I've watched much of his material, most of which are class lectures. I find it incredible that Sup Forums hasn't pointed out the fact that he repeats the same thing over and over, every class.
His lectures are stream of consciousness ramblings with periodic allusions to Nietzsche, Yung, and Piaget, they have no thesis that I can discern, and he seems to surprise himself when he makes a cogent point. He's basically a smarter version of Joe Rogan, which is why I think he's so popular on Sup Forums.
Who has the most incoherent philosophy, and why is it Jordan Peterson?
Jordan Peterson talks like if you just throw random pages from smart books and read it randomly from floor.
Yet it it still best stuff i seen in years. It is like Trump. If your enemies are losers, you dont have to be top to win.
So what? People tend to repeat themselves when they speak too long. Ben Sharpiro repeats himself constantly when his every lecture is a rephrased version of "equality of opportunity not equality of outcome".
>Who has the most incoherent philosophy
The CIA.... and by extension, OP.
>Ben Sharpiro repeats himself constantly
Ben Shapiro isn't a professor instructing students.
Yeah. I wouldn't trash the guy, since he seems genuine enough, but the stuff of his I've seen it's him wandering around a classroom and spouting off anecdotes and going off on random tangents.
It's all interesting stuff but very janky.
Kek most of todays young people are uneducated and dumb af,they will worship even a subpar at best mediocre intelectual with little to no achievments.
Sic transit gloria mundi est,in the 18th,19th and 20th century nobody would know or care about what he said since its inconsistent and nothong special,most inteligent people have nothing to learn from him.
But today we have an intelectual drought,we are truly aproaching a new dark age....kek.
Are you saying praxeology isn't a coherent philosophy?
ur porn degenerate
>no thesis I can discern
Maybe that is your problem. Try paying more attention.
He's also selling some self-help series, which amounts to you paying him and his grad students $50 for him to tell you to write in a journal.
I'm sure he will be selling Self-Authoring™ Self-Help seminars and workshops for the low price of $2499 soon enough.
He isn't a second coming of Socrates, buddy. He's a professor of psychology that decided to share his own lectures online. There's literally nothing wrong with this
Nothing is new about his opinions.
He seems to misinterpret Darwin and it appears that he's a firm believer in genetic determinism for basically everything.
Besides the fact that these ideas are wrong, they basically render the concept of philosophy useless.
Anyway, he seems like a good teacher. I don't see what the big deal is though.
he's a nupol e-celeb for people who are too lazy to read. what else is there to say?
>this thread
Describe for me, or summarize his thesis. His lectures are quite repetitive, so it should be simple.
Is there anyone you think is doing a better job while being at all accessible on a mass level?
There are more interesting philosophy lectures, sure, but you need a very specialised vocabulary to follow them which most people dont have and wont develop unless people like Peterson whow them why it's worthwhile.
That body was MADE for tiny asian dick.
Peterson is fine, stop being autistic.
>they have no thesis that I can discern
If you don't get it you're either:
a. retarded
b. willfully ignorant
or c. a bloody Marxist, so all of the above.
>There are more interesting philosophy lectures, sure, but you need a very specialised vocabulary to follow them
Are you suggesting that Sup Forums largely consists of uneducated people?
>prove to me why I'm wrong by disproving the evidence I don't have.
We embody and act out archetypes that are part of a multitude of dominance hierarchies and this has been the driving force behind our evolution from chimps. Also, religion and myth are narrations of our knowledge of the origin of these dominance hierarchies as well as illustrations of how any archetype functions in the global dominance hierarchy of society. Please tell mr if i am wrong
>summarize a "class" (that's not a thesis) that takes 20h to expose
Kill yourself you mongrel.
>inb4 not an argument
Sum it up for me in bullet points, you don't need to elaborate, just the basics.
Not even uneducated, but people who can't think in terms of systems.
>larp isn't even playing
Sadly, you're right. But I don't believe it's as indispensable as he seems to think it is. Sup Forums loves it because they need daddy figures in their lives.
Fuck you if you didnt want an answer. I may defend JBP and i dont think he has anything ground breaking to say either. Amalgamating information is good as a tool, not as an innovation... at least not in the way he has put it. Also he does repeat himself a lot, but that doesnt take away from the message. Truth is always going to be itself, and there are few ways to describe it.
You complain about him being a 'Joe Rogan' while simultaneously demanding his 30 years of research in bullet points like an energy drink laced ADHD teenager. Go read his book and then see if you can't discern anything.
