ISIS Claims First Operation In Israel, 1 Policewoman Killed
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I can't help but think of the jews realizing that it was a little suspicious that israel hadn't been attacked yet, and thinking they need to compensate
Sup Forums has been saying Israel is behind ISIS and now ISIS has attacked Israel. Apologize!
Does this mean things might ACTUALLY start to happen?
General kikery seems to be that they antagonize and manipulate those they deem stupider than them, it backfires, and then they get banished, repeat step A.
Did you guys read the article? It says that basically Hamas says it's BS and they are actually responsible.
>Oh shit ISIS is getting credit for doing what we do but they're more dangerous than we and are stealing our thunder!
>uhh... n-no it was us! We did it!
1 woman only ?
Nice try shlomos but should have killed at least 20 to make it somewhat believable
Just as it's odd Iran has yet to attack Israel, read a map for once.
This is to cover for isis apologizing to Israel a few months back from bombing part of a wall. The "policewoman" was probably a Palestinian anyway.
Likely a false flag, considering that ISIS never once even touched Israel even at the height of its power. It is an ill-kept secret, after all, that Israel supported syrian "rebels", including ISIS with weapons and medical aid.
The other alternative would be ISIS finally going rogue on their benefactors, now that they are about to get vanquished; it wouldn´t be the first time, even, that a useful tool turns upon its owner. Bin Laden and his taliban friends were useful for the west too, once, after all.
the falsest of flags
Straight to archive
ISIS has never touched Iran either, again do people not look at maps, ISIS has no territory touching Iran or Israel so how can they attack them?
The question is: why would they attack them when they are allies if not just a proxy army?
#2 news.antiwar.com
>The question is: why would they attack them when they are allies if not just a proxy army?
Because they're just going to use this as justification to bomb some palestinians?
Are you really that dense?
They're trying to make a causal bridge of bullshit between ISIS and Palestine like dubya did with iraq.
>ISIS has never touched Iran either
The ISIS conspiracy makes no sense because for the most part ISIS has spent the better part of its existence jerking off in the desert with their child brides and having fun torturing people than actually gaining any real strategic land or challenging Assad for Supremacy.
The area is so worthless and barren not even Assad or the Russians have been in any hurry to capture it back, if Israel really wanted to destroy the Syrian regime they'd be funding the Kurds and the mainstream rebels who ARE a threat to Assad.
No, you are dense fr assuming this is all about Palestine. Palestine is under their control for decades. They kill and expand as much as they like without real opposition.
So ISIS just stole weapons from Israel?
The Qatar situation happened because they were acting as a money hub for ISIS funds coming out of KSA and Israel. Some NSA documents about this whole operation are about to be leaked and it looks really bad for all involved. The Saudi reacted with their diplomatic dog and pony show and now Israel steps it up by sacrificing one of their own in a false flag attack.
time to die for israel. see you in the middle east, boys.
Everybody wins.
neither of them is responsible , its 2 fags from the west bank . if you look at the attacks in recent years its usually loners from the west bank , the only times someone claims responsibility for these attacks is if the attacked said something about them on social media before , there was never an actual connection and planning by the organization .
one of them probably gave a like to isis on facebook
#saynotohate #notallmuslims #diversity #religionofpeace #keepcalm
either this or invade qatar
which one will it be, Sup Forums?
Surely this is a false flag? ISIS are allies of the United States, Saudi Arabia and of course, Israel. ISIS does the dirty work of these three in Syria and of course internationally
Arabs accuse Israel of shenanigans, what else is new.
I'd take the ISISpiracy more seriously if Muslims didn't already blame a Jewish plot on everything from a shitty harvest season to shark attacks in the Red Sea.
Does ISIS territory touch Paris?
So according to your theory, Arabs faked the weapons to make them look like Israeli weapons? Are you running for the best goy championships, or what?
A snapchat photo of one mine with Hebrew writing is supposed to prove what exactly? I could get my hands on an RPG with Arabic writing, take a picture and make up anything I want too.
I guess you also believe the Arab media when they claimed Israel was using GPS controlled sharks to kill tourists in Egypt.
