these?

Checked. Triple 8, lucky Chinese numbers.

Labour had a Samoan and a few maori billboards last election.

Also ACT appeal to Chinese bananas, the ones who want to close the immigrant door behind them. Might surprise you to know but most Chinks here hate the new arrivals because they're 'too Chinese'.

Not necessarily, but instead of sending a message you're likely to rally solidarity amongst the Chinese community. It'll be criticised as racism.

I've heard rumours about the last thing you said, I hope it's true. I have no problem with the Chinese community, but ACT seems to want to increase the immigrant quota.

What does ACT plan to do about rich Chinese nationals buying property when they don't live in NZ?

You know one of the best parts about New Zealand is our founding documents label us as a bicultural nation, meaning white european and the maori. Essential means SJW, or any sort of chinese/indian/islam/etc political movement can't do shit, or try and make us adopt multicultural laws, welcome to the future lads, the last bastion of white civilization.

Just saw the natives get BTFO lads. Fucking wog team shouldn't even exist

Nothing, ACT is for smaller government and less interference, so nothing, instead probably make it easier for them to do it.

>the feeling you just want to pay less tax

I have to be honest I'm unsure about ACT policy. Part of me likes that they're further right than any party. Either way my party vote is either going to the Nationals but more likely NZ First

I do have a Chinese mate (he's Kiwi thru and thru, even his parents were born here) he said that there's a lot of tension between Chinks who have been here 10-20-30 years and the one who are arriving. They see the newcomers as not having any interest in NZ lifestyle, that they come here, don't learn English, scam their way with dodgy deals and generally just shit the place up. They also think these new guys are giving the established Chinese community a bad name, just by association.

So yeah, most Chinks here want to more immigration from mainland China.

>label us as a bicultural nation,
you never actually read the treaty did you

Nice try, Zhang. All chinks need to go back. This is a white man's country.

>So yeah, most Chinks here want NO more immigration from mainland China.

Fucking shitty autocorrect on my phone

Treaty of Waitangi
Basis of relationship between the Crown and Maori tribes, meaning in no way can the Maori position within New Zealand be diminished, thus, bi-cultural.

>meaning in no way can the Maori position within New Zealand be diminished, thus, bi-cultural.
The hell are you talking about all the treaty claims is that maori land will not be taken for no reason and that all maori are to become subjects of the queen

It is reference about the Maori having protected representation in Parliament through Maori electorates, the Maori position can't be diminished or else we've essentially broken the deal, which they'll rape us in the courts over. No culture can be placed above Maori or European.

National is for more Chinese more shit Ponzi economy, more shitty housing.

NZ first is the opposite.

>It is reference about the Maori having protected representation in Parliament through Maori electorates,
thats a bloody lie its nowhere in the treaty gives them any "Partnership" or co-ruling

It's argued that the Treaty of Waitangi establishes a particular expectation for the Crown to protect the rights of Māori, the debate is about which cultures should get official recognition from the state.

I remember when I was young learning we had 3.5 million people in this country. Weird to think we will hit 5 million next year.

I always thought we could sustain 10 mil easily. But after seeing how all these new immigrants live (shitty box housing that looks like slums) I realise I was an idiot. I'd be happy for us to close the doors, we don't need any more people coming here, I'd even be happy if we could stop all the Kiwis flooding back from Australia.

>It's argued that the Treaty of Waitangi establishes a particular expectation for the Crown to protect the rights of Māori,
the rights that it extends to maori is only the same that it extends to the rest of the crowns subjects

What city are you in now?

If we can get over this bump of Kiwis coming back, and close the doors, we should be fine. We can't rely on immigration with an odd 90,000 youth unemployed.

Hates New Zealand and loves foreign money

how can anyone hate new zealand?
and where is old zealand located?


Can you not make another general?

I already have britpol, auspol, and eirepol filtered.


These threads are so unimportant,

Late reply but been in Auckland my whole life.

I'm still up! That sucks man. Hope you can find some new friends who won't drop you over bullshit.

no its just a anglicized version of the dutch Zeeland

bump for you sheep shaggers

I have in the last 2 elections