From Swedish paper
>Here the unaccompanied refugee kids get to learn to swim
From Swedish paper
>Here the unaccompanied refugee kids get to learn to swim
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Just another LGBT Muslim wedding in Sweden.
This is an ethnic Swedish man fighting in Syria with his ethnic Swedish family.
The British papers claim our kids are lying.
Swedish genes just beg to be replaced and perish, they are cancer in the final stage.
Sometimes kids need to sit on an adults lap. Kids can die if they are not shown affection and being touched.
There are camps where they let refugee kids hang out with Swedish kids during Summers.
14 year old kid escaped a war and started school in Sweden.
This kid is just 16 and already has to take care of himself in a new country.
Sweden is fucked, there's no hope for Sweden at all, we can't do anything
refugee children pleading for help in Sweden.
Nonsense, we have great politicians. Like these, the feminist party in Sweden.
This Black woman is their new party leader. She sympathies with the "Black Lives Matter" movement in the USA.
I would guess early 40s ?
typical swedish citizens depicted in this commercial
Nonsense, there's always room for a civil war to cleanse Sweden.
Indeed not much will happen by spouting doom scenarios on a forum.
Why do they look so smug and evil?
i want off this planet
actually, i want to go to another universe
of course she does
we all know the struggles of african-swedes in the patriarcal supremacist 21st century Sweden
Ahahahahaha! What the fuck Sven? Why do you let them Jew you like this?
You used to be a proud people, then Anna died out and you replaced the national pride with confusion and virtue signaling.
Now look at yourself. You're lost, doomed and cursed.
Do you not see how fucked this is?
>jaja, da gär nu sekert över snar
Fuck you brother, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Fuck you.
You've shut your mouth out of political correctness, you've sat there and taken this without protests or criticism.
What will become of you now?
Wake up, there isn't any time left.
Spreading defeatism is degenerate. Gas yourself.
No, defeatism is just right when it comes to you.
When will you wake up? When will you rise up?
This is happening, they are making their moves. You just sit and stare.
We don't spread the defeatism, we simply observe it within you.
Because what can you do now? You want to act after the fact! But that's not how it works. It will not work now. So enjoy the bed you've made because it's what you get.
You kniw this is funny because every day I come more and more to the conclusion that there was a kind of cosmic accident (25.12. 2012, when the world ended, according to the mayan calendar?) when Earth, this earth just slipped into an alternate dimension where not logic but madness is the fundamental principle.
One look tells me who actually does all the work in this "party"
Middle pic has been proven fake goddammit. He was the fastest 14 y/o at the time he was 14. He went back to his school for some inspirational shit. Rest are true afaik.
And the guy is unironically doing it. Is everyone under mass hypnosis there or what...
Blanda upp!
>proven fake
nah stop making shit up cuckold
i remember this day, awful, metro didnt work, busses didnt work, total mayhem, the whole city was truly still
you lads voted "more" not "enough" , police state for diversities sake in france, inb4 the mona lisa gets blacked dot com'd
What would you have us do? At this point in time we can't turn to violence as it would only mean the end of our movement.
All we can do right now is spread nationalistic propaganda to help people wake up. And until we get the numbers to actually put up some sort of resistance we can only hold out and keep working for our cause.
There is actually a difference in saying "Sweden is dead" and "Sweden is cucked". Saying we are dead and it's too late is defeatism and only damages our cause. Saying we are cucked and brainwashed is just true and it helps swedes wake up and actually see what is going on.
It is true that we have made our bed. But i say that instead of laying down and taking it we get up and we do something about it.
wtf you're really fucked
missing the BLACKED.COM logo
>At this point in time we can't turn to violence as it would only mean the end of our movement.
The question you have to ask yourself is whether you rather die fighting for your people or by gagging on a refugee cock
Good man. God bless you.
I just noticed now how big of a meme Sweden is. LOL
there's nothing to fight no more, in 10 years sweden will be completely racemixed, game over. unfortunately this happen when you are a country of gay feminine people. this niggers animals conquered sweden without any war, simpky fucking their wives and daughters, disgusting
im pretty sure this was on the same day of the US election, it was total mayhem.
is that old white guy a pedo
If I was there I would still rather go out with a bang instead of crying in the corner about how my country was ruined but then again if Swedish men had balls none of this would be happening in the first place
shut up u mong
can't be a pedo since they are not fucking children
the guy on the right is in his mid 40's does no one call him out on that shit?
you got me. But he's defo gay he's gagging to bum those refugees
You can tell thar t guy's having a ball of a time cucking those Swedish maggots.
the best thing you can do is to make sure to speak your mind to friends and family, don't stay silent. Also try to formulate your arguments properly and ask questions. When you asks questions, you can find flaws in their arguments, without going into a debate, which they can win if they are better at rethorics.
also from this board you get well thought arguments from millions of people, every day. So its not like you dont have an advantage. You also have truth on your side
they even get to meet santa
**that haha
they are all at least in their 20's so it's not pedophilea no matter how you slice it.
most likely
There's a 7-eleven logo on the tablecloth. Are they the one's actually behind all of this? Is the increase in degeneracy all part of their plan to sell more slushies?
I voted enough, but for next time i'm giving up. I will be voting for free alcohol and wider sidewalks.