Or to continue that, may favorite is Coca Cola secretly contains pork and the logo script is a hidden insult to Mohammed, Muslims are fucking nuts bro.
Isn't that basically true for most of ISIS' terror attacks though?
It's usually some Muslims that may swear allegiance to ISIS, but not recieve training and instructions beyond "go kill the infidels".
I hate Arabs and Jews equally. But those weapons are Israeli and Israel would not let anyone take them to take pictures. Much less the enemy troops. Just stop dancing around the elephant in the room. You're trying too hard to be a good goy.
First operation inside Israel. They've shot rockets into Israel before.
And you're trying too hard to believe the Syrian government's word on anything. I'm not saying Israel doesn't lie or deceive but as a whole Arabs have less credibility just because they throw out the wackiest conspiracies for everything.
The "Israel created ISIS" is a perfect example of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, actually if anything it would be funny if if WERE true and after 60 years of silly bullshit the Arabs were right for once but because most people don't believe a word they say anymore it's a hallow protest.
It could be some old Israeli equipment that was left behind or taken in one of our wars.
>shot into
Shooting things into a place means you're operating from outside of that place
How transparent is this? Attacking themselves to try and gain sympathy and play victim once again. When will the jews ever stop?
>says ISIS never attacked Iran when it did.
>dismisses ISIS apologizing to Israel when they attacked one their units by mistake.
>dismisses Israeli intel chief saying they don't want ISIS to lose.
>dismissed Israeli weapons being used by ISIS in Iraq.
>dismissed Israeli weapons being used by ISIS in Syria.
>calls it the wackiest conspiracies.
You are either not smart enough to connect the dots or you're a kike yourself. Pick one.
Of course it could. It's normal to leave functional equipment behind. Your country would never lie and be involved in war through deception, would it?
>"By way of deception thou shalt do war"
>No weapons have ever been captured in war or salvaged from warzones
there's actual attacks that were organized by actual members of isis . but you're right to say that most attacks made by 1/2 people are just achmeds that liked isis on facebook.
also if you look at the achmeds doing terrorism they're usually losers by mudslime standards . mudslimes did a smart thing in telling losers that allahu ackbaring yourself on infidels wipes away all the bad shit you did in your life , they are getting rid of the losers of their society and killing their enemies and can still claim to be a religion of peace because they acted alone.
A fully loaded truck with ammo for RPGs and mines just randomly appears in Syria. Fuck off kike. Shouldn't you be killing Palestinians?
So it took ISIS 5 years to launch a strike within Iran, just as long as to hit Israel. All it proves is one thing, the Islamic State is separated from Israel & Iran by geography and relies on lone wolves to do their outside work, they however as an army CAN'T strike either country because they control no territory next to them.
Also if Israel created ISIS why be so open about it like you claim with their intel chiefs? Saying you don't want ISIS to lose is not the same as creating them.
Also at the end of the day, the million dollar question, why are tens of thousands of Muslims doing the bidding of Jews?
Nice try but we all know whos really behind ISIS.
(((They))) must be getting pretty nervous with all those people asking the right questions and Stone recently having that argument that was pulled of the air to stage an ISIS attack to divert suspicion.
>Take a bunch of old weapon salvaged from various places in a truck
>Oh wow, now the truck is full of weapons
That says jack shit on how they got the weapons.
LOL this image
Ash is condensed, it wouldn't reach that high and would blow away in the wind
stupid naziboos
>Also if Israel created ISIS why be so open about it like you claim with their intel chiefs?
Why would any Israeli want Muslim terrorists to win a war? Aren't Jews and Muslims supposed mortal enemies? Think about it for a second.
>why are tens of thousands of Muslims doing the bidding of Jews?
What is extremist propaganda and religious brainwashing? You overestimate the mind of a jihadist. Recruiting is easy. And if that wasn't enough, didn't you know ISIS pays salaries to their fighters?
Keep shilling kike.
Some people might unironically believe that.
Do you not find it amusing though every Muslim "knows" ISIS is run by Israel except the Muslims actually fighting for ISIS? I guess they didn't get the memo they're fighting for another God.
