I agree
Nah whiteboi, we kangs now
Trips checkd
Agreed. We'll help you defend Scandinavia if you help us defend our islands.
No Sweden you cannot remain neutral and sell weapons to both side. Bad Sweden.
Are finns human?
No, but we'll welcome any Finnish women "seeking asylum".
We aren't cucked. Though, would you accept people from Sweden?
>A chink
Uhmm, no sweetie :D
rightful finnic clay
Good one Abhdul ! :DD
Scandinavia belongs to everyone but let's leave iceland and finland out of this.
>implying you have a choice
>being forced to agree with a mongolian
Scandinavia belongs to Islam. Move on and stop bitching about it. Nords are welcome too as long as they respect Sharia.
Nah m8,
That Nordic Ice waste land belong to tha convicts from Straya.
We need somewhere to cool off in tha summa rather than gettin skin cancer in tha bush
Look at me, I am the Nord now
They intended to burn the Danish flag, but burned the Norwegian flag instead. Bad muslims.
Were these fucks not attacked by anyone for doing this?
It was in Pakistan... after the Danish cartoons.
Don't think they would dare to do such a thing in Norway (yet)
ethnicities that
>burn flag
>suicide bomb
>optional: got enslaved in past
are 100% üntermensch and should be sterilized
Sandniggers get out!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>white people don't know what it's like to be ensl-
>island niggers
Underrated post
>Iceland scandis
Literally 50% Irish nigger genes
It's the same as many around this area
>Irish genes
They have lowest IQ in Western Europe and I don't see how Sweden and Denmark having the most pure Nordic genes is bad, better than foreign genes and being mongrels like Iceland
iceland is nordic, not scandinavian
>tfw there will never be a Nordic Union because of the Swedes fucking everything up.
Because of this it was actually legal to kill a turks here, up until it was sadly outlawed in the 1970's.
Yes. We are bound by blood, you and i!
nignogs were not allowed when america occupied you either right? if i remember, that was one of the conditions for american occupancy.
Why would we want to be in a union with those fucking tits?
Grænland, Ísland og færeyjar ftw.
union of depressed inbreds
You all just need to return to the fold! Only by embracing ROED GROED MED FLOEDE and talking with a potato in your throat will you achieve greatness!
undtagen dig Sverige...
Oj gevallt, Anti-Swedenism!
Åh, veh!
Possibly rare
what is that shit map?
Norway, scotland and the islands part of denmark in 900-1100?!?!
Why aren't the Hebrides and Man colored?
And why is faroe islands blue like denmark in the 1600-1800, it was norwegian crown property?
Hæ venur.
Hey grannin.
lets see that country behind the flag
Scandinavia belongs to Balts!
I'm gonna save more boats to bring the fall of your society fast.
The Axis at it again.
You just couldnt stop yourselves from tearing europe a new one!
pastafaggots BTFO
>Norway, scotland and the islands part of denmark in 900-1100?!?!
Those are the lands of Knud at the height of his powers.
>Why aren't the Hebrides and Man colored?
because they are irrelevant
>And why is faroe islands blue like denmark in the 1600-1800, it was norwegian crown property?
Norway was under danish rule but unlike the Faroe Islands they had a kind of "self rule" agreement.
also its just a stupid meme hr. Grinde fanger
What are you talking about? If the Axis won there wouldn't be all of this.
>tfw they move in Sweden
you are being replaced as well, Gianfranco
Im just saying that you and germany is at it again.
Tis but a jest!
WTF I love Sweden more now.
a fucking luigi
well dont have any bants for you but what is up with your birth rates, if i recall they are the lowest in yurop
We are tired of living, we all want to rest in peace.
it's fake history!
Greenland, Iceland and Faroe were norwegian untill 1815, when they were ceded to denmark after the swedish annexation of norway.
very low energy
Daily reminder that you scandinavs are nothing more then Balts in denial.
you my friend, are an finn in denial.
you know it brother
>Greenland, Iceland and Faroe were norwegian untill 1815
hahaha nej
Greenland, Iceland and Faroe was part of the danish realm since the 1380. Norway as an independent country ended in 1536 and all Norwegian lands became Danish lands. In 1814, when Norway went to Sweden, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Island stayed with Denmark. I know you hate us for being your imperial evul bastards but you cant change history to fit your narrative.
komdu aftur þegar að þú ert nógu gamall til að vera á Sup Forums
Anime poster......
>Treaty of Kiel.
Specifically excluded from the exchange were the Norwegian dependencies of Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, which remained in the union with Denmark.
Doesn't really matter, since denmark was an absolute monarchy. But The north atlantic islands were considered norwegian.
where do you think we are
thats a brave squirrel
Taiwanese basket weaving competition planning board
if you don't like animeu can get hurt
He's a big guy.
det er så synd at norsk nasjonalisme var anti-dansk på 1800-tallet
vi kunne har sluttet oss til Sverige og blitt ett rike
"De tre riker/riger av/af Skandinavia/Skandinavien"