I have seen videos of Asians killing animals in the most brutal ways. boiling alive dogs and ducks. skinning alive all sorts of animals. Worse is where people get hit by a car and bystanders just keep walking. east Asians are supposedly more intelligent but is that at the cost of basic human decency?
Why do East Asians lack empathy?
Anyone who claims that Asians are intelligent has never driven in Vancouver. They aren't intelligent, but diligent ant-people who are exceptional at taking direction. European natives are the most all-around intelligent, especially when it comes to something requiring self-actualization.
but why do they lack self actualization? biology? culture? evolution?
It is incrediblhe how a race where everyone looks the same there is a huge lack of empathy. You'd think they'd at least be nice to each other given they are practically looking at a mirror when interacting with each other. This proves beyond doubt that they simply have zero empathy as even similar looks are unable to trigger empathetic responses
>Worse is where people get hit by a car and bystanders just keep walking.
Happens everywhere. It's the bystander effect. The more people there are, the greater the likelihood that any individual will call for help.
If a person has a heart attack and you're the only other person in the room, there's a greater chance you'll assist/call for help. Put that same person on a busy street and most people will just walk by.
bystander effect is real, but boiling a dog alive? there are some larger trends to consider.
because they don't have souls. souls have to be bombed into them, or shelled into them like korea
>tfw ate dog stew the other day
The Chinese are more intelligent is a fucking LIE.
Chinks cannot innovate. They can imitate and that's it. Strange people. The world will turn very dark if they ever take over.
Can anybody dump some Asian cruelty gifs? Especially the dog-boiling one.
Humans invent things via monkey monkey do. Nice paper and gunpowder you got there.
Nice compass you got there
Nice porcelain you got there
Please do not place us together as Chinese or Koreans. We love animals and care for each other. If anything,Japanese people are very benevolent. We love shiba inus.
hivemind mentality
Its too much for their white brains my fellow asian.
Honorary aryans that butchered chinks en mass.
they are demcorats taken to extreme
also orientals are one of the faield clones experiments by the masters that got loose
hive mind culture and tiny, insect-like brains
Bystander effect is overhyped. I'vee seen a couple of accidents in my life and there's always a bunch of strangers helping out. They don't usually know what to do because they lack knowledge and it's a stressful situation but at least they take basic fucking interest. I've never seen anybody just walk aways from a victim like in all those videos from China or whatever, where people sometimes literally step over some poor guy and go on their merry way.
>japan "likes" animals so much it has a thriving porn industry based around inserting live sea creatures inside of women
come on mate, even if we forget all the shit you guys pulled in WW2, you still find it humane to annually round up a bunch of the smartest animals in the planet into a little cove and slaughter them as they scream all while they're swimming in the blood of their families. Seems pretty China-tier to me.
dumb frogposter
they also have a habit of making whoever saves them responsible for footing the bill.
>claims chinks aren't empathetic towards animal
>meanwhile he eats a burger from a brutally slaughtered cow living in horrible conditions
im not even a vegan, but cmon dude
that is a stereotype. we also cast black men in pornos if you want to talk about animal porn
the killing of whales and dolphins, I am against. I am still reluctant as to why they perform such heinous crimes against marine life
Europeans used to set cats on fire for fun, watch butchering of prisoners, and kill each other in the streets; give East Asians 6 hundred years of stable prosperity and they will be fine
Europeans just had the misfortune of civilizing the fastest
Then explain rape of Nankin, Bataan death march and canibalizing on Korean labor, all done by Jap soldiers.
Asians torture animals because it gives them pleasure. I think asian sexual pleasure is muted, so they find other ways to derive pleasure in the world. Perhaps torturing animals is equivalent to sexual pleasure for them, so they do it?
at least you're one of those that admits it's fucked up.
What is the consensus in Japan on the cove slaughters? Does the average person disagree, agree, or not care?
That was before communism. China is the finest example of cultural marxism
I cannot give you a detailed explanation because I was not alive back then but all nations commit crimes that are seen as regrettable in retrospect
Fuck off you Jew chink.
