Ask me anything. I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
Ask me anything. I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan
Are you a cute trap?
stop cumming on your anime figurines and get laid
This, little penis can be ok too.
I don't watch any anime
literally nobody care
Stop replying to this faggot shitposter.
He's posted this shit for years and this time he couldn't even get his Japanese friend to get the time stamp right.
maybe you should
whats your favorite 2011 anthem
Is that you?
Sort yourself, son
Aren't you bored of making the same thread everyday?
no, I can get different replies. and all posts are dumb.
Why should I get bored?
Recommend me a good game to play. It can be a retro game. Also recommend me a good manga to read. It can be an old one.
mangu? game?
are you 10yo or something?
Don't be mean, bro. :(
What do you do for fun?
>I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
kill yourself.
Multiculturalism is a mistake. It brings trouble and disharmony.
Try out new foreign ideas by all means, but don't let masses of foreigners into your country. (Unless they are tourists and move out again after two weeks.)
yes, but is he a cute trap?
Just dont let any subhumans in :^)
Should I jump infront of the Tozai line or the Seibu Shinjuku line?
Stop looking to get some Mussiles in your country and get going on bi pedal bots dammit.
I rarely use the seibu shinjuku line so go for that one.
Holy shit, what a fucking failure.
No wonder he's insufferably negative.
Tozai sen it is then.
When do you work so I can inconvenience you the most?
the only multi- that you people need are multiple nukings, clearly 2 weren't enough
I am learnig your language and will work in an skilled engineer position.
In return I will only ask for a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf so I can breed with her tons of sons and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneous japan.
can I in?
>ending your life by jumping the train isntead of killing foreign soldiers occupying Okinawa
You're not a samurai, you're a homosexual faggot, gay, your ancesters are ashamed of you. You're a monkey, a jew, a lowlife.
>>In return I will only ask for a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf so I can breed with her tons of sons and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneous japan.
>can I in?
Give up
Why do you want your people replaced with this?
>demands a spanish whose ancestor conquered half the world to give up
ultimate KEK
Less painful that way when reality hits you.
'>tfw nip' posting has become a Sup Forums meme
>Ask me anything. I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
Are you gay for white men?
I don't use any of them frequently so you'll just have to trust your luck.
Dude he IS a white man.
which reality?the one where hitler resurrects and save europe from the jews and multiculturalism? or the one where Europe become a massive shithole due to jamal and achmed so civil wars start on all the countries while I will live far away in a peacefull homogeneous land where my sons will not be raped robbed or killed in the streets?
geez I wonder whose reality will be less painfull..
what the fuck
you're more delusional than I was
why wont you give me and argument? are you dumb? dont you see what europe is becoming into? dont you see the news? what the fuck you not me.
>hey Shinji can I borrow your passport for a sec?
>why my gaijin friend?
>i want to troll a gaijin chan into thinking there is a japanese who actually wants to commit national suicide like their countries are doing
>that is dishonorable
>I cannot refuse
I lulled
why are you such a jew piece of shit? saged.
Do you like Indian People ?
Are you a jew who has borrowed someone elses passport.
New question mark because I already know the answer.
Goodbye jews.
I know a spanish guy.
No girl loves him.
Hes the most awkward person I know.
OP is here.
I have changed the mind.
Now I can say with confidence "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG!".
Well, that's an improvement at least
I was aware of that type of problem. In fact I will not land japan with a job and without a nip gf.
My idea is first to get a nip gf and then land japan to search for work.
That spanish guy was dumb as fuck to do it the other way, because japan work conditions are hellish so at least you need first to secure the comfiness that provides having a nip gf which take care and cheer for you, the sons (when they arrive) and the house.
Do you hate korea?
whatever, see you at tokyo airport in about 1 year more or less.
I'm gone in 45 days.
>umaru chan
fuck right off with that
good luck without being killed in europe in the coming years then
>Ask me anything.
question: HOW MANY THREADS LIEK THIS HAVE YOU MADE? Got an estimate?
I have seen dozens and dozens over the past year or two.
Could you like, not please?
You're never going to get multiculturalism or immigrants because your country's political system is based. I wish we could do that black van shit.
im American
I guess you don't use them frequently from your home in Tel Aviv
>I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
>Ask me anything. I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
are you ethnically Japanese?
Do you want lots of mudslimes and nips being blown up at music concerts?
>terrorist atrocities are part and parcel of living in a city polluted by mudslimes
At some point he realised that nips treat him differently because he's white and that there was nothing he could do about it. He's basically been depressed after that redpill because he's a dumb cunt. All the nips hate him because he abandoned his own people and is fucking a nip girl.
>tfw being nip user
that's literally what I call you in my head
>I am a supporter of multiculturalism in Japan.
Are you a race realist?
Show your first name and place of birth to prove you're not a hafu.