White should take Islam and be the caliphate. You will be better off liberal dipshits. We hate them too don't worry. I would love to see a White Caliphate after all a Mongol did. Also we did for you a tremendous job in Spain.
European Caliphate
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have you been to canada? it's getting there
We know this won't go well if I did.....
Rejoice dear Sup Forumsacks, even if mudlimes do not lose their cultural war for the West, they'll lose big time.
Hear me out, even if the disgusting culture of islam does not fail in taking the West, they'll just get fucked by their own dick in the result of their own inbreeding and stone age view on shit.
So for you mudslimes (if you identify with islam, not necessarily if you were born into it), good luck keeping yourself from killing each other en mass like the apes you are (like you always did all thru out your history), and all you eurotrash sons of muslim migrants who think islam is so good cuz is part of your cultural background but at the same time you got used to drink and fuck slutty girls and enjoy music and a relative degree of freedom, if the ideology of your pedophile warlord piece of shit prophet that you love so much takes hold you can kiss all that shit goodbye cuz sharia police will be on your case like a fly on a turd.
And if you think islam will mean peace if all the ppl are mudslimes, just look at the history of every piece of shit muslim country after they become muslim (and specially look at Saudi Arabia), and look at how racist among yourselves you are.
Either way, you're fucked like goats in a mudslime country, enjoy your jihad while the only true god Kek decides if you win or if Western values win, cuz either way you are irremediably fucked. Shadilay.
And if Western values do not win, when you see yourself living in the the piece of shit living conditions of a islamic country and you think that perhaps that is a bad idea, remember this:
Apostasy motherfucker, you're there forever...
Arabs lived in shit conditions its nothing for us. We took your empires with shitty armies and would do it again. Anyway, give Andalusia Back you portofag. You are probably of Muzzie descendant.
The whole chopping off your foreskin thing is a big issue, hating dogs would be a problem too.
Yes, living in the shit is nothing for you cuz shit does well in shit, little pig.
PS: Go kys so more and more ppl see what your stupid ass religion and pedo prophet for what it really is. islam = submission = war, go fuck a goat ahmed
Don't act like ou don't do it christians. Besides, you can have a dog but you need to wash 7 times for prayers. Except if he serves an important role in hunting or guarding and even guiding the blinds
Calling me a pig while you are half of your body is from it is pretty Ironic. And Egypt is 10% Christians which close the case of submission but look at Peru or Mexico where no other religion is there because of Christians genocide
"tremendus job" creating most catholic country in the world
I always wanted to ask a real muslim this: I don't have any beard growth at all. The only thing I can grow is a thich mustache and basically a little patch on my chin. Muslims have no mustache and a full neckbeard ear-to-ear. Would I be allowed to keep my mustache? Can muslims be clean shaved?
The beard is a sunnah which means it's not necessary but loved. That's why many religious Muslims grow it. Mustache growing is hated so it's not a big sin to grow it but it will be a minor for you.
English, do you speak it abdul? kys pls
Why would I give up delicious bacon and booze and adopt a religion of pedos and goatfuckers?
Nah lad. I fancy keeping the end of my dick (muzzies cut theirs off like kikes and Americans) and I'm not a goat or kiddy banger like Pakis.
We could kill Libshits with you. Yeah that would be Fun.
But we could also kill you AND the Libshits.
I don't think you fully understand what would happen to you, if we suddenly became the big cheese (literally in my case).
Shia's and Sunni's have been killing eachother for eons, could you imagine what would happen if we threw in a third party, hell bent on being the best of the best?
You'd be purged in your sleep and nobody to stop it since all the libs are dead.
>Happy to live in shit conditions.
>Can't figure out living in shit conditions will eventually kill you.
Good job.
Eat more bacon salami licker.
you have to blow someone.. up.
The problem with Islam is that if we accept it we have to accept the retarded, inbred, luddite, completely dysgenic and nearly useless(except as bad guys) middle eastern adherents of it.
Better to use you morons to kill off our weak people and turn the rest against the Marxists in our ranks who enable you, and then kill you all.