Wheres your movies?
Wheres your family unit?
Where's your decent universities?
Where's your cars?
Where are your morals you godless fucking alien
We are all aspies.
Lol a jew slave talking shit about having no morals.
You white people have a culture fit for stupid animals.
MUH HEDONISM IS GREAT GUYS. Your a cancer to this species honestly.
Older generations generally want to keep hunting whales based on the weight of tradition and history but younger generations are mostly against it. But, of course that's my observation from a rural prefecture. You'd be better off asking a japanon from a more populated prefecture
>all these mad white boys in this thread
Morals should only be for your side in a war dumb white idiot. I bet you think your armies are the good guys what a bunch of fucking retards.
Dog is food in Asia while dog is child substitute in weirdos from Europe.
Cause asians and african blacks havent watched the electronic jew hollywood, where movies depict the everlasting "human spirit" and passion for your "fellow" man. Be a good goy and help out da migrants will ya have some compassion!
No hedonism here you literal insect. Bribed any universities lately? Go watch some more white porn. I give a shit about my family and loved ones.
>Where are your cars
>Where are your movies
>Where is your family unit
>"Where is your family unit"
>traffic congestion = IQ
your empathy is going to get your kind killed
when it comes to the car thing thats typically china and its quality control. if your kid is to dumb and plays in the street it better for him to not reproduce
japan actually does better than america when it comes to a empathy response based on helping a person lying on a side walk in a public area. it was a social experiment conducted in multiple countries. nobody helps the person even after 2 hours in america but japan it was 15 minutes
chinese are insect
you will never find a japanese doing unnecessary cruelty except maybe to fish
Hating pets is the trademark of the unintelligent subhuman
Sorry Jiraya, dolphins and whales are not fish
>blacks mad at whites
you lack soul!
>whites indifferent towards at blacks
we have brains rather than soul but its ok you dont know any better
>white women and black men
>black women and white men
Nobody touches that shit
>whites mad at asians
you lack empathy!
>asians indifferent towards whites
haha baka gaijin stop being so loud and go home
>asian women and white men
pls give QT3.14 submissive A V E R A G E A Z N girlfriend please!!!!
>white women and asian men
ew slutty whores
Spot the pattern
Can confirm my Japanese neighbours have the cutest shiba sometimes I think Hiroshima should've been avoided only to drop those two bombs on Woodstock.
We are same as you moron we have empathy but we are not slaves to overdoses of oxytocin(mindlessly helpibg people) in our brains.
We dont hate pets dog is just food here. They beat dog to make meat taste good.
I would almost completely agree with you (at the very least you are leagues above Chinese and Koreans), but you still in the end fall into the soulless ant people category. I'm specifically referring in this case to how Japanese netizens act, the lack of empathy with the elderly, the school system, the bullying in Japan, the system of law and punishment in Japan, the salaryman lifestyle, the vicious host/hostess and soapland cycle, and the Japanese culture of "hitting any nail that stands out" in regards to any sort of talent or individuality.
Guaranteed chink. Also inaccurate. Blacks also lack empathy like Asians for example. And Asians don't necessarily have higher intelligence. There is massive systemic cheating in East Asia. Especially on any sort of standardized or IQ test. There was even a student riot in China recently because someone tried to limit the cheating.
It's because they are subhuman. Japanese are a mix with whites
Then try seasoning It instead muhfugga. I'm gonna take you to flavor town
Very well said, I do admit that one flaw of my nation is that individuality is not condoned and everyone is set to live in a conformed lifestyle. That being said, Japanese culture is obsessed with being uniform and "on the same page". But please do not dismiss the fact that in history as well as in recent times, Japanese have provided to the world new forms of art and influence. As for the other topics you brought up, Japanese television is always broadcasting debates from the national diet regarding these topics. I know that Japan is not perfect, but I think it's good that we focus primarily on domestic issues rather than persistently trying to get our nose in global conflicts
sorry if English is hard to understand
You aren't as bad. Samurai pretty cool desu
You idiot, they are koreans who are mixed with a swarthy indigenous island people.