That's actually a very good summary of his lectures.
>Nothing is new about his opinions
If you are a part of a very small minority, you're right, but overwhelming odds are that you're not.
I'm sure there's a name for this phenomenon where people want to coolly shrug off something new and of great important as "nothing new, we've known this all along". I saw this happen with the Snowden leaks too, and those people who said it wasn't earth-shattering were completely full of shit.
What Peterson lays out is a formidable argument against moral relativism and nihilism that has gone basically unchallenged by intellectuals for decades now.
Yes. Very good. I believe, second only to the creator God, the wisest of the archetypes is the Jester, and perhaps a good Jester both shows other jesters to be nothing more than Jesters while having a good time doing it.
Have you ever lectured without a prepared script to read? Almost everyone tends to ramble when explaining something relatively complex unless they're reading from a script; there are very few lecturers who don't. It's the reason why many profs prefer to rely heavily on PowerPoint presentations (aside from being lazy shmucks). There were only two profs I had classes with in my undergrad that didn't ramble; one was the head of the department of philosophy and the other was a very, very well respected and published prof focused on philosophy of law (also happened to be my favourite prof).
However, beyond rambling, it's repetition is a lecture technique. When you're lecturing to students, you're trying to drill information into their head. To do this, you typically need to repeat the same thing a couple times (usually phrased differently) because you're talking to people who don't know much about what you're talking about. Repetition helps with both rote memorization and actual retention of information, and rephrasing helps with initial understanding of concepts. If you weren't a retard, you'd know all of this. You can't teach a layman algebraic combinatorics, moral philosophy, or critical theory without simplifying language and repeating and rephrasing ideas so that they're delivered in manageable pieces (trust me on the critical theory bit; even basic stuff has to be rephrased so that inexperienced students can consider the application of ideas outside of the text they come from).
The thing is, most people here don't even consider the fact that he's a psychologist. He's not a philosophy prof, it's not his field. Yes, there is cross-over between the fields, but people ought remember that his work isn't really in the field of philosophy.
This is true as well... from what I've seen his lectures clearly aren't for masters or PhD students, they're for undergrads.
>We embody and act out archetypes that are part of a multitude of dominance hierarchies and this has been the driving force behind our evolution from chimps. Also, religion and myth are narrations of our knowledge of the origin of these dominance hierarchies as well as illustrations of how any archetype functions in the global dominance hierarchy of society
This user did it in two sentences.
Opinion discarded. SORT.
That's only a part of one of his lectures.
>clinical psychologist with the IQ of 160 who held professorship at Harvard for years
>BTFO'd by a degenerate NEET on a Spanish knitting board calling him a smarter version of a stoner e-celeb
You need to sort yourself out, son.
I had to get an "Canadian to English" translator for Justin Trudeau's speeches.
According to the translator, he says things like:
"My butthole itches. Does anyone have a hard dick I can use?"
"Climate change endangers our gays and muslims. That's why we must embrace feminism."
"I need feminism because my vagina cramps."
Here is the big crunch. You cannot learn the real Nietzsche OR Jung from any amount of Peterson's lectures. AT BEST he can get a sample and learn to more easily read their books. AT WORST you will receive develop a parody version of them.
>We embody and act out archetypes that are part of a multitude of dominance hierarchies and this has been the driving force behind our evolution from chimps. Also, religion and myth are narrations of our knowledge of the origin of these dominance hierarchies as well as illustrations of how any archetype functions in the global dominance hierarchy of society
This user summed up Peterson's bullshit in two sentences.
essential jordan peterson core music
make it habit make it happen
>little to no achievments.
B.A. in political science
B.A. in psychology
Ph.D in clinical psychology
associate professor in the psychology department at Harvard University
>check the number of citations of his papers
>most inteligent people have nothing to learn from him
Do you even have a fedora to tip in gypsyland?
Yes the other are, in my opinion, intellectual museums of the Soviet era. I was interested while being a fanatic for political identitarianism, however after having moved on from that reactionary stance i find it boring. Church history is where its at my friend.
Mfw getting crypto-(You)s
>I don't understand what the frog man says
I love it how you lump world-class scientists with shitty e-celebs whom have done fuck all in this world, and call them all pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians.
Say it again, user.
