Capitalist will defend this

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Capitalism can be used for evil as much as it can be used for good.
If i killed a man with a fork would you be posting "fork users will defend this" type of thread? Give me a break.

He's pretty old to be having his first day at working any job

someone failed to lock out/tag out The broken machine wasn't the issue, people not following procedure was the issue.

This is like machine shop 101. If the machine is fucking broken, LOCKOUT TAGOUT. If you don't you deserved whatever death you buy.

what about the decision to waste rum, where are the 'market efficiencies?'
>capitalism used for good
lol what, I can't think of single example where capitalism serves the good better than socialism.
>inb4 technology
that is like saying feudalism created the wheel or is responsible for Galileo's science. Science and technology will advance no matter what economic system

>If you don't you deserved whatever death you buy.
>killed a temp on his first day
>he deserved
pretty brutal there sweetie

dont mistake greed for capitalism.


capitalism is impossible without greed

Communists will defend this

humans too are impossible without greed. Greed will be in your utopian socialism too , people will die working for nothing. One is not better than the other but atleast capitalism advances human race at a much faster rate and is less lethal than the likes of socialism.

Failure to use lockout.
Failure of operator to ensure machine was clear of all personnel before restart.
Poor machine maintenance.
Poor worker training.
Poor communication.

>It's the company's fault.

What does this have to do with capitalism?

Nothing wrong there the radiation was socialised so everyone got a fair share of it.

Industrial accidents really freak me out. I've seen some messed up videos.

It's the company's fault. They allowed a new, clueless employee to work with the machines without any kind of training.

If someone is considering to work as a carpenter, tradesman or factory worker, he should take a look at reddit OSHA and Watch People Die. Never dismiss safety regulations, RULES ARE THERE FOR A REASON. Even the ones you don't understand.

What..? Those are all things that are the company is responsible for

Blood and rum for the blood and rum god

Holy shit... communists are fucking RETARDED.

Why did the company decide to let thousands of bottles of rum go to waste instead of fixing the problem? Why didn't a new rum company that is more efficient takeover the market?

>Poor machine maintenance.
>Poor worker training.
>Poor communication.
whose responsibilities are these?
capitalist economy does not provide efficient use of resources and devalues human life

wait, so people no following proper procedure, like wait for that arsehole to get out of the machine before starting it up is the company's fault?

Working for free is sooo much better, right? Ambition is evil too!
>single example where capitalism serves the good
idk man, so far capitalism provided best living standards in history, while communism killed 89-118 (USSR+Communist China) millions of its own people.

retarded fucking niggers can't follow the most basic of safety procedures therefore communism. what a compelling argument.

So some nigger got killed, who cares?

so why wouldn't he be dead with communism?


>worthless chimp nigger dies

Who cares. The subhumans at the bottom are an expendable and easily replaceable source of cheap labor. He was lucky to have a job at all.

That shift manager was a moron too. If it were up to me I'd charge him with negligent manslaughter for failure to comply with posted company policy (I promise you it was posted. OSHA is very aggressive about this).

That temp obviously either didn't pay attention to the lockout tagout video which is mandatory training for any machine shop/factory or wasn't shown it because the shift manager was disobeying policy in more than one way.

The assumption made by OP's faggotry is that some how some suited capitalist was up there telling his workers to crawl under a machine to sweep glass without safety protection. That machine would have crushed that dude even if it were in good repair. What happened here was a failure of the shift manager to properly control and train his team.

BTW, show me the shop that doesn't have machines in need of repair and I'll fuck a dog. Safety standards exist to protect you from machines in all states of disrepair. They're exhaustive and thorough, and most accidents happen because people don't read them or don't think about them.

Biggs looks 30. Was engaged. And was at his first day of his first job ever? Capitolism didn't do this, this was Gods will

Remember Ford Pinto? I member

>tfw capitalist calculated it would be cheaper to pay compensation to people mutilated by faulty engines than call back a series

Does communism value human life? How many died in USSR again? How's Venezuela doing? Capitalist societies have the highest standard of living seen in human history. In Canada and USA, our poor people are rich.


Anyone who's worked in a factory know the standards are strict as fuck.

