For all "child free" anons, what is your plan for the future when you are old and alone?
For all "child free" anons, what is your plan for the future when you are old and alone?
It is actually quite likely to find a lifelong partner that doesn't want children.
Did you make this thread to feel better about having kids unexpectedly?
I'll die old and alone.
Just like anyone with a wife and always die alone.
I don't have plans.
lots of women in major cities don't want children
you can still get married
the same as everyone else. kids grow up, leave parents home and visit or call only once a year. tell me how thats not the same as having no children at all
I'll finally have time to put away my sports car (since I don't need to pay for a wife and kid) and play everquest again in my old age.
I'm glad I had kids when I was 17. When I'm 36 they'll be adults and we can go travel or some shit.
my robot servant will inherit my cats
Everyone no matter if you have children or not should have savings.
It's likely that your children will have tougher life than you. Don't be a burden upon them unless there's no other way.
If you don't have savings for the next 20 years by the age of 60, you're not white and probably a faggot leftist.
Yeah, I'm turning 29 next month and have had nothing but a endless rotation of vapid women. I need to move and find a decent girl.
t. City Fag
Well I'm young and alone right now, so when I'm old I'll probably be doing the same as now - playing video games.
suicicde before i hit 40
> implying i will live past 30
Pretty much this. Nobody has the time to visit their old parents. Not to mention they often end up in retirement house anyway.
Preferably i'll die doing something meaningful before I get too old to pursue my dreams. I don't want to bring kids into this soulless world.
Im under 30, will procreate huge family in my mid or late 30s. When I hit 50-60 I'll send all males (with go pro like camera connected to my VR set) to fight and reconquer Europe.
Pic related - me at 65
I'm expecting to die before 35. Most likely in the upcoming civil war that will purge all the muslims from Europe
Most of this board is underage. They're not "chold free" or have plans for the future.
Many people who end up in those homes seem to be very neglected by the people who are supposed take care of them. Only if they have good kids they will be taken care of, and usually most people's kids aren't that nice.
Your kids are going to use you and leave you in a home.
Just like your pic.
I have my porn, onahole, vidya, tv shows now. There will be even better things in the future. Hopefully age reversing will be invented before I die. But even if it won't, I'll still have my entertainment. I mean seriously, old age is just as the same for people who have children and don't, the argument of muh old age is fucking bullshit, no one wants to have an old fart as a burden in their home.
>suicicde before i hit 40
i ran my 23andme data through a programme called promethease which tells you what gene variant you have that is associated with what medical condition. i have a lot of gene variants which make me more susceptible to getting alzheimers. my grandfather had it so its no surprise. just hoping im brave enough when the time comes to kill myself if i live that long rather than become a burden on family members.
Just import loads of Muslim migrants to take care of me in my old age. Sure, that will cause problems, but I won't be alive to see them, and I have no children who would be affected.
People in these days don't have the time for this shit seriously. I lived in a catholic conservative family, and it's the situation is like that exactly. They went to retirement home. Old people just aren't "fun" to be around desu, they are a burden, that's the sad truth.
Not having family is degenarate, inhuman and dying lonely (and getting crazy from years of loneliness few years before you die) is just punishment.
Yes, be a good goy, make lots of childrens and be a slave for some dumb bimbo and useless children, in exchange for occasionally sticking your meat stick into a cunt, but only when she allows you, otherwise it's rape.
Kill yourself pathetic cringy poolack larper
what make you think the muslims are going to want to work and not just live on welfare. one in six lebanese born "australians" is on the disability pension in australia. they pay a shifty arab doctor to say they are retarded and they get on it for life. though with all the muslim inbreeding i wouldnt be surprised if one in six was actually retarded.
Why has "Larper" become the new "Neckbeard"?
>Implying i will be old
If you're happy with the way your parents raised you, you should reward them with attention and compassion in their old age.
I plan to die before I am old.
It's fucking cringy, begging for attention, wow man so fucking based.
Anyone with a different word view is simply playing a role :^)
Real life isn't tumblr memes m8
It's a full time job in most cases. That's the sad truth.
>Anne Herro
no biggie, was alone for most of my life. Failed to even form a bond with my parents, felt like a parasite.
Have job and am finishing uni living in a 30m2 rental, can't see me doing any better or any worse than that.
When i get old or sick I'll just Luger my Pumpkin in the bathroom.
why are you so angry user
I don't plan on living that long
So it's just another derogatory remark for the unimaginative to use. I expected nothing less.
People with wives and kids end up old and alone anyway.
Well you could slaughter and eat them seeing no whitey will raise potatoes for you.
You owe them at least some amount of care and attention for the 20 odd years they had you leeching every minute every hour and every dollar off of them.
Fucking based!
>just hoping im brave enough when the time comes to kill myself
That's not the problem.
The problem is, you won't remember to do it.
with all the money i save in my life, i will become one of these dirty old man fking young pussy you offen see in jap doujin
Country girls are the ultimate marriage material.
shitpost all day
Allah akbar the government.
Old, depressed, feeling helpless, ... blame the bankers and politician's, run into a shit skin mosque and give them karma.
did you hear in the netherlands they euthanized a 41 year old alcoholic. maybe in the future theyll let you euthanize yourself if youre a NEET.
