Americunts have to PAY for healthcare

>americunts have to PAY for healthcare

Holy shit that's so funny, why do people still regard the USA as a first world country?

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw a bong exploded near me

>why do people still regard the USA as a first world country?

I honestly don't know, their gun laws are insane too. Nothing stopping them buying a high power anti-tank rifle and legally using it to shoot up a school or something.


>buildings have no sprinklers
>buildings have no fire alarm
>buildings have no access for firemen

britain, you cannot talk about being first world countries

at least we were one for a lengthy period

I support socialized healthcare and my country pretty much has it, but my country also doesn't have lots of niggers who abuse it or fatties and trannies who demand people to pay for their niche shit, so there's that.

we all have to pay for healthcare gaylord. we're just taxed for it.

absolutely cucked

So doctors aren't paid in the UK?

Our taxes go to protecting your ass so that you're able to have socialized healthcare

britians think they don't pay for healthcare.

>pay for your healthcare

healthcare in all country's is payed by taxpayer money theres no such thing as "free" healthcare.

>do taxes exist? are they like real, man?

>Europeans have to PAY for refugees to fuck their women
>AND they get called racist if they oppose this

Holy shit that's so funny, why do people still regard Europe as white, Christian countries?

Your "free" healthcare will come in handy when Mohammed shreds you with the nailbomb of peace

>mfw my job pays 100% of my healthcare.

It's almost like you're a useless shit if you don't have a career. Whodathunkit?

Everyone pays for Healthcare you stupid nigger. it's called taxes but yeah i happily pay em so i'm not bankrupted like americucks

You stupid cunt, you pay too. It's called tax.
Check your fucking payroll next time

Everyone in your country still has 3rd World dental hygiene.

seeing the british teeth, its obvious that brits dont pay anything for healthcare.

Shouldn't you watch for tyrone you half breed nigger? There are still white enclaves everywhere in western europe and eastern europe is stronk

Taxes are theft.

>there are no white enclaves in America
It is almost like America is bigger or something.

I doubt the Brits would be able to use your taxes to pay for everyone's healthcare if they had to fund a capable military instead of relying on the US. Thanks for letting us have 3 airforce bases on your soil.

ahhh at least we wont have an Islamic king... .... good luck with that terror thang...... How many 3rd world Africas can fit onto a small island again?

>American pharma spends billions to find a new drug
>Charge Americans tons of $$$ to amortize over all of the failed attempts at finding a new drug
>British leech uses American invented drug
>British leech proceeds to make fun of America for paying for the innovation the rest of the world gets to use

They have a choice, it is taken from us, and litreally given to others who do not contribute.
Neither is a good system.

>americunts have to PAY for healthcare
Eventually you will too once you become 60% white.

>Taxes are theft.
what is no taxation without representation? the trade of for paying taxes should be the right to vote.

Socialized healthcare stinks, trust me. It is a major burden, and government corruption latches onto it, people who are healthy have to pay for another guy's ass to be treated because they smoked too much, or drank too much, or managed to go diabetic, etc.

Trannies are a meme. It's nigs and Latinas who abuse the fuck out of the system.

I pay a chunk of salary each month for healthcare/national insurance and have done for 15 years, never used the system either, would much prefer private healthcare.


I make 6 figures and only pay 18% in

At least terrorism hasn't become part and parcel of living in the big city

Have fun waiting 10 years for heart surgery.

What is your income tax rate?
Sales tax?
Vat tax?
Gas tax?
Property tax?
Who pays for your healthcare?

that's because you live in a mongrel country it only can work in a white homogenous society without parasites.

close to 25% at a hair over 100k.

How the hell did you get down to 18%?

socialism is a cancer on society here in belguim you are forced into healthcare you litraly have no choice or you get a fee from the goverment.

fuck off ahmed, americas a much better place than this shithole

Shut up shitstain faggot, the UK has the greatest healthcare on Earth.

fellow waffel it's shit because we are infested with niggers and trash.

US is behind pretty much every other western nation in life expectancy

>non-americans have to pay for shitskinned foreigners' healthcare

I wonder how much dead niggers killed by other niggers plays into this.

so an extra 6% gives us the best health care in the world.

Sounds good to me.

No wonder every rich person in the world flies over to the U.S. to see our specialists.

not even to mention the fucking niggers and spics.
theres a law here that the more children you have the more socialized money you get this would maybe work in a white country to inprove birthrates but in a country infested with niggers it is horrid.

Of the nhs is so great, then why did one teensy little cryptolocker exploit bring the entire thing to a halt?

Enjoy sucking your nanny government's teat like worthless children you stupid bongs. Don't you have a tv tax to pay?

