So what does Sup Forums think of the upcoming game, We Wuz Assassin's Creed?
So what does Sup Forums think of the upcoming game, We Wuz Assassin's Creed?
I think it's great, it shows the accurate history of our country man, I mean we wuz kangs and shieet.
Looks okay, combat system looks a little strange though.
quit playing years ago. Its a rinse and repeat franchise with no new features or storyline to unmask.
I think it looks dope although I'm interested to see how they represent Egyptian history.
Is that a nigger sphinx? This has to be shopped.
White supremacist nonsense.
That's not Egypt.
Inaccurately, most like, going by what they have shown so far. Its literally "WE WUZ KANGZ!: The Game" so far.
Not buying it so who cares.
Ubisoft fucked that franchise like 5 years ago.
i hope my 1050 will handle it
Yakub and the melanin magicians could control eagles like they were modern day camera drones.
One of the most over used subtitles, along with Final Chapter, Ressurection, The Beginning, etc.
All reports say the combat doesn't actually feel that much different from previous games
dat crakka J. R. R. Tolkien stole that intellectual property.
All that open land with nothing to do, that's what made MGSV and Fallout: New Vegas so boring.
I saw some vid, they had slaves building shit, pulling it with rope. No more ayylmaos i suppose.
Last time i played one the endi g was all about human origin being all about genetic engineering and escaping from Eden.
Looks like shit, don't care about the kanz bullshit.
Vid sums it up for me
I like it because the title really is essentially "We Wuz Assassin's Creed"
is it real?
Just from the little gameplay trailer, the whole sword and board thing looks very different from what I remember of the series.
Mind you, the last one I played was Black Flag.
>Vid sums it up for me
I don't see the problem with this video. Brown people working? That's how they moved the statues, I see no indication that these people are supposed to be slaves.
Another thing is that the, pyramid (s) was covered with white tiles before Muslims removed them for mosques.
Pic i got from /v, Its full of anti-Semitism
and they say Sup Forums isn't hivemind
were did they get those quotes from?
they look completely fake
Probably Hitlers minecraft book, i like the gangsta raper/rapper on the far right in the picture.
we need this remake
Das riiiiiiiiiiiite
Are there even black people or is Sup Forums just being retarded?
>Assasins exist 5k years before the establishing og Hashishin order
>Egypt full of Kangz
>Hawks, thanks to melanin magick work like drones
>Thanks to melanin magicks there are guided arrows
over all 9.9/10 IGN goty
I can't wait for all the porn of this guy's being pounded in every conceivable way.
I just watched the gameplay video.
The character sounds like he's from the congo and everyone in egypt is south saharan african.
what the actual fuck. it's hilarious.
anyone with any brains knows the people in egypt back then are the same people who are egytians now.
its a total "we wuz"
Like sub-Saharan facial features or just dark skin and when exactly is it supposed to take place?
Anyway it's pre Arab invasion so if anything they were "whiter" than now.
nah look honest "kimbo of the jungle" features, probably around 2000bc etc. its total bullshit.
this game is so inaccurate, its hilarious.
At least the ones set in europe and north america were realistic with dress and technology of the time periods.
...but he's not black
he's a dark skinned egyptian, look at his face instead of trusting Sup Forums, especially the nose
I dunno, you tell me. Looks boring. Voice is very shaka zulu. Some sort of amalgamation
Wasted opportunity to have it take place shortly after the Kush rule and make it about ebil Assyrian Templars deporting poor Nubians.
What's wrong about the technology? I see a bow and an iron shield. Seems appropriate.
Okay, based on that video
The voice acting is awful. Really bad dindu accent.
Not enough variety in skin tone, everyone looks very dark. This is just one location though, and it's an oasis. I'd be curious to see how people in the proper cities look.
I dunno, I still kinda wanna play it.
His name bothers me more than anything. Bayek is not a proper Egyptian name, dammit.
Google searched a bit. Discovering graves looks interesting but otherwise I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Look at these enemies! Are those Zulus that noged helmets from Greek warriors?
Fucking kek, I'm saving this.
Fun fact, latest reaserch in genetics has confirmed that egyptians where more like medeterenians today, and modern day egyptians are more like africans then europeans then ancient egyptians.
fucking niggers
are those iron weapons?
when does this take place?
I thought it was supposed to be taking place during 5th dynasty? That's deep in middle of the bronze age.
Fucki I hate Ubisoft more and more with every passing second
>they were "whiter" than now
That's why I put ""
They where genetically very close to east Mediterraneans, meaning they shared their origin with Greeks, Iberians and Italians, but that's not to say they weren't darker.
They were less Semitic, more Indo-European.
>no assassins creed with dacian assassins killing evil roman colonist templars
>no wolf coats, knowledge of the forest, falx weapons
>instead we get tyrone in egypt
Glad i pirated all of their games. Didnt give them a dime. Fucking retarded sjw shits
I think it takes place later but:
>Hoplite helmets
>the weird bronze age weapon on the protagonist seemingly made of steel
>cow hide shields like fucking Zulu.
The only excuse there is, is that it could be from the Arena mode.
well bronze age in Egypt lasted up to 600 BC
but that was Third Intermediate Period. Since 1200 BC to 600 BC there is untold prosperity and peace in Egypt so this is clearly not it.
Around 350BC comes Alexander, and you have Ptolemaic Egypt.
So i either takes place during the fall of Third Intermediate Period, somewhere up to Alexander, or before 1200BC.
Honestly, we probably took more thought about it's possible accuracy right now than Ubishit ever did
>claims to be in Ancient Egypt.
>Is really set when the Romans show up.
