Our Guy?
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Now ask him about Israel.
I wonder if he thinks the same about Israel
Yes goy, make them bend to our ideology.
The Duke already did
>Nazi flag
>caring about this jew
LARPers are faggots and new flags are fucking cancer.
Israel is an ethnostate. America has always been a melting pot of runaways and rejects from all races and creeds.
>Color doesn't matter.
IQ sure does though.
That's the whole reason shit-skins are let in, to lower the IQ and create a far more controllable class of peasants.
>rejects from all races and creeds.
Hold on, I thought the three senators who proposed the Immigration bill will Catholics.
IQ is overstated in racial debates by people who don't understand how statistics work. If you look at the IQ distribution pyramid, then yes, blacks generally have a lower mean IQ and Asians have a higher. But it still shows a singnificant number of blacks within normal and high IQ range and a significant number of Asians within the retarded range.
Also, the IQ alone does not determine the well-being of a society. See China.
>magic dirt
At least you'll have your constitution when you children get aloha snackbared
>Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.
Literally the opposite is true.
A society can't engage in a battle of ideas if the lines of battle are drawn by ethnicity. Identity trumps ideology.
I'd love to punch that smarmy little Jew faggot right in the face.
No, it was Cellers who wrote an introduced the bill, he got Irish Catholics like the kennedys on board under the guise that more Irish would be able to immigrate to America
Have you ever wondered why certain ethnic groups are consistently and universally drawn to certain ideologies? No? I thought so.
For me, IQ just proves racial difference
>people who don't understand how statistics work
>talking about China as a "high IQ" country
What are standard deviations for 5, Alex. There is no country on Earth with an average IQ one standard deviation higher than the norm, but there are countries with average IQs one standard deviation lower, and they are uniformly shitty.
Low IQ people are bad for civilization. You need a minimum of 90 for a democracy.
So I'm sure Ben's daughters will marry negroes.
And he'd be ok with it.
Shapiro cares less about America than he does Israel, so his words are meaningless.
Once a kike always a kike
BTW nobody on Sup Forums actually likes this guy
but for the majority of Sup Forums every representative of a race must be treated like his IQ correlates with the mean IQ of his race. This is retarded in itself because it shows a poor understanding of mathematical methods used to obtain the info.
Another interesting issue with IQ that never gets addressed here: the male IQ will on average have more extremes, so the pyramid bottoms out more. The female IQ pyramid spikes more. BUT, the black and white IQ pyramids also spike more, while the Asian and Hispanics are more bottomed out (like the male average).
Lel civic nationalism lol
>but for the majority of Sup Forums every representative of a race must be treated like his IQ correlates with the mean IQ of his race. This is retarded in itself because it shows a poor understanding of mathematical methods used to obtain the info
Yea that is retarded
Like I said, I only see iq as more evidence for racial differences, it doesn't mean all blacks have an iq of 85 and all whites have an iq of 100
You have to admit, that is a classy comeback.
>race doesn't matter in America!
>Israel is a small country that must stay close to its current racial makeup
Why does it being small make any difference? Is it OK for Luxemburg to say no to taking anyone who isn't European. What is the magical transition point in total population or population density before the rule no longer applies?
>But it still shows a singnificant number of blacks within normal and high IQ range
Seems like you can't fathom what it means for a society if only 10-15% of the population has an IQ of 100 or higher compared to 50-60% having that. It literally makes the difference of being a civilization or not. Of course, the ones with the IQ average (so 75-80 for blacks) will determine how most of society works, amount of corruption, dominance of the physically strong and not the intellectual etc...
In such societies, should intellectuals gain power and do stuff the low IQ brutes don't want, then these brutes will simply kill of the people they don't like, preventing any kind of intellectual leadership in the first place. You need to have the average and/or median IQ in the range of 95-105, otherwise everything will deteriorate over time, even if it takes 100-200 years. Only way to keep them in check will then be a strong hand/dictatorship with a very non-liberal/non-open society, i.e. exactly what we see in the middle east where the strong hand is removed (like Saddam and Gadaffi) and everything turns to shit. Remove the strong hand of the Saudi Aristocracy and oh boy are they in for a shitfest.
Have you ever taken an IQ test before?
I absolutely agree that some populations are just plain dumber than others, but in all fairness, there are portions of the test that could not take into account cultural differences.