Right.... this could never happened in a state run rum factory!!!!!!

>people think their lives are worth something

Nigga was 30 years old at his first day of work ever and was prob trying to get injured for workers comp. Fuck him

my brother in law is a manager at a plant similar to this, and you're basically correct. these people NEVER follow any safety instructions and when they end up getting fired they say "muh racism" even tho they nearly got someone else killed for their stupidity and laziness

Because communists invented so many safe cars. Capitalism is the reason deaths from traffic accidents are generally going down year on year.

>Why did the company let thousands of bottles of rum go to waste
For exactly the reasons started: it was more market-efficient ("cheaper") to just stop the machine and quickly fix it whenever it malfunctioned in this way than it was to shut down the entire line and conduct more extensive (and expensive) repairs. It's not like there's a limited supply of rum in the world, and wastage is a part of all industrial processes. Hell, it's a part of all processes period.

And communism fixes the problem how exactly? Quality control was one of the biggest problems in Soviet manufacturing. No one was paid enough to actually give a shit, so shoddy craftsmanship plagued the consumer goods in the USSR.

I'm not a huge fan of capitalism but this isn't capitalism's fault. This is what you get when your entire work force is made up of niggers.

knowing your car will fuck people up and not doing anything about it is legitimately evil

If you'd ever worked in a factory
>working manual labour
you'd know that even the best run and most modern factory has an absolute shitload of breakage. The issue here is the supervisor being a lazy nig and not following lockout protocol

why negligent? seems more like murder to me.

I remember the Ford Pinto. What a piece of shit that car was. Reminds me of the funny bit from the 80's movie Top Secret.

BTW that qt 3.14 in your image reminds me of the Japanese Metal group - Band Maid.

those motherfucking niggers for fuck sake, can't work properly even as production workers

>Dumb people is a fault of capitalism
Those retards literally forgot they sent him down there mere minutes after doing so.

So incompetent and lazy niggers don't do their job, and don't follow protocol, resulting in the death of a coworker. But capitalism caused it? There are no lazy and incompetent workers (or run down equipment) under communism?

>Sup Forums will defend this

>communism provides more efficient use of resources

Tell that to the millions of people who starved and lived in destitute poverty under communism.

Go talk to anyone in Poland or Russia over the age of 60

>Defending a nigger
Typical commie.

>I can't think of single example where capitalism serves the good better than socialism.
>the good
how vague and subjective, comrade.
>The United States’ global share of biomedical research spending fell from 51 percent in 2007 to 45 percent in 2012, while Japan and China saw dramatic increases in research spending.
A socialist takes office and the world gets less medical research than it did under the evil capitalists. Thanks socialism.

Wrongful death suit because management didn't provide proper safety training and failed to have maintenance lockout tagout the equipment.

Ahh no.
He died due to work place negligence and the courts will compensate his family and the company will be brought to justice.
None of those things are possible under communism.

Anecdotal, could've happened to anyone. Look at the statistics and recognize it as an isolated event, and then based on the numbers, logically conclude - Day Davis was an unqualified piece of shit and he basically killed himself

>temp worker on his first day of his first job of his entire life has a fiance

what is your excuse Sup Forums?

so under communism machinery don't malfunction?

at least they lose money when they fuck up unlike in a communist system, dummy

I don't want a nigger fiance

>operator and supervisor operate machine knowing fellow black man is below

i'm getting conflicting information on this black lives matter thing

what is wrong with this?

Under communism no one ever died in the labor camps and also the camps were much more productive

Like when they dug that canal in Siberia but it at the end the canal was too shallow and thus unusable. But still ended up with 300k dead from it.

Oops I mean no one died. And the canal was really good.

Fuck Capitalism man

This stuck out to me as well.
Except why would he have proposed if he has never had a job.
My first job was when I was 14

>whose responsibilities are these?
The shift manager who was more than likely a piece of shit and should be fired and charged with manslaughter. SOPs in factories are in place to make sure workers are protected from bullshit like this happening.

>capitalist economy does not provide efficient use of resources and devalues human life
What community college did you crawl out of?

