The German Identitarian movement is going into the epicenter pozz and multiculturalism, to protest against the invasion into Europe.
The German Identitarian movement is going into the epicenter pozz and multiculturalism, to protest against the invasion into Europe.
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That's a pretty large demonstration for an anti-multicultural march. We don't even have klan rallies that large.
Still filthy Commies
has the uncuckening begun
Protest my ass, subhumans
Believe me, if they are in Berlin. They will be like 4 times more people march against them
aw yiss
Relax We Are Coming Back-o-meter at 50%
That's the sad part. Not only will these people be fighting Arab and African scum but they will be fighting communist race traitors as well.
I like those fashy umbrellas
>rap in the background
I can't wait for the massacre of these larping faggots.
Actually only a few butthurt fags at the side-walk right now
this flag is a fine replacement for the swastika
Can Merkel jail all of them?
Incredible, I wish I was there. So many great people standing up against multiculturalism!
any idea how big it is?
Berlin is one of the biggest shithole I ever was.
Trad QT
>nigger rap in the background
How long will it take for the world to be un-cucked?
Rap music in the background,mostly older people because youngsters are either brainwashed or muslims....kek.
Europe is dead see you in 30 years when the caliphate will invade my shithole.
I'm surprised how many women are there. Probably have already been raped by muslims
what're they chanting?
Meanwhile a protest by Muslims against Islamic terrorism today appears to be a huge failure.
Media claimed that they expected 10.000 people, something like 300-500 people showed up, most of them just signalling leftists.
These fucking cucks shouting "Reconquista"
>So many great people standing up against multiculturalism!
Sadly, most of them look like inbreds.
Europe, Youth, Reconquista
I'm wondering this too.
>Europa - Jugend - Reconquista
Europe, Youth, Reconquer
>Heute bist du tolerant, morgen fremd im eigenen Land
Today you are tolerant, tomorrow you are a foreigner in your own country
KEK Paras will deploy at 17°° CET , stay tuned , ((("antifa"))) will burn
Inspired by Poland's defiant stance on anti-immigration perhaps?
germans sound so goofy
these fukkas will die , "(((antifa)))" will burn
Most Identitarians are between 20-30 years-old.
Nigger rap music in background is embarassing though.
Most likely not. You can get jailed for saying mean things about minorities or denying/relativising muh 6 million
A legit concern is that the government just bans the identitarian movement for shady reasons.
>german rap
cringe, almost the same lvl as antifa.
splitscreen info / Le Mans Team KEK Borsche is leading
No. This was a French movement first. There was a manifesto, "the coming revolution" or something.
The optics are pretty good, they look like regular, well adjusted people
I knowam even if you dont play military music to not be acused of being a nazi you could put just some instrumental orchestra or some classical music in the background.....
Leftist newspapers (so almost every paper) here in Germany today:
"There are about 20 protesters from the identitarian movement, while there are hundreds of throusands counterprotesters"
and people still believe the media
This website is for 18+
I suggest you go to twitch.tv for content more suitable to you.
I use that word semi-ironically.
Still, there was really no need to put on rap music. It's like some infiltrated T*rk troll put it on to fuck with people.
Well its not fitting althoug "cringe" is a shit normalfagg meme.Btw any german bro ITT that can tell me if you have in germany patriotic rap?We have something like it but its mostly from the 90s since it got censored for being anti EU and corruption.
Not at all, if you look more closely you see they are looking good. There are also many really beautiful women among them.
Most people believe what they want to believe. If it fits their narrative that's all good, otherwise they won't look further.
I approve of the Identitarians.
Why have you not joined the Identitarians yet to save the White race /pol?
I didn't know Germans liked owerwatch that much, what a bunch of nerds.
Where are German flags?
1. These girls are only identitarians because their boyfriend/brother/male friends are in it. No women joined by herself. This is why men lead, women follow.
2. Stop saying "they are not nazi enough" they are edgy as they can be without getting arrested. Identitarians are a good movement.
Good job, I wish I was in Germany to go too
Chelsea Clinton is an identitarian?
kek, heard that too
The YouTube chat mentioned the rap music is by "Komplott"
GI is a pan-European movement.
>1. These girls are only identitarians because their boyfriend/brother/male friends are in it. No women joined by herself. This is why men lead, women follow.
bump for the Vaterland
Rap is the music of niggers and white wannabe-niggers.
The right wing music is somewhere between rock, punk and heavy metal.
It's produced by identirians with meaningful lyrics. The goal is to reach more youth, since all they listen nowadays is this kind of music. At least give them good lyrics, and after they get hooked make them listen better music.
Would you wave german flag as a german?
fucking nazi
accept refugees!11
>rock, punk and heavy metal
All influenced by blues (black music). Get that stick out of your ass. Not a fan of rap but if they can spread the message that way it's ok.
Neofolk is good too. Even some electro can be white.
Was Clinton /ourgirl/ all along?
>These girls are only identitarians because their boyfriend/brother/male friends are in it. No women joined by herself. This is why men lead, women
There is nothing wrong with that, thats how a healthy society works.
>German leftist establishment assuming shitskins will move a single finger during Ramadan daytime
>German roach-loving polticians assuming DiTiB supporting ...
This is no longer the country of the Germans.
Would you wave a flag that stands for Merkel and for millions of shitskins?
I don't think so.
What are some neofolk bands, other than Rome?
God Speed!!!!!
Open borders while the world Breeds behind closed ones is genocide.
If regular Kraut rap is cringey, this takes it to a whole new level.
>no women joined by herself
You could not be wronger. I'm not pretending they all joined by themselves, but at least half of them here in France.
folk and war songs are the common white dude music
How do I buy their merch? I'd love to support them, but I'm a shitty anglo.
I agree, although some German rap can sound good too, not trashy like black rap.
Will Antifags show up?
no , they never do as the IB Org has at least 40 active paras and 20 former Speznas guys on the street . IB Awacs Brandenburg
They are expected to make an apperance
they usually wait till the end of demonstrations or attack people attending right before they start.
I just looked and I don't think they have much.
The French Mouvement Identitaire has a booklet on sale for 10 Euros.
The Germans have shopping bags and T-shirts.
> coop between Chris Ares & Komplott
> Makss Damage is full stormfront 14/88, though
thats why we have access to ze bolice radio
Too late Muhammad, too late
>bearded Identitarian rubbing his belly
Kawaii :3
Why can't they protest in hamburg I would total go there
antifa halp
Rock music is pretty much nigger music, too, you wisecrack
These idiots think the muzzies will let them live after the caliphate is established.
In gowan ring
Sone hagal
Roma amor
Amicci del vento
Von thronstal
Then follow youtube suggestions.
Martial industrial is nice too (Triarii, Legionarii...)
Larping kids, enjoying a day in the sun.
How nice
It's a pan european yearly demo, they used to go to Vienna but last time an antifa nearly killed some people throwing stones from a building, imho they moved to Berlin because Van Der Bellen would allow snipers this time
They look perfectly fine, Ahmed. Sounds like you're projecting.
It may have its roots in Blues, but Rock is quintessentially white. If you claim otherwise, you know nothing about music history.