I don't owe them shit, they wanted to have me. If you have children of your own, who will you prioritize, your old parents or your young children and the little time you have for yourself?
There's only 16 hours a day you can spend on anything other than sleeping.
Man i've been cut by the edge multiple times, but your is a bit dull and retarded.
The least you could do is use a remark not reminiscent of Reddit
I'll cry with my money which pays for masseuses, escorts, and a nice cabana on the beach.
Protip from someone who deals with dying people regularly in his work: Absolutely everyone dies alone.
Where am I wrong?
My plan is to die.
A lot of ICU care is prolonged torture in order to satisfy the egos of family members.
Checking off shit from my bucket list. I'm an old white guy by then, so naturally I'll be able to do whatever the fuck I want to then.
Maybe I'll do the bulldozer thing
Live in a cave and write a book.
>The problem is, you won't remember to do it.
maybe i should get a tattoo: "KILL YOURSELF". its ok though. i have schizophrenia so my life expectancy is already pretty low. hopefully i die before i become a human vegetable.
not that guy. But youre indeed fucking retarded. ask your mom if she wants to see you, her answer will be something like "Son, if i see you for 2 minutes once a month, im happy". Its not hard to keep everyone happy, youre just lazy or depressed and are covering it by talking bullshit (i know because i do the same)
>what is your plan for the future when you are old and alone?
being with a partner who loves me. no children needed. not impossible though. if I had the financial means and if the waifu wanted a kid, I'd probably do it. but right now I don't have either of these things and a child would be a huge risk and mistake.
do what?
i wont make it long enough to be considered old
>what is your plan for the future when you are old and alone?
I'd rather be old and alone than old, alone, divorced and broke because of some vapid cunt
Retire early on the money I saved not having a family. Relax on the beach with cocktails and endulge in my hobbies.
Basically what I do now except for that I won't have to work and I can just live off my assets.
What are married people with kids going to do? Spend all month waiting for their children to finally come see them for a few hours? I honestly don't get the appeal.
Maybe the future robot waifu nurse will take pity on me and put me out of my misery.
>For all "child free" anons, what is your plan for the future when you are old and alone?
They will be dead of AIDS, OD, diabetes, necking, etc., long before they get to that point.
Die stage.
Either immortality or nothing
>programme euthanasia: initiated...
Keep posting on Sup Forums
Tired of this meme. Why do you have such a pessimistic view of life that everyone's going to die without anybody giving a fuck about them?
You hear plenty of stories of people dying in a hospital surrounded by family. Sure there's also plenty of occasions where they happen to not be surrounded by family but it's not as though it was out of neglect, and I'm sure you would be reassured in your final moments that you would be missed.
Besides, I'm not worried about death itself. That's insignificant. The final 20-30 years of life is a different story. Not having kids isn't an option in that instance. You'll wind up bitter and miserable with no redeeming qualities.
On the other hand if you have kids and you weren't a fucking shitty parent who neglected their family you'll see your kids all the time and have a healthy relationship with them. I see my grandma on a weekly basis and look forward to it, and she's nearly 80.
How do I find a woman to marry and have children ?
Things will pretty much be the same. Wake up hobble over to computer, do the usual shit. Except one day my body won't be strong enough to hobble over, so I will remain laying down forever. By then they'll probably have hologram internet that can project on the wall controlled by hand gestures or some shit so I'll be able to shitpost literally into the grave. My biggest concern is whether internet will still exist amid the crumbling infrastructure resulting from a Mexican / Islamic majority. Islam will probably ban a bunch of technology and media. Barring some massive economic crash I'll have a shit ton of money so there's the option of hiring some in-home caregiver or a robot one if those exist in 50 years. If it ever gets too physically painful, reach for the Nembutal.
Alright OP you're making this thread because you don't know whether you want to have kids or not. So Here's how I see it. You have three choices.
1. don't have kids
>live chasing one hedonistic pleasure to the next
>spend your money on luxuries like travel and a cool car
>die alone and unloved
>western civilisation falls
2. have kids
>work hard and learn the true meaning of sacrifice for someone you love
>maybe get divorced and become depressed
>die alone but loved and remembered
>your sons become gay liberals who take it up the ass
>your daughters become hyperliberal sluts who racemix with black men and your bloodline is ruined
>western civilisation falls
3. fight in the race war
>maybe die a painful death
>maybe be remembered as an insane evil lunatic
>after victory settle down with your wife
>rest easy knowing your sons and daughters will honour your bloodline
>be forever remembered not only by your family but as part of the greatest conflict of mankind by future generations
>wanting have to have your children deal with niggers in a nigger infested shithole world.
Thanks, but its only a matter of time until civilization collapses. Surviving will be much easier without having kids to look after.
I don't want to have kids because my family has a history of IBD and I don't want my kids to have it. I've got too many inheritable diseases.
Because being old and alone is going to be so much different from being young and alone.
Besides, some people actually have family already without having offspring. Siblings, cousins, etc.
Techniology, immortality or a bullet.
In a grim version of the future, I'll use my deflated currency to buy a rusty old shovel, dig my own unmarked grave and use a borrowed 3d printed gun to shoot myself, thereby ending my financial servitude.
In a slightly less grim version of the future, robots will help wipe my arse.