For example, try asking the average Congo nigger what the closest synonym to a world like, I don't know, "superfluous " is. He wouldn't even be able to comprehend the question because most people around him are surely barely literate.
I'm not saying that these people aren't less intelligent, because they are, but let's stop pretending that IQ is an inherently infallible meansurement of intelligence
>IQ is overstated in racial debates by people who don't understand how statistics work
No it is not, you dumb liberal faggot. Importing millions (yes millions) of Latinos with 80-90 IQ averages to this country will absolutely wreck our country's competitiveness. Same with letting millions of violent, stupid sub-80 IQ "refugees" from Somalia/the Middle east into Europe. It's bad for business, especially since they out-breed us (as most Low-IQ people tend to do) and will be a majority in the US in a few decades, which will effectively make us a third-world country. We are planting the seeds of a ruinous future by inviting these proto-humans in in such massive numbers.
We aren't even selecting the best or brightest either, especially with these Illegals poring over the border and refugees flooding into Europe.
>Also, the IQ alone does not determine the well-being of a society. See China.
China is advancing more rapidly than any other nation at the moment, it's people are seeing a massive increase in their standard of living, while the west continues to become more impoverished and backwards.
They are moving to completely colonize Africa and parts of the US/Australia. Chinks students are being imported by the millions to the US to replace American skilled labor and further displace whites from the economy.
They are already producing super-fast Quantum computer prototypes and radar systems, and are rapidly catching up to us in all fields of science.
Just because they are still industrializing, does not mean their society is 100% terrible.
>but for the majority of Sup Forums every representative of a race must be treated
>like his IQ correlates with the mean IQ of his race.
without going into detail with what you actually mean by that, it generally does, that's literally why it is that race's mean IQ... anyway, you shouldn't treat another normally because you think they might be as smart as you are, but because of human decency.
the US is not an ethnostate.
50-60% higher than 100 makes for a comfier country? if i had to pick between Norway and China, I know which one I'd pick
it isn't an inherently infallible measure but it's better than all other measures
No, it doesn't. See distribution pyramid. Would you rather hire a black with an IQ of 110 or an Asian with an IQ of 88?
wtf is wrong with albanians ?
I encourage you to listen to this whole podcast between Sam Harris and Charles Murray:
It's not a cultural difference. They IQ measured in an individual, at least according to The Bell Curve's Data, correlated to success equally regardless of race. A black man and a white man with an IQ of 100 should expect to make roughly the same amount of money for one example of the data gathered.
There are more interesting tidbits to be had if you listen to that podcast. Sorry that it's so long; listen to it while doing something else.
the thing is there will always be more blacks with an 88 iq and they breed more.
I like him but I disagree with him on a lot of things, this being one of them. Namely that brown and black people overwhelmingly vote socialist, so if he really wanted to keep an American society that believes in freedom then we'd take immigrants from majority white countries.
China is the largest nation in the world my man. I think it knows too well how to breed.
You didn't answer my question though. Do you think it's productive to cut down the potential of a high iq black while undeservedly elevating a low iq Asian simply because of what they look like?
The term melting pot comes from a play written by a Russian Jew living in Britain from 1908. Most of the stuff you've been told about immigration and assimilation are lies made up by Jews, first to get more Jews into the USA (there was quite some resistance to this but luckily thanks to democracy they could bribe the right people) and later on to weaken the white majority.
It's like talking to a retard.
>the US is not an ethnostate.
I know, never claimed it to be. Your point is?
>50-60% higher than 100 makes for a comfier country?
Also never claimed that. It's just that you need to have 50-60% with IQ 100 or higher to even have the possibility of forming a reasonable civilization, doesn't mean that you'll automatically get it. IQ isn't magic, it's just intellectual potential.
>if i had to pick between Norway and China, I know which one I'd pick
Again, you are implying that just because people have similar IQ must mean they automatically get the same kind of society.
Wtf are your talking points here? Are you retarded?
>potential high iq black
An iq of 110 isnt high you fucktard, its just above the ethnic dutch average
140+ is considered high over here, good luck finding an african who comes close
>t. i took an internet quiz and I think it actually represents my IQ
What's yours? Is IQ important for nation building or not? Why do high IQ nations build 3rd world countries while countries with lower IQ are prosperous?
