If we take the best from asian and white genes, don't we, at least in theory, have the perfect super human?
Does this mean that Finland is the pinnacle of mankind?
White + Asian genes
yea some of those elf fins make my dick hard and my dick knows a lor of stuff so im going to side with my dick and agree with you OP
>Does this mean that Finland is the pinnacle of mankind?
Not by much.
You'd have to tell me where exactly the Asians are contributing something here.
This is how americans actually reason.
Physical ability from africans
Intellect from asians/jews
Creativity from whites
Finland has very minor Asian admixture compared to Russia and Turkey. If you're looking for 50/50, that's Central Asia (Kazakhstan etc). I doubt they're a pinnacle of civilisation tho seeing as how Russia and Turkey seem like wealthy migrant destinations to them.
Go to /r/hapas
>If we take the best from asian and white genes, don't we, at least in theory, have the perfect super human?
Father, forgive Hans, for he knows not what he says.
Eugenics doesn't depend on race.
You just need an enviroment that ensures that positive traits get passed on.
>If we take the best from asian and white genes, don't we, at least in theory, have the perfect super human?
>Does this mean that Finland is the pinnacle of mankind?
not even close
meant to say yes to the first question. But finland isn't special.
Race is traits that got passed on you stupid motherfucker.
No, you would get something similar to central asians, russians and mexicans. All of them hapas and all subhumans.
Also while there genes that can be labelled as mongoloid it is more complex with europeans as modern europeans are mixed mongrel population of middle easterners, european unter gatherers and prehistoric siberian. Neither of these groups looked like modern europeans and they had dark skin. Prehistoric europeans without sandnigger/gook admixture looked like this(but we also now know they had black skin which wasn't known when these reconstructions were made).
The biggest non-European component in Finns is a Middle Eastern one. Saamis, Maris, Komis, North Russians, Mordvins, Karelians etc. are all more eastern than Finns.
didn't it used to be 104?
If Europe's averages are that low, it's completely fucked because it will never be able to compete with Asia's 1.7 billion population with a 105 IQ average.
GG we lost.
Keep in mind she really had black skin which sn't visible ion this reconstruction.
Keep in mond all modern Euroepans except some Sardianians already have prehistoric mongoloid admixture and in fact light skin in europeans might be from prehistoric siberians as unmixed west european hunter gatherers had black skin with blue eyes but mongoloid admixed east european hunter gatherers were much lighter but had brown eyes.
Pretty much.
Prehistoric europeans were much robust but modern ones are much more gracile due to basal eurasian/natufian/near eastern admixture(Neolithic Anatolian/EEF/Natufian rich populations are skinny but neolithic iranians/CHG were much more robust).
Yeah of course but EEF and even Natufian/ENF component is clearly somehow related to WHG wheras mongoloid components are nothing like west eurasian dna. WHG did have some ENA/east asian admixture but it is detactable as a separate genetic component from the WHG component in the WHG. Interestingly IranNeo is VERY divergent from both WHG and Natufians and seems to have both mongoloid and australoid admixture.
If we stopped the epidemic of beta cucks raising the happa children, we might get somewhere.
What asault rifle is that?
>clearly somehow related to WHG
That's because it's made by comparing ot Africans. When comparing Abos and Euros to Africans, the Abos and Europeans are also suddenly not so distant from each other. You shouldn't be using Africans as a measuring stick if you want to figure out Eurasian diversity.
No it's basicaly just local genetic variation/allele frequencies that formed from prehistoric migrations/race mixing and regional genetic drift.
Formal statistics clearly show them to be related and they were also related to paleolithic europeans too. Natufians seem to be actually closer to Vestonice16 than to WHG but WHG can be modeled as ~40% Vestonice16+~40% El Miron+~5-10% ANE. Basal eurasian is a hypothetical ghost population and scientists aren't sure if it actually existed or if there were many types of them.
That's exactly what I just said. Shut up.
Finns are the worst people and the worst posters. Swedes should have known that the Finnish savage could not be civilised.
It most certainly is real. Those early theories of Kostenki being related to it was misinterpreted.
>"A previous genetic analysis of early modern humans in Europe using data from the ~37,000-year-old Kostenki14 suggested that the population to which Kostenki14 belonged harboured within it the three major lineages that exist in mixed form in Europe today4, 15: (1) a lineage related to all later pre-Neolithic Europeans, (2) a ‘Basal Eurasian’ lineage that split from the ancestors of Europeans and east Asians before they separated from each other; and (3) a lineage related to the ~24,000-year-old Mal’ta1 from Siberia. With our more extensive sampling of Ice Age Europe, we find no support for this. When we test whether the ~45,000-year-old Ust’-Ishim—an early Eurasian without any evidence of Basal Eurasian ancestry—shares more alleles with one test individual or another by computing statistics of the form D(Test1, Test2; Ust’-Ishim, Mbuti), we find that the statistic is consistent with zero when the Test populations are any pre-Neolithic Europeans or present-day east Asians3, 13. This would not be expected if some of the pre-Neolithic Europeans, including Kostenki14, had Basal Eurasian ancestry."
>"Han Chinese share more alleles with two Villabruna Cluster individuals (Loschbour and LaBrana1) than they do with Kostenki14, as reflected in significantly negative statistics of the form D(Kostenki14, Loschbour/LaBrana1; Han, Mbuti)4. This statistic was originally interpreted as evidence of Basal Eurasian ancestry in Kostenki14. However, because this statistic is consistent with zero when Han is replaced with Ust’-Ishim, these findings cannot be driven by Basal Eurasian ancestry (as we discuss earlier), and must instead be driven by gene flow between populations related to east Asians and the ancestors of some Europeans."
