I don't remember Obamahaters doing this.
Why are leftists licking toilets to prove they hate Trump?
the left clearly eats shit
Oh for fucks sake, what is this timeline going to bring next?
It is a sign of profound hate against the authoritan way of life, you dumb fuck.
We dont like to do it, but this world forces us into it.
Also, it gives you a wierd nice feeling, idk.
It will be difficult to keep you out of the death camps if you show up on social media licking toilets. We want to help you, but you have to meet us halfway. Stop behaving like animals.
Make sure to save these pictures and plaster them all over the net, make a meme out of these
It's important to associate regular liberals with these batshit insane pathetic fuckheads
Create positive associations of pride, rightful anger, intelligence with the right wing and negative associations with the left wing and that's how we win the culture war
Flag checks out.
i feel like one of us started this as a psyop and we just forgot.
>wahhaaa I got tapeworm and salmonella because of brumbff
Death Camps for you
is this one of our trolls or did they do this on their own jesus fuck
whichever troll started this shit, thank you wherever you are
You don't want to know......
>but this world forces us into it.
Isis gunning down Charlie hebdo and effectively shutting freedom of speech against your mudslimes brothers is "forcing it"
You getting a few diseases by doing something alone in your house, not so much
Maybe we started something self perpetuating?
Yeah, that will show Trump. Keep it up, guys.
I think they hate themselves as much as they hate trump.
they shouldnt be listened to and for their own sake get help
Those are photoshoped and is falseflagging
Proof, you Dem?
leftist here
never heard of this. probably shit that trump niggers made themselves thinking anyone would fall for it.
>you dumb fuck
the irony
>a leftist with a Confederate flag
What a waste of digits.
proof? If this is PS it should be easy to find the source since its obviously from some degradation porno.
I would look it up but i have stopped watching porn.
is this the official explanation?
you should kill yourself
Sounds like something we'd do for sure...
HAHAHAH that sent the Drumpfies and Drumpf panicking yess slayyy
>It is a sign of profound hate against the authoritan way of life
also wouldn't it make more sense to write #MAGA or #ILOVETRUMP instead? this shit doesn't make any sense.
Havent the niggers from Chicago forced the poor white guy to do the same when they were streaming on facebook?
keep encouraging them, this is brillant
Clinton/Gore used on campaign pins.
>We dont like to do it, but this world forces us into it.
What? Shitting in toilets? Really?
Must you leftards resent absolutely every practical tradition ever?
So what, toilets represent authority and lapping up piss germs is a metaphor for rebellion? I am confuse. ..
Maybe we don't even have to try any more. They are stupid.
It`s going to be pinnacle of western civilisation
I'd Fuck Trump... Hes hot
I think they must have done this spontaneously.
Is it homophobia when you get a little throw-up in your mouth?
I told you about leftists bro..
>"i dont like to lick toilets"
>licks toilet and has friend take a picture
fucking disgusting
he looks better when hes hair is more silver and his face is paler without all of the makeup/hair dye.
What the fuck is wrong with this community? Why are half of us faggots fucking retarded?
That generation is unsalvagable.
Into the pit it goes.
This is #SlitWritsForBeiber or whatever it was called all over again.
Civil War 2 will literally be shooting fish in a barrel.
Calm down. It was just a joke.
>this world forces us to
>this world forces you to lick toilets and showing it off to your friends
>this world forces you to lick toilets instead of doing something constructive
>also gives you a wierd nice feeling
>also gives you a wierd nice feeling to lick piss spats and bacteria
15 people have fallen for this bait.
Let that sink in...
leave it to a faggot to lick toilets.
Isn't this real Marxism where they do external unmasking by doing humiliating things? Licking toilets is the true utopia they are searching for!
Is this real?
Pls say yes.
Amazed /pol didn't think of this first...
What else can we get them to do?
Mop the floor with a rag clenched in their teeth, the possibilities are endless.
K-K-Kronenburgs Morty.
i thought leftists are racist, trump nigger
Any more pictures of women doing this? Photoshop the #fucktrump out and it'd make a great imagefap gallery.
Leftists are Santan's puppets.
lol white people are retarded.
Eat shit and die.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Sasha Grey Syndrome
pssssssssssssssss, faaart, fart
Licking toilets is good for work with your house so that pretty white girl you even intelligent
I have a very nice woodchipper is like to show you
Shut up LEAF!
How do you know he's a leaf?
i like this meme
yup. pol is dead. like a strong, spiked punchbowl that a bunch of butthurts, shills and normals took a long, drawn out piss into before licking the rim of the bowl all the way 'round
you dont fool anyone leaf
anti-kek :v(
They could get HIV from those toilet seats. One can dream i suppose.
Shut the fuck up you goddamn leaf.
...what the FUCK is this fucking degeneracy????
Good lord...Just the thought of doing such a thing brings me shame. Subhumans.
I don't know, but they should keep it up
That coagulated urine, isn't going to clean itself, put your front teeth into it
Because all fags are mentally ill. Just some of you are worse than others.
There are no false flags here. Everyone here is 100% serious.
Obama haters were eating shit to protest
welcome to the singularity kid
top kek
>I dont like this government, let me proceed to eat some shit.
Does this mean we have to work out a new set of special privileges along with new anti-discrimination laws to protect urinal lickers?
Will we be getting a new Star Trek character out of this?
Aliens arrive. Take one look around them. The fuck is this shit? Then leave never to return.
We're at the point now were leftists are trolling leftists to get back at trump.
Hoe did this happen?
That's nasty, they could get diseases. WTF?
It's #TuckFrump all over again.
They are leftists, what the fuck do you expect?
continues to be true to this day
The leftist was going to lick a toilet anyway, the hashtag is just bonus virtue signaling.
This is what he meant when he said we would win so much we would get tires of winning.
They have Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder due to Prescription Drugs & Birth Control.
Please tell me this isn't a thing. My bog is clean but I won't eat out of it. For fuck's sake it's where I shit.
An old phrase: "don't shit where you eat". This is African tier.
proof once again that leftism is a mental illness
And if both sides keep doing this over and over and over again to eachother we could potentially end up in a situation where there is NO real discourse and both sides of any argument just demonize each other and want to-
Oh shit.
Their toilets taste like Hilary mouth. Thats why.
I told a guy he should lick a toilet once and he did. I laughed my ass off and told strangers what he did because I was laughing so hard. I feel bad about that, but goddamn. Don't lick a toilet.