Which of your autists is this?


Other urls found in this thread:



Probably this one



yet the memes claim another victim because of the bigotry of the normosphere

RIP in pepperoni based nigger

Post an archived link faggot, anyways noice find



lmao the man that posted it was black too


It's funny because I was in a thread yesterday where that exact image was posted

>however, hes never seen anything like this
Kek then he hasnt seen shit

>kekistan flag


>putting your name\personal details on the internet
what a fucking retard

>that id


we wuz kangz and dindu nuffin seem to be popular amongst burger police for some reason

oy vey, moorish americans were kangz


>keep my job that allows me to beat and kill niggers while getting paid for it
>post some shitty KANGZ meme on some nigger's facebook
not much sympathy tb.h




Lol the Blacker dudes are performing castration which is why they're holding the arms back. Whitey cucked yet again.

how can he resign over something what was true?

The white crown, associated in historic times with Upper Egypt, is first attested later than the red crown, but is directly associated with the ruler somewhat earlier. The earliest known depiction of the white crown is on a ceremonial incense burner from Cemetery L at Qustul in Lower Nubia (Williams 1986: pls 34, 38). Tomb L24 contained a variety of prestige objects, and in all probability belonged to a late Predynastic king of Lower Nubia, contemporary with the ruler buried in Abydos tomb U-j (Naqada IIIa2, c. 3150 BC). The Qustul incense burner is a remarkable object of supreme importance for the development of Egyptian royal iconography. The incised scenes around the edge of the object include the representation of a seated ruler, wearing the tall white crown. Evidence of close contacts between the rulers of Qustul and their contemporaries at Hierakonpolis may support the theory that the white crown originated at the latter site. A second, slightly later royal object from Upper Egypt bears a similar representation of a royal figure wearing the white crown.


yo that painting is fake nigga some cracker changed the skin colors with some crayola crayons

Why don't the dark skinned fellows have protruding nigger jaws?

Hmm... Americans censor ancient pictures?

in the early Predynastic period, there was a degree of cultural uniformity throughout Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia. The pottery of Naqada I and the earliest phase of the Lower Nubian A-Group are virtually indistinguishable.

All those 2 women pregnant? or just American?

This place always delivers. How many dindus saw that meme and realized all that Egypt kangz shit is bullshit.


fake as fuck. Like all of white history.

The falsity of White history begins and ends with their desire to hide their true nature; that being that they are derived from Albinos. Their efforts to make all peoples of historical significance White, would appear to be their effort to make themselves the "New Normal" i. e. "See everybody important was White, therefore White is good - the best even!" This fabricated concept of themselves, is obviously so satisfying, and so ingrained, that it has become delusional. Even today, there are many Whites who refuse to believe that the ancient Egyptians, and the other original civilizations as well, were Black people! This in spite of the countless evidences to the contrary: Egypt IS in Africa, there are countless statues and paintings which clearly show them to be Black people. Even scientific studies of ancient Egyptian Bones and Mummy tissue, like this one: Mummy tissue study does not satisfy them. Whites will still doggedly point to artifacts from the periods of Greek and Roman rule and say: See, these are the "Real Egyptians". Of course, there is absolutely no reason why a reasonably intelligent human being, would ever think that the ancient Egyptians were White people, but then again, reason and intelligent thought, have nothing to do with this: This is about a "Need" to believe. This persistence in thinking, is then clearly not intellectual, put rather purely emotional.






*in the context of the picture


Seriously. This shit is tame as fuck compared to what makes the rounds here.

Why are you ashamed of coming from albinos.

nice bait


Found the facebook post. Stupid worthless nigger.

>naacp leader has never seen the truth before

I'm no expert but I'm going to go ahead and say the Egyptians did that

>its the albino spammer again


You wish.

"South Tunisian HLA gene profile has studied for the first time. HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele frequencies of Ghannouch have been compared with those of neighboring populations, other Mediterraneans and Sub-Saharans. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, Neighbor-Joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. Our HLA data show that both southern from Ghannouch and northern Tunisians are of a Berber substratum in spite of the successive incursions (particularly, the 7th-8th century A.D. Arab invasion) occurred in Tunisia. It is also the case of other North Africans and Iberians. This present study confirms the relatedness of Greeks to Sub-Saharan populations. This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharans probably during Pharaonic period or after natural catastrophes (dryness) occurred in Sahara."

