Tell me about your real life encounters with feminists.
IRL Feminist Encounters
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>see old friend (grill) at a club
>drunk so I go over with open arms and give her a friendly hello hug
>talk for a bit, nothing special
>look up her fb later on
>tonnes of feminist bs
>new status reads: "It is NOT ok to harass women by giving them hugs" type of thing
I'm curious to see this bitch normal. I bet she's really tragically mousey and cute for such a fucking psycho.
Check your window. The cops are on their way, nigger. You're gonna have to introduce yourself to the neighborhood from now on.
She tells me that women matter. That women are powerful. She insists that our economy would grind to a halt without women.
She still takes it up the butt every night.
She's so adorable!
I went to open a door for this older female teacher once and she insisted that I went first. Pls rate my story.
>hugs are the new rape
There was a Model United Nations LARP program, met two girls, talked to them for hours. Note, I was the delegate of Iran at the time and stayed in character the whole time, accent, religion and all.
I told them to cover up and wear a hijab, and made a small remark about women as a light mockery of sexism as part of the roleplay, they knew it was a joke. But, still refused to talk to me.
you probably came over to her kind of awkwardly since you were drunk, but that doesn't make an excuse for her acting like a bitch about it. people are so fucking thin-skinned nowadays, you do one little thing that is slightly off and they flip their shit.
not everyone but a much larger majority imo
>be me
>start 9th grade
>new girl starts in our class
>7/10 with radical feminist views
>we start hanging out a lot
>we make out a lot but never go further
>one day she introduces me to her 6/10 friend
>she's 19 and an even radicaller feminist
>after a night of drinking at the older girls house they both undress in front of me
>get to fuck them both
>mfw i lost my virginity in a threesome
>mfw i years later found out that i was to be their project to turn a man feminist
>mfw it didn't take