What do we do with this fucking nigger?? why does he keep attacking us. Does he hate the Constitution?
..the only things i care about are GOD EMPEROR TRUMP and Kekistan
Realize he's right
These fucks had registered the free Laura dot com domain hours before she was arrested. (((((Feigned outrage for $$$$$$)))))
>checks flag
How many attempts at manufacturing drama are you fags going to try before realizing it doesn't actually work?
we just want to expose that everyone besides Kekistanis is Gerbills and friggin nazis
jews to the left of me, kikes to the right
Here I am...
spence has been salty as duck tonight
wrong fucking website
take your stupid kekistan ebin memes somewhere else
Kill yourself
slide thread reported and saged
DICK Spencer is just UN-AMERICAN. He HATES Western values. He hates immigrants. I just want the illegals out. Millions can pour in from Bangladesh and Laos for all I care - so long as they do it LEGALLY. Yeah, I suppose gay rights. So want? I love the gay community. The terrorists hate us, because we're free. We must defend the Constitution, because it's always interpreted in favor of the Left. Yeah, the Democrats are the real RACISTS. Harriet Tubman would have been a Republican.
Not understanding that leftist shills are consistently looking for ways to grief us into slide threads by using shitty Bait and this new fandangled kekistan flag as a easy trigger for all you 2016 nu posting cunts.
Spencer is being exposed as a homo in real time
>an easily falsifiable text conversation is evidence
okay then
Per Wiki regarding Lucian: "Wintrich's paternal grandfather, Jerzy Einhorn, was a medical doctor born into a Jewish family"
kek is just how you say "lol" in world of Warcraft to the opposing faction (or just horde speaking to alli?) and not this gay shit.
I have no idea how some of the useful idiocy from kekistan fags ever started with the appeal being so ridiculous.
It's not even fun to feel bad for them anymore, it's just depressing on a few different levels...
Did he just call out bunch of jews?
spencer has always come off as gay also check those numbers, they dont lie
Paid opposition calling other paid opposition
Get the fuck off of my Sup Forums you disgusting larping virgins
>not understanding that kekistan is a joke to ridicule the SJW's identity politics bullshit
Honestly, pol is filled with idiots.
I think everyone gets it, it's just not funny. It's like the special olympics of comedy, a good joke but it's being told by retards.
Capitulate don't discriminate!
He's not wrong, but he's still not one of ours. One tweet isn't going to change the fact he's still pro-Israel, and sympathizers get the gas first.
stuck in the middle of hell
>I don't like this joke therefore no one else should be able to like or enjoy it
Suck my dick
Kekniggers don't get how manipulation and psyops work, and rely on spam instead. It is a shame they started here. Guess the TRS infiltration killed the movement before it ever could grow. Kek is a chaos god, not a bunch of underaged larpers
Kekistan is a place where Kek takes dead minorities.
I'm sure Dicky Spence will suck it for you.
thats right, fuck this cuck antisemite
>What do we do with this fucking nigger??
I know I'm asking for the impossible, but you can start by giving 0 fuck about people hot opinions on fucking Twitter.
ok I'm convinced he's controlled opposition
this is the perfect strategy. continue with this
Could be a legit idealogue though, loyal to the ideas vs being politically practical and the splintering he does alright you're probably right
The more time that passes, the more I am convinced Richard Spencer is controlled opposition.
His job being to take the organic movement of new age conservatism and drag it into the dregs of race baiting for eternity.
Well he is right about that.
>new age conservatism
define it
what sets it apart from classical conservatism?
>the american right begins widespread demographic and ideological reform
>gains power and influence
>organic movements utilize the internet in a fashion which easily outmaneuver the leftist commie faggots
>proceeds to then fracture itself rather than coalesce under a series of common goals (learning nothing from the current implosion of the 'progressives')
you don't slander, denigrate and attack, you provide a reason for people to believe in what you stand for
yes, frog memes are the cornerstone of every serious movement SHADYLAY!
It's how often he shits on other ppl associated with trump, could be that he's actually fed up with the cernovich brand monkey mindset schtick in his feed and if he came here during the election much etc though. Maybe he's legitimately the hitler theater type who wants everything to be perfect and pure and all that. DONT KNOW
Many sides
>not recognizing him as controlled opposition the moment he was thrust into the limelight as a Nazi white supremacist but wasnt savaged and left for dead by the media
They smeared him just enough for it to look genuine, but we all know that if he wasn't being protected, he would be torn to shreds if only for the ratings, political motivations aside
He lays the irony on too thick. How do you not see it you moron.
I don't like Richard Spencer, but he isn't wrong.
>Spencer talking about zionists
Fuck all this e celeb cancer
he's dead right. Trump isn't doing anything for the cause.
stfu newfag.GET OUT
fuck off nazi, your identity politics alienates normal people
Fallacy. detected Non-whites aren't people.
Milo is suddenly a pervert? He he, Trump is elected and no one cares about grassroot ethnonationalists anymore. Oy vey!
is Milo the pedo faggot a US citizen?
/ourpedo/, /basedpedo/
Sorry, I should clarify.
I mean the next generation of conservatives. His job as I see it is that he is attempting to hijack the rise of young, new conservatives who would actively and successfully criticize current government systems (because God only knows how the Left's critcisms always devolve into "we need more government over our roof"). These new conservatives growing up in the age of the internet are able to share and develop the ideals layed out in the Constitution and classical liberalism, where liberty and invidivual freedom are prized much higher than most other values. In doing so, they will actually be the successors to running the U.S. government and leading the way for genuine change in direction of American policies, both domestic and abroad.