Communists are able to correctly identify problems but only propose retarded solutions to them. This isn't a result of capitalism, it's a result of shitty management which certainly existed under communist regimes.

nothing. enjoy getting your legs blown off in exchange for a small amount of shekels

that's a school uniform you silly degenerate

That wasn't capitalism. It was carelessness on the part of the workers but this is a bait thread.


>can't think of single example where capitalism serves the good

Try telling us this without a computer or a phone.

If the legal compensation is too small, then the fault is in the judicial system

judicial systems can be corrupted

>be underprivleged nigger
>finally get a job at age 35
>die 15 minutes into first shift

Is it any wonder why no one wants to give them jobs? And why is it that dying is the only way blacks can support a fambly?



You guys must really like the sound of your own voice irl. The first post in this thread should have told this faggot OP to refer to the top reply to the YouTube video. Capitalists do not defend incompetence in the workforce. That is why there are procedures in place to prevent deaths and injuries that would not only cost lives but the company.

Who decided to make the shift manager the shift manager, did the workers decide this or the capitalist?

you get what you get. no realistic severance will compensate you for essentially ruining your life. actually it's better to be dead than a cripple

Yes? it applies to all economic systems

>There's also another emergency stop button and some platform to keep it from falling. But employees rarely did this for fear of slowing down production.

Yeah right, they were just too lazy to do it every time some bottles broke.

>working around niggers
>expecting proper safety

I know this is bait, but look at the non-existent safety measures in your beloved communist states and the amount of deaths they have caused.

Just like fire safety can save lives, work safety is the most important part of the job.

of course it's a finn who gets it. americans never shut up about the fucking pinto and how evil ford is. if it was cheaper to pay the legal fees than to kill drivers, there's a problem in the legal system. i get so tired of hearing clueless burgers defending their shitty bureaucracy, that's done nothing for them, while screeching autistically about the private sector, that has given them everything they have in life.

corruption can only be done if private property exists

>Who decided to make the shift manager the shift manager
Left wing diversity hire due to marxist ideology.

Forgot the best part.
>'hey brutha, clean up below the machine'
>Turns on the machine

How Is capitalism at fault for a nig not following procedure and failing to lock-out tag-out a piece of equipment.

You see, this is what happens when you chase pussy. Then she tricks you into marriage. Now you have to get a job, next thing you know...BAM. Crushed to death.

Pussy kills.

China reforms to become more capitalist, working conditions deteriorate. Coincidence?

posting that image unironically just debunked your whole thread, kek. way to go retard.

dude looked like an incompetent worker anyway, likely to

>sleepy, spaces off at opportune times
>first day at work ever. 30+ yrs old
>temp worker there to pass the hours

literally consumed/crushed by the system

holy shit it's just like people have choice when it comes to employment as the workers logically will work for a company having high safety standards than a one with low one, further more the consumers can actively discriminate against a company with bad practices opposed to the state owned monopolies that can do whatever they want including dumping their chemical waste in to mounatin lakes and polluting underground waters with the state imprisoning anyone opposing as an economic saboteur

it's just like capitalism is a self regulatory system, compared to gun torturing commies


OP is retarder


So I would presume we're talking about compensations so costly that crippling your workers would be highly undesirable.

I'm not going to get into this The Authoritarian Personality pseudoscience

Soviet Union becomes socialist/communist, the amount of deaths and their cover ups goes up, conincidence?

Marxist practice would have the workers choose the shift manager.


Factory 101.

>China reforms to become more capitalist, working conditions deteriorate. Coincidence?
Holy shit he believes official statements from Communist Regimes.
This OP needs some psychological help.

Chernobyl reactor goes off in the ussr due to safety measures failing, thousands of people later die due to poor handling of the situation by the government. Coincidence? Go and bait somewhere else.

And when the Shift Manager is negligent, how does Marxism deal with that?

Cheaper to let a few bottles break than to shut down the entire line for days losing sales.

>China capitalist
you should love china its communistic
>workers having a choice under communism
do you guys know how communism works or is this all b8?

>people have choice when it comes to employment
lmao, you must be very sheltered
>I'm not going to get into this The Authoritarian Personality pseudoscience
nice source you got there


You mean clients. This could easily be you