>Implying that Jews haven't write off civilian deaths as terrorists or relatives of terrorists for years
>Blows up hospitals, schools, and shelters
Its Hezbollah goy! W-wait you don't believe dat anymoah? Den its Al Nusra! Wait you don't beleev dat eithah? W-well maybe its Isis! Yeah its Isis!
>Y-you're a shill!
Thanks for admitting you have no actual argument.
Does ISIS territory touch the Philippines?
Read the protocols faggots.
>every Muslim "knows" ISIS is run by Israel
Nobody "knows" anything. Most people have no reasons to believe ISIS is not just an independent terrorist group. It's only when you put the pieces together that it points in that direction.
If ISIS was a legit Islamic State, it would be ruthless to Israel. But instead they apologize when they attack them by mistake.
ISIS went to Paris and executed the Bataclan Massacre. They keep claiming attacks in Europe and the US. Why are they so "afraid" of Israel?
The biggest conspiracy of all is that any of these Muslims militants are any more or less civilized than another.
I won't lie, I cracked a smile when I saw ISIS attacked Iran, now the Persian carpet dealers get a taste of their own medicine.
>comes up with farfetched theory to shill for his country.
>claims to win the argument because there's no equally stupid counter-argument.
I thought Jews were smarter than this.
A specific isolated militia apologizes after we blow up their shit while other militias have no problem attacking us. That proves everything!
Mossad didn't give them enough gibs for the month
>Claiming that old weapons were probably salvaged from an old warzone is far-fetched now.
>claiming some entity collected ammunition left behind somewhere else, put it all in a truck, drove it to Syria and took pictures to blame Israel is a reasonable explanation.
I bet next you'll say Israel bulldozing Palestinian houses is CGI too.
>other militias have no problem attacking us
Name the attacks those militias did then.
Oh wait. OP "was" the first one. But it wasn't ISIS either. Wew.
More reasonable than a nonsensical conspiracy that relies on quote mining.
Their Sinai militia, of course. They fired rockets on us more than once.
Muh nonsensical conspiracy.
Muh quote mining.
Muh victim complex.
Go shill for your vile deceitful country somewhere else.
>They fired rockets.
The they fired rockets meme. Every single time.
They killed a tomato tree. So tragic.
^ this
It's very strange that the true enemy of islam is not attacked by violent, secular muslims. In fact they avoid and never even mention israel.
This makes me think israel is behind isis and the US supports them financially because erryone knows israel will not spend one shekel if it can make the US pay first.
example. da holocaust center in DC costs $20 to enter AND the federal gov gives them $3 MILLION tax free dollars per year.
Yeah, no. This story is fake and phony as it can be.
>people fell for the "greater israel" meme
Oh, so pointing out that the "we don't want ISIS to lose" is quote mining(he actually said that we don't want to be left in a situation where we have to deal with a stronger Iran and Hizballah after ISIS is defeated and the big powers leave) is just "Muh quote mining". Sure.
uhh syria is right next door
>ISIS Claims First Operation In Israel, 1 Policewoman Killed
Why would Israel attack themselves?
>they had a city named Shlomo
>talks about Iran and Hizballah
>pretends it's not about Sirya.
>accuses others of quote-mining.
"Major General Herzi Halevy, took Israel’s long-standing position that it “prefers ISIS” over the Syrian government to a whole ‘nother level, declaring openly that Israel does not want to see ISIS defeated in the war."
Because Syria is a terrorist states pillaging villages, raping women and children and beheading every non-Muslim they can find, amirite?
Yeah no. That's not what he said. I know that because I can actually read what he said, in the original Hebrew article, in context.
Post link to Hebrew article.
>Indian news source
Sup Forums doesn't let me post the link("Our system thinks your post is spam."), so here's a screenshot.
relevant passage is
"סיום דבריו התייחס הלוי לדאעש ולסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני. "שלושת החודשים האחרונים היו הקשים ביותר מבחינת דאעש מאז הקמתו", סיפר. "ישראל לא רוצה שבסוריה יסתיים המצב שדאעש הובס, המעצמות עזבו את האיזור ואנחנו נשארנו עם חיזבאללה ואיראן עם יכולות טובות יותר. מצב סיום כזה הוא בעייתי. אנחנו צריכים להשפיע כך שלא נגיע למצב הזה".
