you got scammed
There will never be a wall
there will be something though, a fence maybe? the scam is it won't really stop illegals. cutting all welfare would.
Well even if it isn't a physical wall, it is more of a deterrent via fear. We would love to have a proper border wall though for keeping our southern border safe and secure. Hell, we should just be merciless and execute scumbags and hang them over the fences. It worked when it drove away Muslims in Europe from certain countries.
>a fucking fence
Press L to laugh at deluded Drumpflets
Just curious, what would your next plan if that didn't?
Republican voter here. Fuck that lying shit Trump. L.
There has been constant work and progress towards a wall, to the point where even if Congress fucks over the direct funding for it, we'll just fund it privately through donation. Fuck off, you're not even American. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you want a job done right and not a nigger-rigged piece of shit, you need funding and planning.
You aren't a Republican. Quit shilling.
A wall just isn't going to intimidate anyone. they will just tunnel under. or even easier, let a visa expire.
>Implying there isn't a wall already.
the wall was just slogan
like "i like it" for mcdonalds
it doesnt means nothing
its just advertismenet
and thats where trump did his job well
Tell that to pic related.
lmao @ your life OP
I have no respect for Trump.People who are incompetent shouldn't be celebrated. He is an embarrassment to the Anglosphere and is way out of his league in the White House.
How did he get such widespread support on Sup Forums?
that wouldn't stop anyone either. people migrate for comfy clean infrastructure, a functioning justice system and high salaries
I love Islam and I hate Trump
Same. Wish I voted for Hillary
he's a shitposter
Your kind will be dead soon. Trump will make it legal to kill leftists soon, and then the USA will be a lot of fun.
>Quit shilling.
That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.
any day now
The Anglosphere is an embarrassment to the Anglosphere. Once you understand that the primary barriers to white supremacy ARE WHITE, you stop believing in white supremacy. Once you understand that collectives only exist to applaud the weak, you renounce anything and everything other than yourself, and accept that you are personally a God, entitled to everything you see, else a slave. Rise up. Remove the socialists and collectivists from your surrounding lands by any means, the more brutal the better. Become the God you were meant to be. Death to collectivism of any sort, which is nothing more than communism under a different name.
WE are the wall.
We ARE the wall.
We are THEE wall.
We are the WALL.
Defend your territory. Contain the threats.
You can still go suck Hillary's dick before she goes to jail if you hurry.
You clearly do not recognize President Trump's master plan.
Those are a better kind of migrant than the ones who migrate for welfare though.
Whether it's an actual wall is inconsequential, it just has to be effective.
A saudi style border fortification would be great.