Newfag/ethnic jew here
Do you faggots legitimately hate all jews in general, or just the corrupt jewish run media?
Newfag/ethnic jew here
Do you faggots legitimately hate all jews in general, or just the corrupt jewish run media?
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yes because poor jews are usually welfare scroungers
Safer to hate all Jews from the get go. Same with nogs.
Yes, you are the worst of all mankind. You are a traitor to our species. if you were all rounded up and exterminated, wiped off the face of the planet, it would be the happiest day of my life. Absolutely no joke
There are two kinds of Jews, Americans that happen to be Jewish and Jews that happen to be living in America. If you're a Jew that happens to live in America then you're cancer. If you're American first we don't have a problem. If you're a white nationalist Jew then I love you.
I don't hate you, I love your women
America first dude. Plus, I'm religiously Methodist.
At least we're as bad as Muslims
I don't hate the jew anymore then I hate the rat or the cockroach. They are disgusting vile creatures that by their very nature need to be removed, but I don't hate them.
Not as bad*
Unfortunately Sup Forums tends to attract many mentally ill and mal-adjusted refuse of society whose entire identity has come to revolve around hating Jews: Yes, they hate us but while we should have our guard up, we shouldn't have them back, we should feel sorry for them.
They genuinely believe that our existence is somehow the cause of all their pain and angst and insufficiency. It's a disease of the mind, quite simply.
You're worse, because you are intelligent and still act the way you do. That's what makes you particularly reprehensible
How much percent ethnically Jewish can one be if the rest is white and be spared on day of the rope?
A jew is a jew, no matter how much or how little he jews.
Only one of the arms of the octopus. Lurk moar
At least we don't kill non believers and stone our women
No, that's hatred. I'm an environmentalist and we don't ""remove"" rats or cockroaches or mosquitoes or any other of the animals that annoy us because we understand they're part of the food chain.
You hate us, at least have the decency to admit the truth instead of dancing around it.
This, I wanna know if us mischlings might be spared.
My grandmother on my mums side was 100 percent jew, my dad isn't jew, so about 25 percent jew
Depends on the particular autist in question but I certainly wouldn't put my faith in anyone who thinks mass genocide is a cool and okay idea.
Rather than hoping for mercy I would recommend arming yourselves.
There are no "just corrupt jews". There'll be always corrupt jews suberting and scheming wherever any number of jews are. It's best for everyone that they're contained in their holy patch of desert.
I hate whites more.
Whites are the reason jews control this world.
That makes me feel a little better. My great great grandma was a jew so I am like 5 percent.
>what is the sterile male technique
We eliminate insects all the time because they are pests, that is how we eliminated the screw-worm fly. Its not done out of hate but, the insect can't help its nature to harm man, just like the jew.
It's a statistical thing.
>George Soros
Oy vey goyim, don't you like rich people?
Generally speaking we don't exterminate entire species of animals no matter how annoying they are.
For example, back in the day men used to drain a lot of swamps to stop mosquitoes but under modern paradigms it's understood that draining wetlands is harmful to the environment.
Ethnic cleansing is not really comparable to pest removal, that's just a metaphor people come up with to justify the unjustifiable.
>It's not MURDER if they're not even PEOPLE tee hee
But at the end of the day you're still just as guilty before the eyes of God, or good men, and history, regardless of your half-assed justifications.
We don't like rich jews.
When are you leaving?
Religion isn't important. Judaism is in the blood. As with any group there are outliers, but the vast majority of Jews in the US need to be deported to Israel or gassed.
>But at the end of the day you're still just as guilty before the eyes of God
Yes and I am positive god will have no problem with the removal of pests that worship satan, who are his agents on earth. Whose natural function is to corrupt the soul of man and drag him back to this material prison and keep him divided from all things spiritual.
>Do you faggots legitimately hate all jews in general, or just the corrupt jewish run media?
We love jews, actually.
They are good, green alternative to fossil fuel.
Memeing aside though, corrupt jewish top-class (Media, Bankers, Politicians) comes first, I don't give much fucks about random schlomos that will be martyred by top ones for the "muh holocaust"
We do not exterminate the species, but we do not allow them to live among us or feed on us freely. When they encroach on us we use any and all means at our disposal to exterminate them.
Yeah God has a problem with murder, it's in the Bible.
Especially murder for no good reason except "I don't like the tribe he was born into because some people on the Internet told me they did 911" or something to that effect is especially bad.
Because your white pussies thats why you cant ever finish the job thata why you will die.
That's up to you senpai. If you act like a kike you'll be treated like a kike. If you act white I'd embrace you.
