You will never be a European, let that sink in burgers
You will never be a European, let that sink in burgers
My mother was born in Germany and that's as close to Euro as I ever want to get.
So how come you don't use metric time if metric is so wonderful?
>haha America you suck you didn't abandon your identity and culture to the globalists
Y'know a few years ago this would have hurt but now I honestly couldn't be happier about that fact.
Why would I want to be Muslim
hang second...ok. it sunk in. i'm good. now go back to fucking your goat, ahmed
I'm actually going to defend the American system, partially because normal people in the UK still use some imperial measurement,s but also because they're actually better. I understand if you're a scientist or engineer metric is more useful, but having variable steps is actually easier in your day to day life. It's the same as living in a town which has been developed organically, moulded to the landscape, where everywhere you go looks different, it's easier to memorise and you feel more grounded. As opposed to a standardised grid like newer cities, which cause disorientation and isolation.
>implying most (white) burgers can't apply for EU citizenship due to heritage
It really just isn't worth it, desu.
Can we talk for a second about how fucking awful grid cities look? I can't imagine how bad they must be to live in.
Torontos grid is really weird, one part will have a grid then it will just change randomly, and the area might have a dead end, or the road shifts to the right a bit and becomes a completely different street. I live at an intersection and the east and west roads are two different streets I don't get it, and then there's dead ends, and random loops and curves and one single random roundabout
Time is just not decimal. Base 60 is better than decimal because you can divide it evenly into halves (30), thirds (20) quarters (15) fifths (12) sixths (10) tenths (6) fifteenths (4) and so on.
12 and 24 hour divisions let you divide neatly into halves, thirds, quarters, and sixths.
Base 10 sucks and that's why time survived metrication.
This is the best thing I'll see on the internet today
You have to go back Mehmet.
Better than subdivisions and check cashing joints desu friend
>TFW you don't live in a country that doesn't tax 3/4s of your paycheck and adores niggers/muslims.
Feels good man!
>beeing this new
Day Month Year is retarded.
Month Day is closer to the ISO standard
>posting this the same time it is trending on Reddit
Don't fucking remind me. I have to measure shit all day at work and all I ever think about is how fucking dumb our measurement system is. Same thing when I cook.
found the redditor
Day is small, month is bigger, year is biggest
Fucking yanks
>>haha America you suck you didn't abandon your identity and culture to the globalists
Have a system that is better in nearly every aspect, it mus be the jews
It was, the french Republicans invented it
Closer by what definition?
MDY has two in the right order and one totally fucked, and none in the right position.
DMY has all in the right order but in reversed sequence, and has one (M) in the right position.
Really it depends on the subjective idea of which arbitrary similarity is more similar...
But still, YMD 4ever. Dad alphabetical-chronological interchangeability.
>Can't order burger by the point
>Can't order beer by the pint
>Can't order steak by the ounce
Nice system you got there faggots. Cry about being too stupid to work in anything other than 10's all you like. Imperial is here to stay.
>posting something from reddit to 4chainz
Good work OP
Move out of that black neighborhood.
Mehmet, what based leaf said has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with conformity.
American weights and measures are pants-on-head retarded. You should have learned this by now
Thank God.
but but why would you even want that?`
>order my beer by the maß/halbe
>order my steak by the gramms
and wtf is even a point
Shut the fuck up dumb nigger, why did you abandon your heritage? Decimal currency is a Russian communist invention and metric is a french republican invention
British nigger talk
>Calling anyone else retarded
because it's better?
>Mehmet, what based leaf said has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with conformity.
Why would you not conform to something better, is that your whole line of argumen?
>I acknowledge that your system is better, but mine has tradition?
Why would you give up progress for tradidion.
>and wtf is even a point
Fuck, mobileposting, meant to say pound, obviously.
I'm also calling bullshit, I've spoken to numerous euros about this issue, they all confirm those things just come as they come, there is no choice of size. Actually they seemed confused about why you would even want a choice, euros hate freedom like that.
>foreign culture is better than my culture
Kill yourself
inches, feet, yards, miles, lbs. gallons, ounces, farenheit and so on are all pragmatic, effective values to discuss real-world distance by.
metric is all based off of a standard that has no real-world meaning.
Be a good goy, conform like everyone else!
Depends on the place. For New York City, the grid works really well. Besides a few places in lower Manhattan, you can tell what direction you're going in based on whether you can see the water (east and west) or buildings as far as the eye can see (north can south). In a city that large, it helps to be able to orient yourself that easily.
>ayo what's the day
> twenty second of March my man
Most people know what month it is, day matters more so it comes first.
You get a (you) for that
Ameriblops will unironically defend their shitty system. It's a nation of mullatto, crybaby idiots who think "cup" is a acceptable form of measurement. Not that the average american cooks his own food but still.
