Say hi to MIT Sup Forums, we are famous

say hi to MIT Sup Forums, we are famous.

this fucking guy.....

Betas gonna beta

why are we generalized as hateful?

pol is a board of peace!

kek every bait thread made is a hook nosed kike

How does one get a (((job))) shitposting on Sup Forums?

kike bastard! my hate is real.

Gas the Jews

This reminds me of last year or so when some dumb student at Leiden University made a threat of a school shooting here, and the uni newspaper asked an 'expert' to talk about Sup Forums. I never laughed so hard in my life. Sup Forums sure is spoopy.

What a faggy looking kike

What a fucking greasy ass dago. Hey wop, your ancestors were fucked by niggers and shitskins and they gave you shit for eye color, you guinea. Fuck off Guido, go grind your organ somewhere else.

Sup Forums is about as mainstream as it gets.

>shady internet
>pic related

What a clueless faggot. Why do these kikes think they are are special for accessing a public website?

I call it this is
boy I hate fakes

>fake news
but most of this place is people baiting each other
I played a communist for a good 12 hours today
I frequently create fake twitter posts and put them on here to see who I can convince. but I know the whole while I'm simply joking and doing this for entertainment. so does user. so does OP. so does jewbow MIT.

>the underground network Sup Forums
How the fuck is this website underground? It's on the world wide web, accessible by anyone. Private groups on Facebook are more underground than Sup Forums.


>cybercrime researcher


maybe he had in mind moms basements

>Dark corners
>Sup Forums

i'll start dropping some redpills for the lurking wageslaves in MIT



>muh joobook click bait
Great thread.
How about you just post caps of everything on your timeline? Even better, make a new thread for every thing on your timeline.

Nice surname, Shlomo. Who did your ancestors buy it from?


>dark corners of the internet

oh no anything but free speech and redpills



typing Sup into a browser is now considered underground

there's a poker saying
>if you look around at the table and don't know who the sucker is - you're the sucker
Sup Forums is satire
you're in the wrong place m8y


I hope he has an equation for how many dicks he can shove in his ass.


ha ha, my head spins

>typing Sup into a browser is now considered underground
if you sitting in your mom's basement yes it does


Like wow, MIT grad student here. I heard about your little cesspit of vile hate, but this is unreal. Only been here for an hour and I have to say I'm quite offended.

the point is that ((((MIT)))) is calling us fake news

I thought only harvard was cucked, MIT was supposed to be the "good" school.


Now that's what I call a GOOD GOY!

Not politics related.

lel get outta here fag
>killroom for fucktoy kid goyim

>mfw all the dumb americlaps ITT saying he's a Jew

Maybe if you fatasses weren't so illiterate you'd know that his name is clearly Italian, therefore white.


>You will convince your retarded university administrators get award free grant money for you to lurk and post on Sup Forums

Don't be too quick to criticize. This faggot may have just beat the system.

these jews were a mistake

>one of the many jewish endgames for us goyim

>a website you can find on google
>dark corner of the web
pick one cuckboi

MIT is a faggot & I can kick its ass.

>(((MIT niggers)))

Africa is such a "Garden of Eden" that niggers literally develop recessive alleles that cause sickle cell anemia in order to not die from malaria. Even white people dropped like flies whenever they tried to settle there. Fuck off.


> Underground network
> Types it into his browser


I think it's time to shut down Sup Forums

maximum jejjle

why not quarantine said mosquito breeding grounds? why not develop a )))PROPER((( vaccine for once?
also the world cannot afford its second biggest continent destroyed because of these niggers

wtf i love mass immigration now

Is he one of the gamergate spergs?

>MILF commander
You know MILF isn't just a porn term, it's an islamist group as well, right? Whoever made that pic is oblivious as fuck.

>classic info btw

estrogen literally leaking through the screen


>dark corners of the internet

The intelligentsia really struggle to believe that our ideas are widely-held and mainstream so they, out of their own fear, relegate them to "dark corners" in their minds

top kek

day of the rope when?


oy veyyyy

something light 4u


Hello mr autist, how is your autism today?

Whenever I hear cybercrime I think of that parody of law and order type shows where they talk about shooting people with bullets via email

this ties in


>yet another jewish endgame with anti-Tay




Can you delete your life?

is MIT hitting bottom already?

not today though


Fake news

b-but alan moore is legit

>pic unrelated
but a large part of europe IS dying with its millions of muslims, and probably the author edited that pic for shock value

>in the top 100 visited websites in the U.S.
>underground, dark corner of the internet
Pick one

MIT is full of curryniggers for them juicey federal gibs. Would sooner take federal money taking those in than make America great again by taking in true Americans.


I read the first paragraph and it was total bullshit.
If you really believe that shit you better go back to school and learn about critical mind.

Why do you idiots keep going on about MIT?

Jews are behind literally all mass immigration into White countries. Even White countries that never hurt Jews. see Ireland. Great post friendo.

>Sup Forums
>"Dark Corner of the Web"



>fake news on Sup Forums

fuck you. the news on here is a helluva lot more full proof than the billion dollar companies that are SUPPOSED to be trustworthy with the "news" they provide.



Verify remember that Jews can only do what they do to us because of the compliance of the left and mainstream cuckservatives. No enemy invasion can succeed without traitors.



Now suck it

Moar Svenigal.

They did it to the UK in 1997.

>darker corners of the internet

wow, racist much?