One kool konservitive thing is civility and order in public

>"No, you were [expletive] washers,"


>2000 year old hyroglifs
>still deemed offensive and blurred out

>offensive memes

There will come a day when you will not be able to so much as comb your hair the wrong way without getting years in prison.

It reminds me of the morality police in Saudi Arabia.

American weeaboo police officers shitposting on autistic basket weaving forum.

The strangest thing in all that movement is that Black people really had their own kingdom and pyramids, but in Nubia.

Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as yellow people

Those guys look totally white, it's true I guess. How did you lose to a bunch of fucking albinos. Sad.


Tut was a white boy. How u like dat?

If you're going to shitpost, make a fucking shitposting account. What a dumb cop

Turns out, Egyptians were from Europe
Makes sense now how they were able to build such nice stuff

the world is changing though. I can see the world becomming extreme right wing in a few years. can't wait

Same way you lost to the Jews. Cunning. Deceit. Treachery. But what goes around comes around. Also Im not black. This is just the way the world is. I just spread the truth.

again. nice bait

1820 drawing of a Book of Gates fresco of the tomb of Seti I, depicting (from left) four groups of people: Libyans ("Themehu"), a Nubian ("Nehesu"), an Asiatic ("Aamu"), and an Egyptian ("Reth").

your ancestors were albinos and they mated with brown ppl and black ppl. Your freckles and birthmarks are remnants of them.

".. all their features can be found in several living populations of East Africa, like the Tutsi of Rwanda and Burundi, who are very dark skinned and differ greatly from Europeans in a number of body proportions.. There is every reason to believe that they are ancestral to the living 'Elongated East Africans'. Neither of these populations, fossil and modern, should be considered to be closely related to the populations of Europe and western Asia...(Hiernaux) "

>Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as yellow people

no they didnt.

Thats exactly how the Egyptians fucked things up too


Are you the same Asian masculinity guy who posts albino whites all the time?

Post hand with timestamp to prove you Are black.

DNA tests on mummies show they were more european that african
So move out the way nigga WE wuz kangz, you wuz nuffin

What's your point? Southern Tunisians had some sub-Saharan African in them, northern ones didn't, neither did Egyptians.

>The south of Tunisia is characterized by marked ethnic diversity, highlighted by the coexistence of native Berbers with Blacks, Jews and Arab-speaking populations. Despite this heterogeneity, genetic anthropology studies investigating the origin of current Southern Tunisians were rarely reported. We examined human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I (A, B) and class II (DRB1, DQB1) gene profiles of 250 unrelated Southern Tunisians, and compared them with those of Arab-speaking communities, along with Mediterranean and sub-Sahara African populations using genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms, correspondence and haplotype analysis. In total, 137 HLA alleles were detected, which comprised 32 HLA-A, 52 HLA-B, 32 DRB1 and 21 DQB1 alleles. The most frequent alleles were HLA-A*02:01(18.02%), HLA-B*50:01 (9.11%), HLA-DRB1*07:01 (22.06%) and HLA-DQB1*02:01 (17.21%). All pairs of HLA loci show significant linkage disequilibrium. The four loci depict negative Fnd (the normalized deviate of the homozygosity) values indicating an overall trend to balancing selection. Southern Tunisians appear to be closely related to others Tunisian populations including Berbers, North Africans and Iberians. On the contrary, Southern Tunisians were distinct from Palestinian, Lebanese and Jordanian Middle Eastern Arab-speaking population, despite the deep Arab incursions and Arabization that affected Southern Tunisia. In addition, Southern Tunisians were distant from many sub-Saharan communities, evidenced by genetic distance analysis. Collectively, this indicates a limited genetic contribution of Arab invasion and Black caravans on the makeup of Southern Tunisian gene pool.

>for some reason

i'm pretty sure you have no idea what albino's even are

artist rendition. weak sauce faggot.

You just cant handle the truth.


> I'm no expert but I'm going to go ahead and say the Egyptians did that
It is possible they did.

Why in a globally connected world is politics domesticated like this in Americans minds?

is it considered hate speech now to say that nigs wuznt kangz


Even albino Black and Indian etc. people have very different skull and face structure.

Also, Black people can't take bone marrow transplants from white people because we are so different.


Black and Whites are almost different species.