He's a Jew. Of course he wants the Goyim to meld into a single dumb race without identity like the (((Chosen)))) people
>What's yours?
Already given in I won't waste the time and put the same information into different words, it's not really hard to understand, seriously.
It's not about hiring it's about immigration policy and ideally you wouldn't invite either in massive numbers because whereas blacks and browns ruin your society massive numbers of east asians will take the top spots in industry for themselves and their own by practicing ethno-nepotism so you're going to end up slaves in your own country. The US is already heading towards that with Jews in control of banking, entertainment, education and politics and with asians increasingly taking over the tech sector, I'm sure other industries will follow.
Ask him what he thinks about this tweet.
so if jews disappear he doesn't care? i doubt that.
Just answer the questions If high IQ is crucial for "civilization" why are there only 2 Asian 1st world countries but the majority of white countries are 1st world?
I never specified my own iq which is irrelevant anyways
The ethnic Dutch average however is relevant since our standard is MUCH higher, black people are unable to participate in our society
A huge part of the tech sector in USA is run by Indians. Do you think India is a successful civilisation?
>No, it doesn't. See distribution pyramid.
i don't understand exactly what you are saying, IQ is pretty much normally distributed. with an IQ of 85 about 95% of blacks are from an IQ range of 55 to 115, and 95% of whites are from 70-130. and you want to say that it is unreasonable to think that it is unlikely that a randomly chosen black guy has an IQ above 115?
obviously you wouldn't correlate a single IQ value with a mean value, that's retarded.
>Would you rather hire a black with an IQ of 110 or an Asian with an IQ of 88?
obviously depends on the job
Anyone who deracializes our fight or defends the Zionists is not truly our guy. Let him keep on winning debates against feminists and being a gateway to eventual redpilling like the rest of the alt-lite talking heads though by all means.
an iq of 95-115 is enough to participate in a modern society with moderate success.
I don't really care but I know that the guys which got hired to depress US IT wages are now taking over the sector and it's going to end badly for the USA, I outlined the scenario above.
where did i say otherwise?
ant people don't care about people beyond their immediate family
please stop promoting yourself here, Ben
Importing intelligent, functional people is fine, regardless of race. Importing parasites and idiot subhumans is bad, again regardless of race. The catch is, races have different ratios of intelligent to subhuman.
Yes, and you're /hisgoy/ fucking cuck.
The blacks, Chinese, Italians and Mexicans practically built your country burgers. It was never white.
>our guy
>ben shapiro
I already fucking did you retard. IQ is crucial for "civilization", doesn't mean you automatically get a great civilization. What part of that do you not understand? Do you lack any information about the history of these Asian countries? Best example is north vs south Korea. One is a civilization, the others seems to be a 3rd world shithole. Obviously just IQ alone can't fix that. The western World went into "civilization" 200-300 years earlier than China, that's why there is such a big gap, but they are closing the gap fast. In 100 years, it will be a very different story.
What you are actually asking right is why have two different areas in the world with similar IQ not evolved to be exact mirror images over the last 3000 years. One went the route towards our current civilization a few years earlier, that's all. China easily has the potential to reach "us" within 40-50 years. Now looking at Africa, they are a lost cause. Leave them be and they won't have reached "us" in 200 years. The only reason they get anything done is due to foreign aid, be it education, food or technology.
To put it into the simplest form possible (what I have already done in earlier posts): High enough average/median IQ gives you the POSSIBILITY of civilization. Places with low IQ are fucked in that regard and can only get that with aid from such a civilization. Only possibility would be for Africans to evolve towards a IQ 100-110 society, which won't happen within the next 1000 years of course. Maybe only other possibilty would be a "strong hand" government that forces said society to adapt, i.e. Nazi style dictatorship.
Hence, the average/median IQ of a group of people is highly relevant, but not the only factors, for what kind of society it gets.
Not true, as shown by . Also the reason why this country became so great was because of a distillation of proper European cultures with compatible elements into a new set of core values, largely palatable to all. This was possible because of the ruthlessness of conquering the land and market mechanisms to supply the heat. Not only do these new cultures clash too harshly with European culture, but they are propped up in the fight by socialist policy, cultural marxism, and relativist liberal orthodoxy.
this isn't /bant/ mister turkroachistan
This is a complete normal Sup Forums discussion. Wtf are you on about?