Why do these autistic 'kekistanies' and degenerate normies associate themselves with Sup Forums? Are they our useful idiots? Will they serve as bullet fodder during the day of the rope?
Why do these autistic 'kekistanies' and degenerate normies associate themselves with Sup Forums...
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dunno how useful they are but they definitely look like idiots
Because they are Sup Forumsacks
Haven't you seen all the newfags on Sup Forums?
Every other poster on Sup Forums is a newfag reddit rapefugee
these are unfortunately the real denizens of pol. These are the people who claim to be saviors of the white race. These are the people hilter would've gassed along side the jews
Because they're not creative enough to have made it up themselves. They are no different than the people they face against.
how the fuck does that 50 year old soccer mum know about Sup Forums?
People love to form links and duel links.
You also could start a ew thing
Hahahahaha what a FAT FUCKING WEIRDO
Why is Kekistani a flag option?
kike mods
these people are not from Sup Forums their from the donald on reddit
Why don't they just try to look European instead?
hello newfags
Nope, they are from here. 60% of Sup Forums userbase is shared with reddit.
100% of this shared user base is American
I hate this site its making me autistic
Sargon tells them Sup Forums is where the cool kids hang out, so they show up here. Most realize it isn't so they fuck off to reddit.
the mods love newfags even if they kill the board
because all the world is a stage
>clearly says Sup Forums on their signs
>"i-its reddit who's behind this!"
should we turn them into natsoc?
Watch this...
I'm black
just another kike psyop meant to distract and divide
(((they))) know its cringey this is why it gets coverage
>these are unfortunately the real denizens of pol
LOL sure thing kike we all believe that, keep gaslighting.
You are like a little baby, watch this...
I'm twice-race-trans (white to black to yellow) omni-sexual jewish anti-semite illegal immigrant. My pronouns are 1 2 and 3
cuz kekistan is the nation of Sup Forums. If u don't realise that ur a newfag.
If your /pol user reply-
Why do you feel an image you project of yourself of /pol elite is harmed by anonymous people holding kek flags.
If your shariablue-
Do you think making threads to make fun of these guys while showing some new swag we can all buy is a good idea? How has making things you detest more visible to demonize that thing worked out lately? The only remotly successful thing youve done is the voat vs t_d vs /pol vs twitter dividing Trump supporters. However making /pol hate reddit isnt going to make my parents not vote Trump.
You clearly don't understand the difference between "not creative enough" and memetic.
Lol, leave those idiots . They aint hurtin no one
If you consider the overall post quality and level of intelligence of this board, it should not be surprising in the slightest that this is the average Sup Forums user.
>day of the rope, when jewish tools dispose of their masters' enemies
Sounds about right.
this is t_d*nald, aka /ptg/. Thats what happens when fuckwits like these keep namedropping Sup Forums on plebbit
Sup Forums is 70% shills 30% idiots 10% real Sup Forums people and 25% made up statistics
post quality is shit because its the purpose of shills, to make everything look like shit so they can undermine the image of their oponents
same reason why the whole website used to be spammed with CP and now its nigger dicks, traps, celeb porn and cuck fantasy
so if any movement ever come out from this place they can try to link it with all the shit they make
saying, "oh the right is just a bunch of pedophile cucks, look how much they talk about nigger dick"
when its the shills who are spamming it nonstop
>Acting all like Sup Forumsack "totally not a newfag"
>Are they our useful idiots?
sure they are, alt-mite :DDDDD
behead those who insult milo though!
omg im so tired of having to pander to reddit when will they wake up and see the light of milo?
talking about shills, look at this idiot spamming
>hey, Im one of you guys
>if I spam stoopid shit it'll means you guys are stoopid
Most of the population are idiots. This stuff is gonna happen no matter what ideology/identity becomes popular. Be glad these idiots are doing our bidding instead of the left.
>if you make fun of me you're a shill!
oh man
I've been on Sup Forums since 2012
>Why do they associate themselves
Have you considered that you're the odd one out and they are, in fact, the average user.
>tfw Sup Forums used to be the newfag filter/containment board
>now it's Sup Forums
They are untermensch
They're just like you, but with less social anxiety.
>how the fuck does that 50 year old soccer mum know about Sup Forums?
She's just holding the sign for her son.
No they're normies, or completely embarrassing retards.They don't fucking "get it".They're assholes.Its like your mom trying to be cool.
yeah you show him! fuck off normie!
It's actually the beginning of Diversity of Tactics, a Leftist strategy that the Right has always lacked.
You don't have to like these idiots to understand that it is useful to have a variety of organizations of variable radicalization to draw upon. White Nationalists were able to slip into Alt-Lite protests without simply being attacked, and the retarded Kekistani flag is still the Reich's flag with some dumb alterations. They provide a buffer for our activities and we provide an ideological commitment that they simply lack.
This is how you win. You act, but you let the normies absorb the pushback. Motte and Bailey strategy. It is fairly inevitable that we begin a march through the institutions using this as cover, in the same way that radical Marxists used the civil rights movement and useful idiot liberals as a cover to infiltrate various institutions.
At the same time it is important that we remember that while we are theoretically walking in the same direction, these people are not us. They lack conviction and they want to stop far before we do. Tolerate, but do not assimilate too deeply. Remember that we are the new Jews. Our role is to infiltrate and subvert for the New American Reich.
This is the irony: When idiots repeat over and over "huu huu you're no different than da SJWs," they're right--our goals are different but we are adapting the tactics of the Left against them, and this is a good thing because those tactics fucking work. I don't give a shit about principles or liberties or any of that garbage I want to win and save the white race.