Is she still the most powerful person in the world or just a tourist attraction now?

Is she still the most powerful person in the world or just a tourist attraction now?

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why cant she be held responsible for all the death caused by british people since her 'rule'?

maybe she is just a figure head

When was she ever the most powerful person in the world?

Because she never incited violence you stupid muslim nigger.

1953 she owned the whole empire except india

The Rothschilds bow to the queen

Shes never been the most powerful person in the world, not since 1776 had another nation or person been more powerful than the U.S. president or citizens. And I dont think she was alive then.

Because she does not incite violence you stupid nigger.

lul, what the fuck

you do realize the US did not even have a blue water navy until the start of the 20th century