>world-class scientists
>muh IQ
When will this meme end
Not really, every one of his lectures boils down to those two sentences.
he's in a pretty great position to lead a cult
considering that he gets like 45k a month from patreon, it seems to pay off
Nietzsche generally doesn't get much love in psychology. He was kinda sorta a proto-Freud if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, but not really. He wasn't a psychologist. There's an application for his moral philosophy in psychology, sure, but actual psychologists have already taken what they can from him and repacked it into a "psychology format," if you will. Those are the important figures in the microcosm of psychology, because they speak the language and apply the ideas in a relevant manner.
Saying Nietzsche is important to psychology is kind of like saying Aristotle is important to psychology. I mean, they both had moral philosophies, didn't they? Again, I think this is an issue of people not realizing that Peterson is a PSYCHOLOGIST and not a PHILOSOPHER.
Can a man get sauce on the OP bitch that got deleted?
Kaku for one.
>inb4 he hasn't done shit
It's so frustrating to listen to him crush an argument 80% of the way, go on a tangent, get stuck in the weeds- open to attack, get interrupted by his childish and worse opponent/tv host, and utterly lose the PR aspect of his philosophy.
dawkins and chomsky. I looked at the pic for 5 seconds, I'll bet there are more.
Repetition leads to your audience believing the stuff you have said. Its a method that I find amazing. And Jordan Peterson is a man whom I enjoy hearing the voice of
he is headed in that direction.
>Christopher Hitchens a pseudointellectual
Please kill yourself as soon as possible
>focused on winning/losing
You're doing the right shit for the wrong reasons.
Should do more than just delete the file. They should 3 day ban the faggots that are infesting this place with degenerate porn to bait you into their shit threads
Indeed he is. From his patreon page
>I am now starting to formalize my plans to bring accredited online humanities education to as many people as possible around the world.
>Dawkins and Chomsky
>World class scientists
Please do the world a favor and kill yourself
>Who has the most incoherent philosophy
Criticizes incoherency.
Cant spell Jung
This. Clean your room OP
i didn't make the image but
>ctrl+f michio kaku
>3 results
>his AMA claims he's 'co-founder of string theory'
what did he mean by this?
bloated pop scientist who receives too much attention
people like dawkins because of his retard-tier thoughts on everything that isn't biology
chomsky on anything but linguistics is insufferable
fun, but he really was a horrible sophist
dawkins is a world class evo biologist and invented the meme
chomsky is one of the most respected linguists and teaches at MIT.
You do realize the IQ difference between any one of those people and you is larger than between the average human and a chimpanzee, right?
You're going full potato here.
> He was kinda sorta a proto-Freud if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, but not really.
Actually. no.
Freud deliberately did not read Nietzsche because he had heard enough to know that basically with all his good ideas, Nietzsche was there first.
Chomsky has an h-index of 161 and his work spans linguistics, math and computer science.
you might not agree with his politics but he is absolutely a world class scientist.
Peterson is not an elitist. Which to me is funny. Some people really are just biological dead ends. Take for instance his disdain for young men giving up on society. He never acknowledges that if society really did have something to offer them they put down the gamepad and go on with life. Embracing challenge and responsibility still might only lead to one being average. No one cares about average. If they are to die is it really such a bad thing? And that's that.
OP is from leftypol, i've seen him post this exact shit before
Wouldn't surprise me, thought leading shills always want you to do the work for them so they can exploit your weak spots. It's such a lazy technique really.
Thank fucking God people are finally catching onto how much of a fucking hack this faggot Peterson is. It's the same fucking vague pseudo-philosophical ramblings about getting your life in order every single fucking time I see him. In my mind, he offers the fucking McDonald's of right-wing philosophy. He just barely manages to say something genuinely insightful once in a blue moon as any fucking professor can be expected to.
The_donald fucking worships the ground he walks on though, it's fucking proud boys level confusing cringe. I just don't get the fascination with him, he's completely fucking forgettable and dull.
still better than marx
The hate has always been forced and cringeworthy, anyone remember that one Canadian faggot that used to sperg in every thread?
I bet it's assmad Harris fanboys mad their boi doesn't have decent memes
He didn't invent the meme, he just described something that had existed for thousands of years big fucking deal
Chomsky can do linguistics but other than that he really doesn't give a shit about empirical evidence or valid interpretations of complex realities
Both of them can fuck off with their neo marxist bullshit
I don't give a shit about how much his fellow marxist profs respect him
This statement is what the guy meant by nothing new. Winning means continuing to be allowed to play across the set of all games. He never brings up prison or race and poverty in politics because he's canadian tho.