Archive the clickbaiters

Never said I was black and no way Im doing any of that shit. No im not that guy but this is like the 10th time ive been accused of it. That guy is a boss tho. Fucking LOLZ. My keks are better tho. Final boss.

we should stop interracial relationships so they litteraly become different species

yeah subjective dna tests that pick a specific group to signify africans and leaves out east-africans and north africans is really going to get the right answer.

there are also test that show the greeks to be related to sub-saharan africans lol

"South Tunisian HLA gene profile has studied for the first time. HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele frequencies of Ghannouch have been compared with those of neighboring populations, other Mediterraneans and Sub-Saharans. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, Neighbor-Joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. Our HLA data show that both southern from Ghannouch and northern Tunisians are of a Berber substratum in spite of the successive incursions (particularly, the 7th-8th century A.D. Arab invasion) occurred in Tunisia. It is also the case of other North Africans and Iberians. This present study confirms the relatedness of Greeks to Sub-Saharan populations. This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharans probably during Pharaonic period or after natural catastrophes (dryness) occurred in Sahara."

"HLA genes in Southern Tunisians (Ghannouch area) and their relationship with other Mediterraneans."
European Journal Medical Genetics. 2006 Jan-Feb;49(1):43-56.
A, Hmida S, Kaabi H, Dridi A, Jridi A, El Gaa l ed A, Boukef K.

Nah its you who has no idea. Just Zionist lies. All of it. All of it fake. You live in the Matrix.


But seriously though, how can this guy be so stupid to think he could post this without any repercussions? Is he brave or really stupid?

>point is greeks can be tied to sub-sahara haha, your dna tests are subjective and can find one that points to greeks being related to black-africans.

"Other Negroid genes have also been found in Greeks. They are the only Caucasoid population who bears cystic fibrosis mutations typical of Black Africans (Chromosome 7). See Dork, et al. In Am. J. Hum. Genet, 1998: 63: 656-682."

"A more likely explanation is that some time during Egyptian pharaonic times a Black dynasty with their followers were expelled and went towards Greece . Indeed, ancient Greeks believed that the irreligion and culture came from Egypt (37, 38). Also, Herodotus (37)states that the daughters of Danaus (who were black) came from Egypt in great numbers to establish a presence in Greece . Otherwise, the Hyksos pharaohs and their people were expelled from Egypt and may have reached Greece by 1540 B.C. However, the Hyksos are believed to come from modern Israel and Syria . Other gene input from Ethiopians (meaning ‘‘Blacks’’ in ancient Greek) may have come from King Memmon from Ethiopia and his troops, who went to help the Greeks against Troy according to Homer’s Iliad. Having identified an African input to the ancient Greek genetic pool, it remains to determine the cultural importance of this input for constructing the classical Hellenistic culture..

Nah, dravidians, somalians, ethopians, fulanis and other nothern africans are all classified as caucasion. Sorry to burst your bubble sweetie. This is checkmate. They are both Caucasoids. Ask any geneticist. The guy on the right clearly had black ancestors. Nice try mutants.

Nice job cherry-picking a single allele when we now have very cheap full-genome sequencing. Especially nice job picking a paper from 1998.

You retarded nigger you don't understand fuck all about genetics, let alone the quote you posted which does nothing to suggest DNA testing is inaccurate or subjective. Or that Greek are related to whomever. It literally just indicates that there was some intermixing at a single point in history.

Kill yourself, honestly.

muh caucasiods. those features first developed in africa and spread to other parts of the world. africans are the most diverse genetically on the planet. 100% african even with muh Caucasoids features.

Nubians still are different from west African blacks . American blacks can't claim them

None of us are arguing we didn't all share a common ancestor. We wuz prokaryotes at one point as well, doesn't mean we brag about it.


>HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele frequencies of Ghannouch have been compared with those of neighboring populations, other Mediterraneans and Sub-Saharans.

>This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharans probably during Pharaonic period or after natural catastrophes (dryness) occurred in Sahara."

typical amerifat, no reading comprehension.

i do not like green ham, sam i am

Then why can you get white albinos? By your logic, they would be albino albinos... LOL. Nice troll, bro. Should have thought it through tho.

unfortunately the majority of humanity can not grasp that posting shit on facebook with everything about you there for the world to see isn't the brightest idea.

Even younger generations that grew up with internet has the problem about posting shit on the internet with their name attached never expecting to get blowback

I know, the terms for the features are retarded. Caucasoid. Negroid. Mongoloid. Created by Charles Darwin a racist fool. But I still use the terms because I can still beat them even with their pseudo science.

Not stormfag (I'm nonwhite), but those features are due to back-to-Africa migrations from west Eurasia

>accuses person of no reading comprehension
>quotes part of a paper disproving his own argument
captcha: library
read a book nigger