>It's a nation of mulatto crybaby idiots
Are you sure you're not talking about Germany Muhammad?
Not in every aspect, stop acting like a cunt, but metric is just better to use.
>not getting your forskin cut off
our ancestors did it for you, what are you a jew puppet?
>flushing your toilet
Are you dumb, the jews use it to earn money, just dig a hole like our ancestors did.
Dont change your whole culture, but your education system should be up to date, why would you teach something that is inferior?
Can you name some other tradition that is infirior, but you still practice it?
Who would do this? 20% chance to be fugged
What are you talking about?
He's trying to drive the point home that we should throw away tradition and conform because metric is "better".
You, or the USA have a system which is infirior to the metric system, you dont have to start fucking over your culture, but changing your measurement system for something better is just the reasonable thing to do, appealing to tradition is absolutely not an argument
You Germans can give up your culture and tradition, I like ours
Hear hear leaf! Have a Molson's on me!
I hope you're under house arrest.
Lol this is retarded, if culture is your argument then should Africans still use witchcraft? Should people in Mongolia use horses instead of cars because muh culture?
>Haha i can't argue against the point that my system is infirior, but you goverment is currently fucking over you country and its future, that means my system is better
Do you think befor you speak?
>that flag
Our system makes more sense for human proportions.
A mature adult human is about 6 feet, a young child is 3 feet (1 yard), baby is 1 foot tall. (compare to 1m, which is harder to divide)
Inches make more sense than mm, and 12 is divisible many many things
Average adult weight 150-200 pounds (compare to 70kg)
Outside of tools, how would you even use millimeters?
We divide 1 mile by "blocks" which is generally 10 blocks (compare to 1.3 km or 1300m)
Diving things by 1000 is confusing
Eat shit krauts
>my culture and traditions are going to be destroyed because people measure thing on meters
Nah, I don't live in a country that's 55% white, ruled by kike bankers and the epicenter of degeneracy and modern liberalism.
Do you think at all?
At least we're changing our demographics positively by closing the border, reforming immigration and killing niggers.
You guys on the other hand are changing demographics by letting hordes of sandniggers in. And the only time your women have children is with them. Pathetic.
Replication is not thought. Your mind is a meme. Go worship your ancestor-deities somewhere else you fucking witch-doctor.
>u iz not euro, burger phag
Response: My country litterally owns you - europe's soverignty is illusory. Enjoy your dumb measurement systems, which have so clearly aided you in become supreme...
Yo, I lived in Europe for a good while. Kitchen measurement standards are so bastardized because of the ubiquity of American recipes that not being able to use cups (basically short hand for 250 ml) is pretty retarded.
The error is not in using cups, tablespoons, or teaspoons as measurements, but using volume instead of weight when baking.
I'm a Christian
We're Mutants
You think Christ would care whether the money you use operates on the decimal system? Fugg mate.
>At least we're changing our demographics positively by closing the border, reforming immigration and killing niggers.
If you actually think some meme policies from Trump will overthrow the current birthrates in the US you're retarded. The US will be non white in a few years unless the racewar starts.
>And the only time your women have children is with them.
If infowars said so
I actually love this cartoon.
I never said that
I'm sorry for the pain and psychological turmoil that this image may cause.
The American way of doing dates actually makes sense. It goes in order of how many options there are.
Month - 12 to choose from
Day - 28 to 31 to choose from
Year - Technically an infinite amount to choose from
So you're going from smallest amount of options to most
Good. I don't want to be a Muslim.
The summer Olympics are irrelevant nobody watches those
Damn, Germany is pretty good.... or was...
please god
>mother born in America
>father born in Ireland
>implying I'm not the best type of European: the kind that got out before shit really hit the fan
Screen cap this: Europe is lost and will be used as a sacrificial lamb to start The Big One
Pro tip: London will be glass by the time brexit is supposed to happen
What makes you think we want to be eurofags?
Aw shucks!
That was kinda the point.
How can Germany be this based?
This. Oceanic master race.
Australia, New Zealand, USA, iceland, greenland will be the only countries that matter in a few years, besides Russia
Metric is better for calculation imperial is as you said practical measurements.
I for one will not lose sleep over it.
>tfw born and raised in US
>tfw i use metric more than US customary
>tfw its fuckall easier
>tfw i barely even understand US customary anymore
At least you're very open with your leafposting
No Europe has A LOT of wins per capita, so get bent China and upward
Finland had like 5 million pops so per capita it is about 7 times as great as the USA.
Why isn't this ever broken down by population? We have the population of like 3/8 of Europe
>can't even understand distances anymore
You might be a stupid person then