Not really as those traits were often lost or fixed by a pure chance due to drift.
Bronze Age and even Iron Age Europeans looked different than modern ones and all prehistoric european samples we have fall outside modern european genetic variation.
>Does this mean that Finland is the pinnacle of mankind?
RK 95 TP. What it should be at least, I'm not 100% confident. The conscript rifle of many, but RK 62 is better :-D
All inconfirmed Natufians seem to have too high affinity with paleoeuropeans for it to be true and sardinians are too west eurasian shifted for their alleged basal eurasian admixture but it's all just speculation at this point. We need paleolithic genomes from Arabia, Levant and North Africa.
This board,Sup Forums
>asians have not invented anything
That's a bad meme. Especially Japs are perfectly capable of inventing. They would become dangerous if they got the more creative Western mindset and not think so much what others think about them, you don't want that.
Also ANE was extremely divergent from other prehistoric europeans. Check this PCA.
How come this fucking app can pick up anime characters but not my face.
Fuck my life
I don't get it, which wife did he pick?
Lappland is in both finland and sweden and freja is also a finnish name.
What do Asians have that white people don't?
>freja is also a finnish name
You're an american aren't you?
Alpha niglets.
American eh.
Maybe it's not finnish but there's bound to be some women called freja in finland.
>racemixing takes the best from both sides
Why wouldn't it take the worst?
Oh wait, it does.
You forgot physical attractiveness from whites. They say white features correlate the closest to the golden ratio of the face ie. pinnacle of beauty.
Slightly higher IQ(probably mathematical iq). East asians three additional
intelligence related mutations that don't exist in Europeans. Although Europeans have way more actual inventions.
They also have shovel-shaped incisors and chinky eyes.
Some east asian women are more cute.
>that jawline
so pre-historic woman was basically a german
that explains a lot actually
>you, you would get something similar to central asians, russians and mexicans.
Central Asians and Russians are better than Poles anyday. Mexicans are meds/berbers + Native Americans, which is totally different. Your picture aren't even mongoloid faggot.
Cute is a behavior, doesn't change the fact that white faces are more proportionate. Also if the girl in the pic is meant to be an example, then I'm afraid to say your tastes are god awful.
>They say
only WN shills
East Asians are cute with their round features and small size, like babies, but the pinnacle of aesthetics is a strong faced European woman. Only she is capable of producing an European man.
By the way I saw that "study" and its not even peer reviewed. Just some dude's blog. lol
He's a pollock, he can't help but to be retarded.
False. If hapas marry white the result is white.
I mean genetically; what are we looking at in terms of disease resistance, metabolism, organ health?
Intelligence mainly.
>All inconfirmed Natufians seem to have too high affinity with paleoeuropeans
They don't look similar on any PCA or Treemix, that's for sure. And when you go back to Ust'-Ishim the distances get greater. Natufians themselves plot towards Africans even if D-Stat doesn't show it.
Hapa+White=75% white.
There are good looking asians, but race mixing is blasphemy and violence towards human biodiversity.
>Physical ability from africans
Both of them are garbage pictures. West Uralics would have been Eastern European genetically with loads of blonde hair like today.
Talwa here isn't that bad either
They contribute CUTE!
>implying good looking means healthy, or anything else really
>race mixing is blasphemy and violence towards human biodiversity.
you might want to think this one through a little, i mean really strain the family brain cell if you can get a turn on it.
Native americans are mongoloids similar to something like taiwanese aborigenes with some prehistoric west eurasian solutrean/magdalenian european admixture(very different than modern europeans but related). All in all they are more mongoloid than anything else and taiwanese aborigenes are basal-east asians. Chinese and japanese have a lot of this southern mongoloid admixture too.
Mexicans are admixed with north african admixed spaniards but all europeans have very significant middle eastern admixture since neolithic just like you japs are chinks from china with ~30-40% Jomon admixture which was very dfferent compared to all other east asians and had affinity to Melanesians. That's why modern japs are somewhat related to modern cambodians though jomon was still mostly northern-neomongolooid like whereas combodians are mostly Ami-like mongoloids mixed with australoids from India.
You also show some south Indian admixture probably from jomon. Although jap women are better looking than chinese and korean whic means it's probably because of jomon admixture.
Anyway prehistoric ancient europeans weren't like modern who are MENA and siberian admixed. 17000 years old european woman looked like this.
Iron age woman who doesn't look like modern europeans
i want to sniff her
Is there an irl girl who looks exactly the same as botw Zelda?
Pretty much every modern advancement in computing is done by Asians
>women don't look or act like men
>lower crime rates
>not retarded Amerifats
stop posting men
Don't say lewd things about my waifu pls, thank.
>Central Asians and Russians are better than Poles anyday.
Their countries are literally Africa-tier without colorful African tribal culture and shamanism.
Holy fuck. WHen you've seen Jordan Peterson's lecture on IQ, you just know something is going to get very wrong in this country.
I see some similarity to
The day of the rake will come
>jap women are better looking than chinese and korean whic
It's not personal but anything non-white is simply not attractive.
What's with fincucks and their wish to look like elves?
You're fucking retarded either way