In order to prevent this serious change, the introduction of race baiting arguments were put into place. Now this is different from genuine issues about race in America. These race baiting arguments demand a complete ethnostate of whites and ultimately have a goal of creating a racist society, in the most real terms.
If these arguments are put forth and implanted in the new generation of conservative Americans, this will make media headlines, and racism will be the dominant issue to consume them indefinitely. In this way, the entire new generation of conservative Americans, young people who have the intellect and history to make real change in government, will be discredited publicly and forced to argue about race, preventing them from discussing meaningful issues and actually proposing solutions.
TL;DR Spencer is controlled opposition to hijack conservative youths because young conservatives are competent people who will actually cause change in politics.
lmao, what trumpflakes actauly believe about their shitty meme activism
He fucking hates kekistanis because they Cuck on Race issues.
The violent radical left are allowed to do whatever they want, they are quietly condoned from normal liberals and Leftists.
But when the Right Radicals go out, you get fucking cucks like the Oafkeepers and 3%ers trying to disavow.
Like as if these groups will ever be legit in the Leftists eyes.
it's fucking disgusting watching the Right disavow while the left let's their guys literally commit murder.
Read this to see what the Radical Left have known for fucking years, and why the Right will lose, even when it gets violent.
The Right cannot organise, the Left can. Especially a violent Revolution.
richard spencer is a clone of bill clinton.
b-but muh guns and the cuntstitution!
>richard spencer is a clone of bill clinton.
for when bills organs fail.
Oh look. A jew doing some fine subverting
The author here talks about leftist political violence from the 1960s to the 1980s and how they got away with it. Spoiler alert they had institutional help.
His latest photos show he is significantly thinner. He must have taken the fat shoops to heart and gone on a hard diet. He's probably extremely hangry.
On the far right, people are more weary of Spencer because of his shady connection with intelligence agencies.
Regardless, you make an interesting point. However, it's important to shape the political future of the next generation in a way that reduces the amount of compromises they are willing to make. If all that matters is the constitution and universal human rights, the white population will become a minority regardless of whether the left or the right is in charge in the US. Israel will still be first. 2nd amendment will be further amended.
"Race baiting" as you call it is extremely important right now. Compromise = death.
stop trying so hard
>this thread
Can't we just accept the others as useful idiots and move on?
Lol you mean THIS Generation are finally gonna implement the true conservative plan that they've been trying to do for half a century lol. Yeah, all you needed was Sup Forums right!!
You have no idea what your up against. The Left are fighting for their lives in their minds while YOU are fighting for lower taxes and muh Constitution lol
You are turning up to a knife fight with a marshmallow dildo ffs
Good luck
I'll watch from the sidelines as that dildo gets shoved up your fucking Anus, while the Leftist with zir hand up your crack says, "the slippery slope was real, hahahaha".
I just got that book, haven't started it yet though. Leftist terrorists get government and university jobs when they leave jail. And these cucks think normal politics can beat that lol
Richard Spencer is rebranding more and more towards the FrogTwitter lit community.
He's right tho
>new age conservatism
>just like the old conservatism, but with more Israel
hahaha fuck off
I can't pretend to know how to beat them, but I know what doesn't work. Voting for Republicans and Tories hasn't helped.
Frogniggers GTFO. Pepe has outstayed his welcome. Any meme that becomes popular on Reddit is already dead and no longer funny.
..stuck in the middle with jew
I say..
Ever seen The Thing?
The scene where they test everyone's blood to find out if they are secretly the monster?
The 14 Words are like that.
Anyone who isn't expressly about protecting or furthering the white race should be regarded as questionable.
>The Thing
I'll have to watch it.
>young conservatives are competent people who will actually cause change in politics.
lol who?
>pretending that race will ever triumph over the constitution
Try having your alt-reich revolution, and you will be dealt with like the traitor you are.
As white people caring about their future becomes mainstream I predict more and more guys like Spencer will be forced out by normies who will flex on him. He was a good canary.
>random twitter conservatives
Liberia had the same Constitution as US until the 1980s. That's all you need.
Pot meet kettle - loomer a zionist fascist?
Why for interrupting their masturbatory aid of a play where they scream and cheer for the spilled blood of a trump look alike yea shes the fascist alright
You only care about fitting in after a lifetime of being bullied at school and shunned by society
I could've sworn this guy was banned from Twitter.
Anyways, he's controlled opposition.
Let him sperg out, I don't like when he acts like this, but it makes sense to keep up a firm line between alt-right/light for media appearances.
As long as we don't start actively obstructing each other (e.g., 8gaggle) it's not bad.
Cerno has obvious credibility issues, but otherwise I like everyone named (no clue who the 4th is)
She's a snowflake triggered by a play and stooping to Veritas levels of attention whoring
>goFundme account because I'm triggered
He has always been an agent working for the left, he tried to destroy Trump in the election and everything he does is to hurt the right.
He is a leftist.
And yet he has done more for our cause than you.
Holy shit I agree with this wholeheartedly. It's Trumpism 101. Make large demands, negotiate inward. Never saw someone explain why I feel on the fence so eloquently.
Day of the rope for Kekistanis when?
He's right though
Kekistan is a forced meme and pushed by faggots like Sargon
>checks flag
OP is a faggot
you are a faggot you nazi
>using a kekistani flag to hide your real flag
What'cha doing there Shlomo?