
Can we get this meme going again? Kikes have always been the biggest proponents of open borders in the west. Why can't they just fuck off back to their own ethnostate? What's the fucking point of them even having one if they're still going to ruin our countries? Fuck them all

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eat shit

You and I both know your days are numbered. You are even losing sympathy of normies quite quickly. How many nations have you been expelled from again?

>"color doesn't matter; ideology does"
>ignores major correlation between ideology and color throughout history

Your people have never been forward thinking. You will destroy yourselves.


It's remarkable that they've been able to come out on top despite being such short term thinkers. For being absolute retards they are pretty clever.

>What's the fucking point of them even having one if they're still going to ruin our countries?
its good for us . also israel already has open borders for jews as it should be and as it will remain.

If only we could do that in the west

Remember when little man quit breitbart to white knight for whatever that big tittied bitchs name is.

That being said the holohoax and flooding the west with refuges was absolutely masterful kikery. Truly effective. It will lead to their destruction one day though.

Of course a jew doesn't care he can flee to israel.

wtf, why aren't the libtards saying anything about this shit?

>Quitting breitbart right before they take the whitehouse
That has to be the biggest self own in the universe.

Only Goyimization matters.

Goyimization provides a standard economic credit to all that contribute within society and conform to the requirements of the Chosen that is equal in measure and distribution and negates wealth in-equality, this is based upon minimum requirements which serve to end obesity and confront materialism.

Goyimization recognizes the worthlessness of all Spiritual beliefs in comparison to the Righteousness of the Chosen, that all such superstitions are equally irrelevant and a product of the entertainment industry, that which is indistinguishable is the indivisible, all personal beliefs are the same.

Goyimization offers a non-Discriminatory basis towards all sexual morals and parameters with regards to age, gender, ethnicity,species, it also encourages the recognition of the sexual requirements of others and the putting aside of personal discriminatory preferences, in this way ending rape.

Goyimization embraces all genetically challenged individuals towards a collective homogenization were no person need any longer feel inferior thus ending all feelings of personal inadequacy, no longer will physical characteristics be ridiculed or intellectual capabilities derided, the lowest common denominator will prevail.

Your day is coming you filthy rat!

As the holocaust survivors die the rage that was there before the event has returned. It wasn't random coincidence they have been booted from nearly every nation on the globe throughout history.

stop whining, sore loser white boy
maybe if your faggot ancestors weren't so obsessed with MUH HONESTY and MUH HONOR, they wouldn't have been gullible enough to get permanently assraped by the Jews
by crying about it instead of taking it in stride, all you're doing is reaffirming their decision to exterminate you

Because the kikes are the libtards. They control the media and the establishment who in turn controls the libtards.

He realized he didn't have the power there he thought/wanted. He hated Bannon too, and talk major shit about him when he left.

>white niggers don't exist
>based brown people don't exist

It's true that behaviors correlate closely with race, because people of the same race often share the same cultures. Behavior is the metric to measure the value of people, though, not race.

Your whiteness doesn't make you a good person. Doing "white" things like obeying the law, working a job, getting educated, honoring your marriage, raising your kids, and protecting your family and country make you a good person.

It may be that whites are more likely to do those things, but it's not because they are white and not brown colored.

Israel will be retaken by muslims or destroyed within our lifetime

>color doesn't matter ideology does. its a shame that most of these said people vote democrat and are liberal

The kikes need to destroy whites because whites are civilization, whites are the pillars that modern society and economics run on

The kikes need whites gone so they can take over white technology, white economics, white power and use it to wipe out every non-kike

The kikes need civilization to end so they can rebuild it in their vision without the west hindering them


>be Jewish
>believe the tribes of Israel are God's chosen people
>don't bother trying to convert outsiders
>ethnicites don't matter

we have an army (which is one of the world's best or at lest top 5), there are no current muslim countries with a military ( or at lest a competent one ) so no.

Then you will be simply wiped off the earth with a nuke. Either way it will happen within our lifetime

you need to start taking in muslims you rat kike

>Color doesn't matter. You're all goyim


So by saying this, you admit that we are 100% right in doing everything in our power to destroy the kikes, regardless of morality or ethical concerns, right?

You sound like one of those faggots who complains about it when we do something "hypocritical," when in actually we're just fighting effectively against our enemies using their own tactics.

I'm glad I have your tacit approval, shitskin. We might've stumbled, but we're not out of the game yet. If there's one rule of history it is that the white man is never truly defeated.

That's not going to matter a whole lot when the Iranians nuke Jerusalem.

Turn off your proxy, Ahmed.

iranians have no nukes , or people intelligent and competent enough to make any.
and if they do manage to buy and bribe their way into having nukes , look up operation opera and operation orchard , history repeats senpai . theres no legitimate reason any country other then israel should have nuclear weapons .


Dirty little kike. I bet he wouldn't feel so carefree if suddenly all kikes were turned Sumerian black

You realize this is a good thing for Israel, right? The brown people are the right-wing nationalists, and the Ashkenazi are the leftist Arab sympathizers

Your Orthodox Welfare Queens and Arab populations are growing faster than the productive classes in your country. Tel Aviv itself already looks like a dump, and from what I have heard, you guys have your own share of African refugees bumming about aimlessly. Even Netanyahu and the Likud government have displayed concern about these trends. It isn't looking good for you Goldberg.

The Ashkenazi are the intelligent ones though, that can't be good for anyting.

Hes a kike what did you expect

You are worse than a kike, you are, dare I say, a commie.

Brown people ideologies lean almost exclusively left.
Now what, Ben?

The problem with the #OpenBordersforIsrael is that Israel is already like 25% Muslim.
That's way more proportionally than the UK, US, and even France have (for now).

this is what (((civic nationalists))) actually believe

It was masterful kikery but the long term result has been pretty bad. They're now surrounded by enemies who want to nuke them into oblivion and their safezones are rapidly being flooded by Muslims who hate them.

Not long ago some dune coons literally went into a kike's apartment and threw her out the window.

I can't find the tweet - did he delete it?