Lurk Moar and move to Israel
Fuck God if he thinks you evil incarnations of evil are worth anything then clearly he is not right.
>human life has intrinsic value because my volcano demon who ordered numerous genocides, killed every first born child in Egypt, and at one point killed nearly all life on Earth says so
Compelling argument. I'm convinced and will now convert to Judaism and join forces so we can suck the milk of the gentiles.
What are you babbling about? Pol LOVES the Jews.
We don't remove species from their native habitat. Hence why persecuting Jews in Eastern Europe back in WW2 was a mistake in the first place.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
>NATIONS OF BEASTS Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.”
>WHO IS HUMAN? Baba Mezia 114a-114b “Non-Jews are Not Human. Only Jews are human (“Only ye are designated men”)
>WILD ANIMALS Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
Jew god has no problem with killing people. Oh that is right, silly me, goyim are not people
anyone who says jews aren't BASED is just memeing user. it's all irony, israel is truly our greatest ally
>The Bible is full of shit
>There's no difference between Right and Wrong
>But Jews are DEFINITELY 100% all wrong
I think I hate moral relativism more than anything.
Third post best post.
Six million more.
Wrong lol. Read a history book you shill fuck. Yeah it´s not ALL perhaps, but if you have a population of dogs roaming the earth, and in this population there is ALWAYS a decent minority of rabiate dangerous vicious dogs that will murder your children, corrupt your women, destroy your economy and ultimately wreck your very national identity and racial future.
Wat do? Answer honestly pls. Fuck off with this CIA "conspiracy nuts" non-argument.
>The Talmud
You may as well quote the Quran: both are full of shit and pure evil.
Every healthy, developed, God-fearing human adult instinctively KNOWS the difference between Right and Wrong.
If Jews chilled in Israel, fucked up Arabs and generally were regular chill people, I wouldn't give a fuck.
But they insist on manipulating other countries and people to their own end, then denying it.
Get the fuck over the holocause jews, its done, gone, happened. Get back to fucking up arabs, and making better lives for your people. (and remember, without the UK, USA and other Allies, your entire religion would be toasty muffins by the Nazis. A shitload of white christians died for you, fucking recognise that.)
Nobody wants to be around people that put Israel before their countrymen.
Shoot the rabid dogs and give the good dogs treats and belly-rubs, obviously.
Have you never owned a dog?
Get out JIDF
pol doesn't know what it hates or loves anymore. too many shills and fags
No you just get literal niggers to do it
Hi, yes I hate them, although I have a few jewish friends that I like.
They are just too dumb to see through my mask.
Once Antisemitism is normalised over here they and their families will wish they were dead when I come for them.
There was a poet named Julian Tuwim(1894-1953). They say that he used to be hated by jews for being polish and hated by poles for being jewish. And probably he was also hated by everyone else for being polish and jewish. But he was a good jew... here is one of his masterpieces
In truth, 'the Jews' is just a general epithet for all of the collective unnamed forces, same with the (((echoes))), it's really not about Jews at all but it's framed as edgy counter-culture to draw attention. Likewise for Richard Spencer and his meme-ilk, it's just edgy shit for someone who really is promoting the same things Bernie Sanders promotes, just with Pepe and 'identity' lumped into it.
Seriously, listen to a Bernie speech then listen to a Spencer speech and you'll realize they're not cut from a very different cloth, which either makes you really nervous or makes you like Bernie, either or, but the rest of us couldn't give a fuck less.
When you see someone writing antisemitic shit just assume they're being edgy for the sake of it because they're pissed off about the world and erroneously believe that one fuckin' group will save them from another fuckin' group
Some of you heebs are alright.
No one go to the bank tomorrow.
This is truer than most would care to admit. Compassion is the white mans pride and shame, strength and fatal weakness. The age of mercy must be over soon.
Those aren't your friends, user, you're probably a sociopath who is incapable of having friends.
Pro tip: people you plan to murder are not your friends.
You sound mentally ill, get help.
So you agree then? Also the "good dogs" still have the genes so they all go their containment kennel in the desert. Good man you know the attitude here, basically.
>There's no difference between Right and Wrong
I never said or implied that. So much for that superior verbal IQ.
He is back
Good dogs live in the house, guard dogs live in the backyard, bad dogs get put down.
My dog doesn't live in a ""containment kennel"" in the desert, dude.
Again, have you never owned a dog?
>ashkenazim are from eastern europe
Are the gypsies now Europeans? Squatting on land doesn't make it yours.
Oy vey, this is anti-semitic. Delete this.
