Canada - I just got back from there.What a disgrace

It didn't even look like the country I visited in 1999 and I stayed in three provinces. It's gone to the dogs. They still haven't legalized weed or made it illegal for financial advisors to lie to clients. Everyone is poor. Half the population believes in some fucked up sex- bullshit. The women are fucking disgusting in body and mind.

I guess it's not so bad if you poke out your eyes, put sticks in your ears and have a nice a/c setup.

inb4 you didn't visit 'real canada'

>>real canada is out there somewhere next to the goalposts

Other urls found in this thread:

So go back to China if you don't like it, Wang.

ketchup crisps

You're ashamed to post under your actual flag.

You all are. leafs are a cancer that knows people know they are cancer.

harsh grating voices. canadian accents are like nasally nails on a chalkboard

americans and canadians all sound nasally to me

This is accurate

canada is fucking horrible now. I understand now why thousands overdose every year.

This is all accurate tbqh

although i for one am glad they haven't legalized weed; can you imagine how much more we'd succumb if now everyone was a disgusting useless pothead?

t. Canadian

>can you imagine how much more we'd succumb if now everyone was a disgusting useless pothead?

honestly now that I've seen bacha bazi on canadian TV in the form of 'lactatia', I fail to see how much lower you can sink beyond openly bidding on boipussy during the drag shows you make children do.

You need 40 days of rain.

>you're ashamed to post under your actual flag
>he says as he posts under a flag that isn't his
lol ok chang

>he thinks all of Canada is like the shitty city he lives in

if i am not chinese your argument falls apart.

This baka desu senpai.
I'm all for custom flags to avoid
>your country sucks therefore I don't have to admit that my argument is shit
But if you are going to make a post ripping on other people's country you should at least come in flying your home flag.

no city was mentioned friend. You hallucinated the city portion.

>tfw arguing with someone who is in a hallucinogenic state

>they still haven't legalized weed
All right hippie shill, you've tipped your hand at what kind of a degenerate you are. You've also told us you're immature and think with your penis. Also so glad you spoke with half the population to make such a scientific analysis about of our beliefs about sex, and such an accurate appraisal about all of our women.

>You're too ashamed to post under your own flag
Doesn't post his own flag.

How about this: you go fuck yourself you ignorant, liberal faggot, and never come back to Canada again.

Who gives a fuck? Stay out of my country whatever shithole you're from.

>never come back to Canada again.

I honestly regret visiting the place. it shattered my memories.

Canada used to be awesome. Canadians used to be white. I was shocked when I saw how not white you are now. It's racism against whites.


Stay out pajeet.

no, OP very clearly described a shitty fucking city like Toronto, friend

I only visited to make money. I have investments there.

No one who can leave ever stays.

I don't know what shitty parts of what shitty cities you visited, but to judge the country based on that is so erroneously ignorant it makes me groan.

unfortunately canada will grow exponentially non white in the coming years. wages are going to stagnate. companies are going to continue to leave. welcome to socialist nigger and faggot loving times

Are you denying that you have a carbon tax, that you passed bill 89 and bill c-16?

These things happened friendo. You literally have bacha bazi.

Hope they rot to the point of self destruction and that I can enjoy seeing that in my life-time.

Yeah, we are almost as bad as the U.S.

>living in a big city in Canada

Have you EVER been to cottage country in Ontario? There are hundreds and hundreds of cottages that are rented EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR for $3000/wk my friend, and that ain't because wages are going to stagnate and companies are going to continue to leave lol

lol keep telling yourself that while consumer debt has increased 1000+% over the last 20 years

Wages are only going up at the top and at the bottom (because of minimum wage increases).
I do roughly the same level of work my dad did 20+ years ago and make the exact same amount of money. Loss due to inflation. And yet to buy my childhood home would cost about 3 times as much as it cost back then.

sure thing bud

>Average hourly wages in Canada have barely budged in 40 years

and muskoka is filled with autistic faggots just so you know

>made it illegal for financial advisors to lie to clients

it absolutely is illegal to blatantly lie to clients, however its pretty impossible to get caught doing it.

Laws also have to be enforced to matter.

the stupid ''sales'' and shit part of financial advisors and shit is retarded though. that should be banned

>, however its pretty impossible to get caught doing it.

>It was financial 'advice' your honour
>oh well if it was advice...

hm I wonder if that could have anything to do with the housing market in big cities?

hmmmm I wonder I wonder

>I do roughly the same level of work my dad did 20+ years ago and make the exact same amount of money.
that's a good thing you mother fuck lol

>And yet to buy my childhood home would cost about 3 times as much as it cost back then.
so? what is your point?

the high pressure sales tactics are the bad part about it. not sure if they get paid salary plus commission or all commission but it seems sketchy and idk how people let it go

>not realizing home equity would bring debt down
woo lad

No, we don't have a national carbon tax, though yes, Trudeau is trying to institute it. Bill 89 is a provincial bill in Ontario, and yes Bill C-16 is part of cuck Trudeau's value system.

Don't fucking judge me based on Trudeau. Then you're as useless as that cunt is. Before Trudeau we had an excellent conservative Prime Minister (one of best PM's ever) in Stephen Harper from 2006-2015.

Judging our entire country on leftist lunatics is like me judging every American because Obama was elected for 2 terms, or thinking that Madonna, Michael Moore, and Kathy Griffin represent all Americans.