Rough translation of his words: "The last 3 months were the worst for ISIS since it's establishment." "Israel doesn't want the end state in Syria to be that ISIS is defeated, the major powers leave, and we'll be left with Iran and Hizballah with better capabilities. Such an end state is problematic. We need to make sure(literally "exert our influence") we won't reach that state."
The focus is on "Left with Iran and Hizballah with better capabilities" not "ISIS is defeated".
Oh very well then. No bias whatsoever expected from them
B-but.. but.. Israel created ISIS!
It was just 3 hobos with knives. I'd call it a success considering the resources invested
Where's the link? And why is your translation worse than google translate?
"The last three months have been the worst in terms of Da'ash since its establishment," he said, "Israel does not want Syria to end the situation that Da'as was defeated, the superpowers left the region and we stayed with Hezbollah and Iran with better capabilities. Such a termination situation is problematic. We need to influence so that we do not reach this situation."
Which means exactly what every English article says. Israel does not want ISIS to lose the Syrian war. Israel wants ISIS to take over Syria for Israel's interest. How does this disprove the theory that ISIS is a proxy army of Israel?
As I said, I can't post it because Sup Forums thinks it's spam.
The address bar is right there.
And no it doesn't. Saying "We don't want to be left with a stronger Iran and Hizballah" is not saying "We want ISIS to win".
So, in Israel, flatulence is deadlier than ISIS. Hmm, interesting.
The Islamic State terror group published an article explaining why it does not attack the Jewish state,
>arguing that the Palestinian issue should not get preferential treatment.
>"The apostate [tyrant] who rule the lands of Islam are graver infidels than [the Jews], and war against them takes precedence over war against the original infidels.
>Top 10 indications that ISIS is a US/Israeli Golem
>The government gets exactly what they want from terorrist attacks - it throws the public into the arms of police and other law enforcing agencies. it allows the government to spy on innocent people because they are afraid.
>It is the end of whatever was left of privacy on the internet aswell.
>"Don't destroy ISIS it's a usefool tool against Iran, Hezbollah and Syria"
salon com/2016/08/23/israeli-think-tank-dont-destroy-isis-its-a-useful-tool-against-iran-hezbollah-syria
>ISIS apologises to Israel for accidentally attacking them.
>Israel accepts.
newsweek com/isis-fighters-regret-attacking-israel-apologize-defense-minister-591020
>"Don't destroy ISIS it's a usefool tool against Iran, Hezbollah and Syria"
Why don't you post what he actually argues?
He says that's it's better to leave a weakened, contained ISIS than to completely destroy it and have its members spread around.
Using your translation:
>"We need to make sure(literally "exert our influence")"
Why would they feel the "need to influence" if they didn't want ISIS to win? Are they influencing to make sure the Syrian government wins? Or do they want a war tie?
And how does this "need to influence" disproves the theory that the weapons found were given directly by Israel to ISIS. It actually sounds like evidence for it.
What kind of mental gymnastics are these?
>Don't destroy isis because
That's some nice word play there, jidf.
>'Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Spies to Recruit Terrorists to Fight Against Iran'
I'm not sure you know what that word means.
So we don't end up dealing with a stronger Iran and Hizballah. It's right there. You could have ISIS defeated without ending up with a stronger Iran and Hizballah.
>And how does this "need to influence" disproves the theory that the weapons found were given directly by Israel to ISIS. It actually sounds like evidence for it.
It has nothing to with it, there's nothing to disprove. All you have is some picture of what looks like an old IDF mine that could easily come from war leftovers or somebody stealing weapons and selling them on the black market.
Wouldn't want isis to spread that's why you want it contained. kek
>It has nothing to with it, there's nothing to disprove.
Denying an argument is not an argument. How would Israel exert influence then? By cheer-leading?
You must be new at the job, jidf.
How about, for example, bombing Iranian weapon shipments to Hizballah? You know, like we did several times during this war?