I would half-agree as the Masons, Templars, Jesuits, Mohammedans (Al Saud, the Assassins which cooperated with the original Templars) were certainly not all "jews". However, reading history you will see that where you find the latter the others are usually just their pawns, tools and scapegoats.
Sorry but you´re simply wrong, have you done any research or just shitposting and chilling here?
Idk too much about gypsies but European Jews are definitely Europeans in every meaningful sense.
Sorry about your braincells user, I thought all jews were highly intelligent. Oh well, must be one of those inbreeding degenerative diseases, F.
Oh dear, a restless Austrian going on about wanting to exterminate the jews. No one take it seriously it's meaningless.
You should try your luck in art school by the way.
Idk, to me antisemitism is always going to be pure evil bullshit: >I'm going to murder my friends and their families once its' socially acceptable to do so
>Here's an infographic that explains why I'm not the bad guy, though
Idk, user, I may just be a dumb inbred kike but I can tell Right from Wrong on a basic level...
Gypsies are from India, but have been squatting in Europe for a very long time.
Nothing could be further from the truth regarding Jews. You have always been an alien people in flesh and spirit. This situation something you celebrate and find pride yourselves on. Genetic testing shows some European admixture in Ashkenazi, but that overall you are more genetically similar other Jewish populations than europeans. Culturally, you have nothing in common with us.
There are of course exceptions to every rule, but that isn't at issue here.
Sup Forums is mainly muslim, so we hate our oppressors
i hate the fake jews who are trying to rule the world . they are part of a faggy cabal dead set on ruining the west
im not to keen on that idea. we wont get a WW3 with that kinda faggotry allowed to exist
>Culturally, you have nothing in common with us.
Except for that we basically have the exact same European culture... Like, I don't speak Hebrew at home, I speak Polish. Or at least I used to when I live in my parents' house.
>Do you faggots legitimately hate all jews in general, or just the corrupt jewish run media?
There's the academia Jew, the banking Jew, the political Jew, the corporate Jew, and the tech Jew. Pretty much all Jews.
You are retards if you believe anything someone posts here anonymously. It's sarcasm, relax.
Sup Forums being Muslims is compelling but, no, unfortunately antisemitism is much more widespread than that.
I would love to believe that but it's not true.
Only you said they would be murdered. Most people would prefer if they were stripped of power instead.
Why are they in control of media, entertainment and finance?
They should be stripped of this authority.
They shouldn't have the right to decide the fate of everyone around them constantly. This is the problem.
>White Supremacists
>Don't hate Jews; likes Jewesses
Nice try, (((you))).
They also hate southern europeans and everything that isn't "pure" nordic whitest of the white
Take everything you read here with a grain of salt
even the nazis knew theres good jews.
i have my qualms about your culture mostly. not the people.
Oh good, I was legitimately worried about you there Hitler 2.0.
I actually have no problem with that.
>i hate the fake jews
I hate jew actions
Does Israel have open borders? Strange...
They hate the kids who teased them at school for being faggots.
I can smell the reddit off you you fucking newfag
Only reddit niggers press the enter button before they write a paragraph, it's the sure-tell sign you came straight from REDDIT
I hate all people, including myself.
Anyone that doesn't recognize my right for an ethno-state as much as I recognize his right for an ethno-state.
That's good that you don't. More people have their ancestry than you'd imagine on here, i'm sure. My main problem with them, and the reason I cannot join the synagogue or feel like I belong to them is that they promote poisonous concepts that are dangerous to us all. We will all end up dead because of them like picture related. This and the black on white race mixing they promote is too degenerate.
Thanks for your input.
As if subverting entire populations and promoting genocide and degeneration is somehow better. The pushback against muslims will inevitably happen, but by the time we've cleaned up that mess you scum will have infected the next group of monkeys to do the things you don't have the guts to do yourselves. And that is the best case scenario, which will only happen if we somehow manage to purge your lackeys out of our so-called intelligensia. My hatred for your kind knows no limits, while I merely despise muslims and blacks etc. You are basically a genocidal version of Ryan Giggs you ungrateful lying sack of luciferan shit.
I hate anyone that wants to kill me and exterminate my people. Doesn't matter what they call themselves or what god they believe in. It is very obvious which group is actively trying to do this and no i haven't seen or heard of any moderate Jews. If they do exist that's fantastic and they aren't my enemies but I have yet to see evidence of their existence.
I did think maybe the Jews backing Trump were different... until he got elected and President Jared started running the show. Key and vital policies were backed out of under President Jared. Subtle to the uninformed but very important in the big picture.
M0ssad data mining in action goys