Fun fact when Caesar went to Egypt the pyramids were 2500 years old. We're only about 2090 years away from Caesar.
Don't give a shit. Play only red-pilled games like Stardew Valley
also those are clrealy Corinthian helmets, fantascised, and decorated by the Kangz who wear them. Kinda ok, not ok is that they are made of iron. That would suggest this is actually not ancient, but Ptolomeic egypt, and those were looted from some battlefield, which is still dumb, because victorious army would loot it themselves.
Then the ethiopian wood and hide oval shields, AND zulu cowhide shields, no sense
And then the fantasy dark iron single pice fantasy weapons. The more I look at them the more stupid they get.
Seriously, this one pic is a massive clusterfuck of stupid colliding with dumb
>fact when Caesar went to Egypt the pyramids were 2500 years old
>pyramids were 2500 years old
he belives the hoax
Meh, I actually feel their pain. They felt like it was a high time to make their character ethnic or a woman. They chose to make him black. Then what can they do with a black character? Fortunately there are people who believe in kangz so they just take Ancient Egypt and voila, it's very well studied, they have city plans, plenty of surviving artefacts and shiet.
Rogue was the last good AC
>Google name of director
>Find out everything I needed to know
Ubisoft will be bought out soon. Cant believe they made all their main characters black. It already backfired with Watch Dogs.
But I'm interested in history and I like playing the game for the setting/athmosphere. Ancient Egypt is also interesting but I'm wondering how they're gonna do black people. The protag might just be a black guy in a Egyptian world, I mean somebody's gotta be the bad guys
>being this autistic
>That would suggest this is actually not ancient, but Ptolomeic egypt
>Make game about Egypt
>set it in the shittiest period of Egyptian history
ok thanks
easier to set direct sequels in greece and rome
Yes, the first pyramids were built by ayy lmaos, not the later ones. The pyramids has been done being built before then as this was a period when they had strayed away from their ancient gods and goddesses compared to back when that was their main religion.
lel i thought that nigger sphinx was photoshopped
literally WE
I see you all saying huehuehue we wuz etc but do you not realize the main character comes from fucking Sudan to Egypt?
then he should have stayed in Sudan
maybe they could have made a game that took place in Sudan? ;^)
This. I was hoping to have some interaction with the ancient Egyptian gods in some way or another. I think the reason is is with the principles of ma'at the main character would immediately be banished from Egypt lmao. As in those days killing someone could get you barred from the religion and if not that, then from the country entirely.
I think there is some hint about him being connected to Anubis or priests of Anubis.
Which is just wrong, because that implies a complete misunderstanding of Egyptian religion.
What is the bust that the well feed and over paid workers are pulling in the trailer
does it have anything to do with Suez canal, hope not.
So they are gonna do ?
Is based Esarhaddon gonna make an appearance?
That was 600 something BC though
It's there too actually
yeah those sucks and so did sudan
Care to elaborate? I'm still learning about it. But I see what you're saying. They were gods, not humans. I like to think he was simply saying a prayer to him.
Part of a statue of a pharaoh it seems.
I did some research and found it takes place in 42BC actually
>new vegas
day of the rake when?
So me being a bit of a /his/fag I think I figured out when this is taking place.
It's during the 25th dynasty: In the late 700 BCs/early 600 BCs the Kingdom of Kush(modern day Sudan) conquered vast parts of Egypt(they indeed WUZ KANGZ), and had turned it into a prosperous pirate state.
Then the following happened (from
Between 674 and 671 BC the Assyrians, tiring of Egyptian meddling, began their invasion of Egypt under King Esarhaddon, the successor of Sennacherib. Assyrian armies had been the best in the world since the 14th century BC, and conquered this vast territory with surprising speed. Taharqa was driven from power by Esarhaddon, and fled to his Nubian homeland. Esarhaddon describes "installing local kings and governors" and "All Ethiopians I deported from Egypt, leaving not one to do homage to me".
>42 BC
Well my last post was a waste of time. So Cleo and Caesar if the game spans over a few years?
It's a shame that they went for pop history, when they could have had black pharaohs.
Why am I doing a better job at being a progressive faggot than actual progressive faggots?
No idea. I'm noticing far too many blacks in this time period though.
You're literate
Cleo will look like this.
>Queen Cleopatra of the Egyptians wants to talk to you.
Nah they are gonna make her a stronk woman of nigger
and Caesar like this
>make game in 42BC
>does not place it in Rome
We already went to the ruins of Rome circa 1490s or some shit
They are setting up the next 3 games to take place in the Roman Empire I guess.
If they bastardize the Hermann saga I'm gonna rage hard.
>If they bastardize the Hermann saga I'm gonna rage hard.
You know they will, whatever you love and care for they will destroy, because Ubisoft.
But honestly they will probably stay close to Rome or other larger cities because freeclimbing
Hopefully they make her kind of homely looking and not like Elizabeth Taylor.
But she'll probably be coffee colored brilliant mastermind Templar 'as the lore stated'
Not a inbred that was only proxy hot to Romans making a power play in Egypt.
Free climbing trees worked really well in AC3, that's not an issue. A game with the same gameplay set in Germania during that time would be cool if it didn't have a stupid AC backstory.
No the problem is this:
>the "freedom fighters" were clearly the Germans.
>blond Germans
>being the good guys
>killing darker people
They are either not gonna touch it or they are going full Cottonfield 1
Nah, they'll make Hannibal black and be a freedom fighter against white man Rome.
Assassins Creed : We Wuz
there fixed
> kingdom of kush
Of course it was.
That's a different time period, but if they go they are gonna make Hannibal black. History channel already did.