Peterson is our era's Timothy Leary: extremely relevant in the current state of affairs, far more famous and influential than anyone will admit, but with a clean record, not a drug enthusiast and promoting tradcon relationships.
Tim Leary inspired a whole litany of the current era's influencers- think bill mahr.
Imagine the impact the followers of peterson will have considering his rhetoric is freely available, culturally accepted and positive.
>what is his thesis?
Knowing your own personality types (the ones you were born with) will allow you to achieve greater success and happiness. Furthermore, understanding it's origin and past success/failires in the evolution of the species and society allows you to seek and achieve more realistic goals that must include having a happy family and healthy children.
>literally saving western civilization
>provides new personality tests with a greater level of accuracy
>online psychological evaluation of self
>putting everything on the line to fight a marxist takeover in his society (actually fighting the power rather than just doing drugs and dropping out of the game)
>highly successful (proving it works)
>popular (social proof)
>free content for days (not in it for the money)
>reinvesting in the cause (not wasting the money he gained)
>not welcome in his own country/could be imprisoned at any moment (literally dying for our sins)
>the great redeemer (the penultimate archetype that cannot be chosen by you, the people must choose it for you)
>is literally Canadian Jesus
>bawww he called out my cult leader as shallow surface-level philosophy, better call him a shill!!!!
go donate your life savings to heaven's gate or something, that's the path you're on
>I don't give a shit
And nobody gives a fuck what you think because your h-index is 0.
Just like yours welcome to the club
>He didn't invent the meme, he just described something
>Chomsky can do linguistics
Oh hello Noam didn't think you'd give us the honor
Always wanted to tell you to fuck off in person
brain full of trash
How stupid are you? Was implying that my h-index is not 0.
I want to disagree with you but you make a good point, like nihilism does in general.
However, we both know where nihilism leads, it't definitely something one would want to avoid, no ?
>No one cares about average.
But they should. Average in this day and age I way better than being a low life social outcast.
Majority of people have shitty uncontrolled lives, and they are a chaotic mess.
Just having your life in order man, it puts you ahead by a huge margin.
JBP teaches us to take responsability, get our life in order, and get to know who we are, where are we going, and why we're going where we're going.
> Take for instance his disdain for young men giving up on society.
At least he's trying his best to change that. Sure, he seems disdainful, but he's not, otherwise he wouldn't be doing things he does.
Unless you think he's dishonest.
Again with a little thought leading narrative intended to stoke the primordial terror of social rejection. Boring.
Have you signed up for his self-help program yet?
It's pretty ironic that his name is Jordan, the river the israelites had to cross to settle in the promised land and where Jesus was baptised
In a way you could say that we are currently enslaved by the marxists and the only way for us to break free is to undertake a long journey of the mind that needs to include the principles Jordan is always talking about to finally regain our place in the world
I can't express it much better but I think you know what I mean
Yeah I bet you get cited a lot, you do know that quotations on Sup Forums don't count right?
> I saw this happen with the Snowden leaks too
Of fucking course they're spying on everyone. There's barely been anyone who didn't believe it since fucking 2001.
i bet you dropped out of high school and that's why you think all journal citations are a marxist fabrication
as your leader would say, sort yourself out my friend
I think you mean if you are looking for signs you will find them.
If youre a "communist" youtuber that resents peterson for being the father you never had, being a college professor (your dream) and being successful in the free market than those signs will turn you into OP.
Bloody neomarxists.
>not only am i not happy, but noone else can be
>i see no reason to live, so noone else can
>p-petersons the bad guy tho
How cute, he's getting mad
I certainly know that your existence is a marxist fabrication, you're just frustrated that your two tranny parents aborted your three brothers and now you're alone in this deep dark world with shitting up Sup Forums as your only pleasure
Chomsky is a fucking chore to listen to and constantly deflects, wasting half an hour getting nowhere. Complete waste of time listening to him, it's just pilpul.
that is a very specific image you've painted in your head of me, are you sure you're not projecting your own childhood onto other people?
>spend decades circlejerking with other Marxist professors over muh universal grammar
>get btfo by the piraha
>turns out computer systems based on his ideas of computational linguistics fucking suck ass
>"Every time I fire a linguist, the performance of our speech recognition system goes up." - the guy who led the IBM team that later cofounded Renaissance Technologies
Chomsky can go fuck himself.
>I think you mean if you are looking for signs you will find them.
Absolutely, what's focal is causal as Cialdini pointed out
I hope the story of Jordan Peterson will be one branch on the tree that we need to climb to successfully overcome this era of chaos