im not joking, i really want to know. im not raciest but every time i encounter or talk to a black person they always without fail smell like complete utter shit! if you're a black user can you please tall me why
Why do niggers smell like shit?
someone hitlered you
Its cold mostly in UK but niggers are still always dripping with sweat for some reason and stink of b.o. I can only imagine in warmer countries they stink even worse. Weird.
guess the colour
>implying sweaty neanderthals don't stink worse
you just can't smell yourself, cletus
Different kitchen and hair products perhaps.
Yes why is this?
Please describe the nigger smell to me. I've never been within an arms length of one.
Different races are offended by the smell of eachother, it is a simple evolutionary mechanism to prompt defense of your tribe.
genetics. The more different the olfactorius genes are, the more stinkier is the smell
their smell is very similar to fresh manure
I'd say living in a black family (Kek)
would be similar to working in a sewage treatment plant and you would just get used to the smell after awhile.
whites smell like weird cheese or spoiled milk
This. Whites think blacks smell like sour milk. Blacks think we smell like wet dogs. Whites think Indians smell like curry. Indians think whites smell like sour milk.
They probably aren't showering daily.
I've heard that when whites get wet, Blacks really can't handle our smell. Is that true?
a wet diaper
i would prefer the smell of spoiled milk compared to the smell of excrement
Different ethnicities have different levels of various chemicals in their sweat, plus diet affects it a lot. If it's any consolation we smell bad to them too.
More testosterone levels, they also sweat a lot, have you ever been to a basketball court at a YMCA, it's like a thick humid mist in there
they smell like sweat that drips down from your armpits, stayed in your shit covered butt crack for hours and then joined pee and semen in your nutsack for added odor
>implying a nigger has ever gotten close enough to smell me
3 arms lengths at all times, never relax around blacks.
>why do niggers smell like shit?
It's to let the humans know they are about to be ambushed.
so blind people can hate them too
why don't male niggers cut their finger nails?
I'm not black, but I can tell you it isn't shit they smell like but periodontal disease. Advanced cases smell like some kind of like mothballs mixed with -- well -- shit. Every black person i have met and talked to smells like they have periodontal disease. They aren't flossing.
Dayuuuum. That's nasty.
stench of melanin.
somalis and eithipians are super obsessed with this incense that smells pungent and floral + they dont into washers and dryers so they handwash and use a special soap
it creates thr nigger smell as for the women usually botched FGM makes them have crotch rot 24/7
Most of the time they don't smell like sweat but they do have a pong coming off them. It's like a heavy scent that stays in the air for a little bit then goes away. I guess its just different food and hair products.
It's genetic. Different ethnic groups have different body odors, and we naturally find those of other groups unpleasant. The further removed? The more unpleasant.
I know you're probably too stupid to understand this, but black people think that you smell exactly as bad as you think that they do. The manner in which you perceive these smells is 100% relative.
Have you ever smelled a chimp?
Very accurate
Basically it's a feces smell.
White people smell in a different way. Asians say we smell like dairy products. Blacks say wet dogs.
Yesterday when I got out of work I smelled really bad from sweating all day. On my way home I stopped at the truck stop to get some cigarettes and drinks, and the place was full of niggers. The two cashiers were niggers, and as I walked up to the counter they started sniffing and shit. These two female niggers then started to talk about how something smelled like soul food and how great whatever that smell was would go good with some hot sauce and grits.I think soul food smells like body odor, and they like it.
And I laughed because it was me and these two nigresses were talking about eating me
>tfw darkie smells like cocoa butter and fear
I can confirm this. Had two niggers in University class (Germany): First guy never used deodorant or probably even washed himself. Everyone tried to stay away from him. He dropped out after 3 semesters anyway. His nigger friend who was with him quitted after the second. The first one stank like shit and the second one was full of shit, constantly hitting on the females. Both had shit ass grades, failed the basic courses and eventually had to leave that Bachelor program.
No regrets, they both represented their race as shitty as they could. Wouldn't mind if they just stay in their Africa shithole and don't come to us Europeans, i clearly don't need their "cultural enrichment". I can only imagine how bad it must be in the US as they are nigger infested to the maximum. Like that occasional nigger you meet in Germany is already bad.
Nigger bitches wipe their asses from back to front getting shit all over their pussies. When they squeeze out a peanut head it's covered in this shitty pussy sauce. Since shit covered pussy is the first smell that greets them on entry into the world they find it comforting and strive to smell like shit all their lives.
I have been with a black woman and they smell like boothole
In my experience most Europeans and Americans smell like shit, it's not a race thing. Maybe that's because you guys on average don't shower daily.
Well this is true, we have body odor too. But we are too used to it. If you want to find the perfect woman, find a woman who naturally smells good for you. Not joking.
They smell like a mix between shit and orange juice.
they usually eat shit, so they smell like it too
with niggers you either have malnourished betamale niggers or obese foodstamping niggers, both eat shit
Sup Forums neckbeard fantasy.
I've licked out a black guy's asshole. Tasted nice actually.
Mate, you should smell an abo. Genuine cure for obesity
>Nigger bitches wipe their asses from back to front getting shit all over their pussies
Lol wtf? Did you witness that with your own eyes?
Only Russians smell good - like purest vodka.
Always smell like poop mixed with dirt
Sweaty curry carpet
Onions and carpet mixed with stinky feet
I wouldn't be surprised. Nigglets are left to their own demise while growing up as an r-selected species.
Being taught to wipe away from your genitals is the first thing any white child is taught during toilet training.
I heard this before from blacks.
I wonder if the two races do have distinct natural odors.
Someone should do a study.
Their sweat smells like a rotting guava fruit.
They are subhumans, that's why.
Having long fingernails is a way to show that they don't have to do manual labor. What it really shows is that they don't work at all and are probably on welfare.
in italy you ear this everyday, niggers smell like dead animals, we are disgusted by them especially womens, you can feel their smell even from 10 meters
Nigs smell like they do in part because they have less efficient kidneys and their sweat is basically urine.
Also, I don't know why asians would say whites smell like dairy when its them who smell like sour milk. And I think the wet dog smell is mostly a British/Irish thing
It is known. Have fucked women from every race including poo in the loo. Puerto Ricans pussies taste just like a white girl, Indian girls are a bit spicy but not unpleasant, Asians are bland, might as well be licking her elbow. Nigger bitches smell and taste like shit. Some of the half breeds are ok.
The hygiene habits, or lack of, were frequently discussed with me by white and Spanish girls who shared apartments, dorm rooms and jail cells with nigger bitches and my own oral explorations confirm this. Go down there yourself if you think I'm making stuff up
they smell like shit
Just out of interest is there pressure to adjust the grades of niggers and sandniggers over there to help them pass?
The essence of nog is not "different" to each races noses as in the wet dog or dairy smell whites are described as having, or the fishy smell that asians have- nogs are straight up systematically smelling like 10 days of manual labor no shower ever stinking ass body.odor, the strong ass stink that really makes your nose curl. Barns and shit treatment plants are better than getting caught off guard by a stench ridden ape.
They smell like very acidic sweat mixed with hair or skin products like coco butter.
The real reason is because they use the long fingernails to sort powdered drugs
t. former inmate
>inferior kidneys
Noice, got some sauce on this? First time I have seen even an attempt at a real reason for this phenomena.
niggers smell like when a retard shits it's self.
They were your soulmates user, you should let them eat you