And you need to remove yourself from white lands ASAP. Hope this clarifies any confusion you may be suffering from. Make Aryan homelands great again.
If you aren't on this list you aren't white
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually the real "Aryans" were more connected to Baltic and Slavic people, yet Hitler considered them subhuman.
Fucking Tsipras man, we can't get away from that asshole.
He's even in our facial studies.
then why were serbs fighting for the nazi's?
North Pontid gf is so fucking perfect brehs...
Yeah what about the rest of 1.2 bil,there is a reason you have a caste system.
Uhh, half of those wouldn't be considered aryans in the classic sense now would they?
there, i finished that for you. now leave the thread
>hiding your flag in a post like this
I detect a greek nigger
Aryans are conntected with Corded Ware R1a people.
Croats fought for Nazis, not Serbs. So.
>yfw Poles look the most white
>tfw no north atlantid gf
>tfw Hallstatt nordid
I detect a nigger.
The thread you screen-grabbed claimed that whites are only blue-eyed, blonde and pink nippled.
In that sense we aren't white.
Now go away African-American.
This list might've held up 30-50 years ago,today most of the european people no longer look like that.My people have become for example at least 1/3rd non-white.When you look in apublic transport and compare older people with younger generations i understood that we got gypsyd.
Most of the older people look pleb white while most of the young people look gypsy or turkish or a mix.I was not surprised when i read that with the current birthrates gypsys will be a majority by 2050.
Western europe has it worse since they are being forcefully colonized in a very short amount of time.
What was white 1000,100 or 30 years ago is no longer relevant today and at the pace we are going....kek,coffe color will be the new white.
Wh*te genocide when, brother?
I do not understand where you are going with the y haplotype. However it would seem I was wrong, go figure word of mouth does not hold up.
>yet Hitler considered them subhuman
what did he mean by this?
I also want a Paleoantlantid waifu.
Do those still exist?
I have to do research.
You aren't "white" in any sense, shitskin. This what your average greek male looks like. Zero difference from an average turk.
wtf according to this list i am weak white sub-human, fock off with your bullshit
When you go back to the steppes.
But you don't have to genocide them since they do that on their own volition.
Just wait.
It is a feel we should have never have had to bear
56% "white" and 49% among kids younger than 5.....well i guess in 2040 greeks will be considered white in the US.
So you two fags are trying to do that thread again? Neck yourselves
>north atlantid qt
>posting rabbi schlomo
Half of them arent even white you faggot.
T. Keltic Nordic
But the guy from the OP looks very different.
If we are not white, then what's left is savages who lived in straw huts and raped whatever moved enough to be considered living.
Go tend to your African-American brethren and leave us Europeans alone.
You shouldn't even be allowed on a far right board such as this.
>implying I ever claimed America is white
funny the shitskinned gypsy comes to the defense of the shitskinned Greek nigger
If you're not white but you kill turks, you're fine? right?
You're right but that kike is in every thread trying to derail it.
You can apply to be an honorary aryan if you remove roach, heeb, or kebab, yes.
>honoary aryan
>still shouting the nigger-tier "WE WUZ KANGZ" shit
>using every turk poster's go-to "whitey's invention is straw huts" argument
further proof greeks are non-white
Abandon our civilization and all you have is twerking and jazz.
We where the first who thought of a civilization greater then mud huts, chieftains and shamans.
A civilization with a rule of law and not the iron fist of tyrants and kings.
You only have twerking, because even science is something you imitated and not came up with.
There is a reason that wherever in the west you go the official buildings look lie ancient Greek ones.
You try to imitate the original greatness to no avail.
that flag
Dude you're probably like 2% nigger, you have no say in this
Half of these arent white
Stay pleb
no, no, no -- all their blacks are 2% whites, most of the whites are mixed European, not black. That's just a Huehue meme that all Burgerlards are part black.
You people try to say that the original Greeks and Romans were nordic nigger and you're telling me that I'm the WE WUZ?
Delusional Amerifats as always.
Go join your army to defend your masters the kikes and leave us alone.
>judging people of their population
kek, fucking faggots
>judging people of their population
aren't you doing the same?
>Captain Sweden
Its not a meme though
Go on yt, and watch some American ancestry videos
Most of them have either Chink or nigger dna
when did I say it?
>too much of a faggot to show his flag
>hiding behind nazi flag and shitposting
really makes me thing
It's not a meme. They have the greatest sub-Saharan admixture of any western nation.
>most Americans have either chink or nigger DNA
>It's not a meme
You goys didn't get very good grades in either math or biology, did you lol
>>too much of a faggot to show his flag
This is the Antarctica flag, newfreind. Lurk moar.
>You goys didn't get very good grades in either math or biology, did you lol
Stop hiding behind that flag burger, we both know that you're the least white on this board.
Oh, I hot great grades.
Who taught you, the penguins?
Show us your flag and stop hiding behind the greatest genocidal maniac of whites in history.
lel this is a sore subject for certain nationalities it seems
All whites in America is fucking mixed
Hurr durr I'm 20% german, 30% italian, 10% scandinavian and rest is irish
What ever you say, shitskin.
Yeah I don't have the picture of what is considered white in the US.
Somebody should redpill you, since the definition gets broader every year.
But lurk moar you'll see it eventually.
I always thought I'm dinaric, turns out I look more like an Alpinid
>All whites in America is fucking mixed
-t. Swedecuk McDamage Control
>-t Turkish Rapebaby
wew lad
>lurk until I see the Le 56% Face meme
my sides:
>-t Turkish Rapebaby
you're such a meemester dude xdddd
------> r/donald
>Gorid/Pontid mix
>tfw gf is superior Anglo-Saxon/Dalofaelid
I'm gonna get cucked by Atlantid or Paleoatlantid masterrace aren't I?
>>-t. Swedecuk McDamage Control
>can't even show his flag because he is ashamed of his country
kek, fucking faggot. Stop hiding behind that nazi flag you fucking kike
It's always Yugos and Greeks that LARP as whites by believing such bullshit as 'Le 56% Face', you really must have a higher percentage of nigger genes if you're that gullible kek
>-t Turkish Rapebaby
Read this and shut up.
I'm not the one hiding behind a flag my forefathers gave their lives to extinguish.
You Americans are really stupid it seems.
On the one hand you are patriotic Americans and on the other LARP as nazis.
Truly schizophrenic people.
I am not larping
If i were i would change my flag, like yourself
>a flag my forefathers gave their lives to extinguish
What did he mean by this?
If you're unironically Huehue tier, then you aren't white. Sorry.