Collectivist culture. Individuals don't matter. So why care if some naked Chinese peasant child is run over in the street like a dog?
Yeah, i remember the great Anglo-Saxon cannibal fest...
Driving tells you a lot about the psychology of a society. In shit tier countries if there is a traffic jam people will fill up the opposing lane. Its really quite amazing.
I am reminded of how many liberals see conservatives as unfeeling, when really all that is happening is that conservatives tend to think more, and then allow their feelings to be guided by those thoughts.
Maybe we are just reckless and emotionally volatile in comparison to most azns.
>I have seen videos of Asians killing animals in the most brutal ways. boiling alive dogs and ducks. skinning alive all sorts of animals.
I could show you many videos of Westerners abusing animals in slaughter houses. But because they are cows, pigs and sheep instead of dogs you will just view it as normal and not abusive. But it's silly to say Westerners treat animals WELL: you just never see it.
>Worse is where people get hit by a car and bystanders just keep walking
This would happen a lot in the West too, it's called the bystander effect, when there are a lot of people around and someone is in pain, MOST people will just keep on walking.
And your point about "basic human decency". Go to Japan and you will see people standing in line for anything, even going to the bathroom or throwing out trash. They are the epitome of decency.
How's Korea Tim?
Yep, agreed with all of your points there. I'd say that all cultures have their problems, but yours are preferable to ours. Especially since it also acts to keep people in line and not degenerate like America and Europe did. With that said, speaking of the diet, I almost wonder if Japan and South Korea should just let their populations stabilize (and come up with an alternate solution to the social security issue that would arise) rather than concerning themselves too much with having an aging population. Japan is already crowded with a brutal amount of competition for jobs and living space, so I think that politicians' concerns with population decline are bad for the nation in the long run. Same with Europe and America (whose white populations have stabilized), but to a much much lesser extent due to land area. With the difference being that our politicians betrayed us and are inflating our populations using foreigners.
there's over a billion mainland chinese. why would an overpopulated society value human life? they don't want more citizens, they want better ones.
They lack spacial awareness and peripheral vision. Walk down the street in Seoul and you'll see why.
But niggers have better spacial awareness than hwhites.
Also compare the way black supremacists talk about whites compared to the way white supremacists talk about Jews.
Any white person knows that there is no conspiracy to oppress blacks from becoming Kangz. It just so happens that in certain areas, whites out-compete the blacks.
But those same whites cannot see this fallacy when comparing themselves to Jews.
>m-muh war crimes
War crimes are just trying to put a facade of decency up around something that is anything but that
and you think that people here know anything about empathy?
don't be an idiot. broadly speaking (in a global sense) jews control the instruments of power: military, economy and culture. it's even more pronounced in america because they've got more jews than israel.
Maybe because there eyes are squinted they can't see what's going on in there peripheral vision
You are an utter cuck. Animals are killed for food all the time. Marine animals may or may not be very intelligent but they are not innocent or worth the whole "hurr durr innocent family screaming while dying" bs. Dolphins like to rape other species to death for fun on a regular basis, for example.
Intelligence /= innocence. If anything, intelligence makes you all the more cruel, especially if you are more aware of what you are doing than other less intelligent species. So fuck marine life, they' deserve it.
Empathy is a luxury. It's something that can only be indulged when you have an extremely strong belief that your survival is guaranteed and your general comfort level won't decline.
If one looks at the history of China in particular you see famine after famine after famine. This over time would be highly likely to eliminate anyone with too much empathy, as a certain level of selfishness and callousness would be benificial to survival.
If you'd rather die than watch others suffer, as some people in the west seem to be, then when a clamity like famine hits, you will get your wish.
No Christianity.
this hurts so much, like wow, i am amazed but not in a good way
In far worse in Eastern culture let's be real, look at the fucked up shit on LiveLeak, babies left to die on pavements for hours with not one person taking any interest, even had cars running over the poor cunt