Why don't you rail against progressivism and cultural Marxism everywhere rather than shitpost about an entire country.

Sod off, and be blessed.

"don't buy something you can't afford"

wow, that sure is hard eh? how on earth will you ever survive in this cut throat economy?

Fuck you racist kys

>5% down needed with prime abysmally low
>if prime gets raised most people cant afford to pay homes
>reeeeeeing intensifies

>women are fucking disgusting
I can only presume you acted like an entitled burger. Try harder next time.

"don't buy something you can't afford"

wow that sure is hard eh?

This picture has been my background for a year
Fuck Canada

well thats the point. thank you




>phone poster
worse than any leaf

Conservatives 0
Liberals 1

the guy he beat looks like he was on the tail end of a cocaine/hookers bender.


Look at all that hypocrisy.

So you mean
Degenerate Conservatives 0
Liberals 1

Do you let fear of being called a hypocrite stop you from doing things?

That fear was inculcated and is used to control you.

why does this British poster hate canada so much its been like 6 moths of this already???

forgot pic

Because we don't drive on the left. That's the only possible reason why an brit would hate canada.

The real tragedy is that Canada has way higher immigration that the official numbers suggest. About 300,000 people immigrate to Canada every year officially, but 1 million people enter every year on 10 year visas. At the end of the 10 years they can apply for citizenship. Canada will be majority non-White by 2030. Soros and the Metropolis project have a lot to do with this. Their goal is a population of 100 million by 2100. The Canadian government adopted GBA+ based on their recommendations. Gender Based Analysis + prioritizes women, LGBT, and brown immigrants.

Mass immigration began in 1991 to ensure Quebec wouldn't be able to vote for separation, that worked. Canada was 97% White in 1971, 91% White in 1991, and is about 75% White now.

Most of Canada looks alien to me anyway. I live on the coast, and we have different values there.

but its been going on since maybe jan/feb like whats his obsession?

canada hate on /pol started long before that.

Do you know that Canada's birth rate is 1.65?
Do you know that mortality rate is 4.9?

If you do the math you would need 1-2 million immigrants per year to fill the gap.

Easy fix is to increase birth rate. Stop fapping start breeding.

im talking about you specifically though

you are a schizo. you need to get your theory to a doctor.

reveal your flag to prove me wrong then

why would anyone do anything for a canadian?

i'd rather leave you wondering and without certainty. you're human refuse.

That's it I don't believe in kek anymore.

fucking apostate

nah i dont need to wonder

same typing style same use of theses pictures
you are very messed in the head making these threads all the time
aure leaf hate is fun but who hurt you? why do you make the threads British man?

and each image hash keeps tying me back to your previous threads
you seem to hate leaf alot why????

Birth rates are an issue, but they're only one part of it. Japan has birth rates in the shitter, but because they refuse immigrants they do alright. The US had half as many Whites in 1900 as it did today, but the US was over 85% White back then.

you should go to the cbc with your findings

but i want to know why you do this?

why are you so deranged?

did the leaf bully you?

you are imagining things.

like this guy who imagines i am chinese.

>leafs and memeflags the thread
go all kys

well no you clearly are the brit poster see same image hash exactly and same typing style and context of thread

All of the other posters in this thread are actually me on a proxy.
aside from the few burgers in these threads

same brit same typing style same context as you?
now why do you hate leafs

so jw why the leaf hate all the time?

will someone answer this poor man's question.

im asking you then ill leave your daily leaf thread

not on my phone dipshit

>im asking you then ill leave your daily leaf thread

nigger i got like 4 leafs threads going

lol wtf awesome
does it actually bug them

With whom??
Breed with whom??
The town slut?
The women who moved to America,Europe or Australia?
The decent good ones who got married and are loyal?

You need a man and woman to make a baby.
I can't breed with air.

Also, over half the population of Canada is 50 and over. That means more than half of Canadians will be dead in the next 40 years

>they do alright
No kidding. They have been over populated for ages. Canada on the other hand has tons of land.

If I really need to answer those questions you're the reason we have a low birth rate.


in terms of social impact and reach.

brit/pol is making these threads. it's a vast conspiracy fuelled by brotherly love for the plight of our canadian cousins. hence you wil almost always see a british poster making canadian threads. We talk about the threads in brit/pol then we make bets and the loser has to make a leaf thread and deal with canadians. this is punishment.

I can't breed with women who don't live in the fucking country or are married, you dumb fuck.

If you can't figure that out, you're the reason our birth rates are so low and it's a good thing, cause you're dumb as fuck

you guys seem nice keep it up



Hey thread OP, make a thread on how there is more people 65 and over, than 15 and under in Canada.

Canada is going to be dead and empty by 2100.

Check-out tinder and look for single white girls and don't act like a douche.

The point is young money is screwed. It only helps old money. And boomers keep selling their houses to chinks so they can live in some jew retirement community instead of handing them down to jr. you fucking retard.

globalist propaganda

you don't need to have a growing population. nobody EVER "needs" to ship in slimes and niggers

>fugg off Soroscuck

>you guys seem nice keep it up

You guys accused several dozen brit/pol people of being the same person this past week. It was quite the display. check brit/pol archives for screencaps of your insanity (we keep track of everything)