>criminal nigger accelerated to the top of heart transplant list even though he wouldn't normally be eligible because had proven he wouldn't take care of his new organ
>transplant cost $1.6 million, kid didnt have health insurance nor did his mother
>a few months after getting his 'second chance' and new heart he goes on a crime spree and ends up permanently paralysing a woman and wrapping himself around a pole after a police chase
>a 9 year old girl suffering from heart failure due to a rare tumour died in the same hospital a few weeks after he got his transplant because she was waiting for a heart

Americans are the biggest cuckolds in the world. Legitimately they are. They sacrifice white kids to keep niggers alive a few months longer.

Well at least I don't pay for the healthcare of Achmed and his 23 children.

our healthcare system is the most bizarre fucked up thing in the world.
If you're going to make people pay for healthcare, it should be as free market as possible, so that growth can meet demand.

>so an extra 6% gives us the best health care in the world.

wrong, child mortality rates

Tell that to D.C.

You also pay for your healthcare you fucking moron.

i know hope they can reverse it to make everyone want few kids. No hope to get it only for Whites becuz of muh racism also gonna wear zwarte piet in brussels next december ?

>best healthcare in the world
im rolling

>so do Americans

>Pays for other peoples healthcare with higher taxes.
>Subsidizes stupid peoples unhealthy lifestyles with his/her income.
>Is happy about this.

Americans literally have to beg their insurance companies to approve basic medications for serious medical conditions.

I know Americans with MS who are stuck using worthless drugs because their insurance companies won't approve ones that actually work.

>Get cancer
>Wait for my turn
>Die waiting
>At least we get free health care

Just as we supply most of the world with military, so too does America stand the majority of the cost of healthcare by being charged more than anyone else for the same medications, funding research, et cetera--allowing much of the world to develop single payer systems that actually function instead of going belly up from the sheer load.

Basically, we're maximally cucked, but you bongs should be fucking grateful. The moment America switches to single payer, the redistribution of cost will collapse the entire thing.

first of all america is bigger than almost all europian county's because its a federation of STATES you idiot its completely inpractical to apply healthcare to the whole country let the states decide that.

Why would you use an anti-material rifle on a school?

Go die in a fridge fire Achmed. You're NHS is a shit tier example of a health care system.

>what are taxes

/oldguy/ here...homo speaks the truth. Before Clinton opened the floodgates to illegals, insurance was something employers readily provided, and with it, visits and prescriptions were easily affordable.

Obama was trying to force the system back into what it was, but keep the Meskins. Trump is putting the cart back after the horse...

>funding research,

We literally drive the entire world's medicine. Not having access to it is what makes it shitty.

Reagan is actually responsible for the current predicament.

None of those countries include failed pregnancies and stillbirths in this calculation, except the U.S.

If we calculate it the same way for everyone, US comes out on top. Just like always.

>also gonna wear zwarte piet in brussels next december ?

of coarse its tradition after all.

either way our healthcare system was not made for the recent influx of lazy niggers and rapefugees you seen how there giong to increase the time of when you get pension to 65 now?.

I honestly don't know, user, the people here just prefer the "no government" meme to a government that works for them.

We literally vote to deregulate because "regulations are bad hurrrrr" while companies accidentally put lead in the drinking water.

you laugh but when people need dangerous procedures done they come here. competetion breeds quality.

people go to eurostan to save money, people come to america to have their life saved.

sprinklers are a meme
>oh shit a fire is threatening to destroy our building
>let's destroy it with water instead

>pay 1 dollar a day for healthcare
>get full coverage
>free if you are a student or elderly

>mfw americans go bankrupt from a broken leg

because we actually want health care
isn't your life worth $500 deductible?
Why is your life my $500 but not your $500

isn't (((free))) healthcare practically required when you have muslims conquering your nation?

>UK cunts still have to pay through taxes for the welfare and healthcare of millions of jobless migrants

Holy shit that's so funny, why haven't you gone bankrupt and living in a 3rd world hellhole yet? Oh I know, your government is printing British Pounds like crazy and is currently worth only 70% of what it was in 2014.

>pay 1 dollar a day for healthcare

you forget the part where youre also paying for achmeds 6 kids and the rapefugee camps.

Reagan spent 8 years trying to fix the bullshit that trilateralists like Ford and Carter forced on us. But he had a democrat congress his entire two terms.

pharmaceutical sciences are nowhere near the same thing as healthcare. So were giving all the good drugs to everyone else and just charging our own citizens 1000% more? You know you can just pay your way for your drug to be approved right? It barely has to meet any criteria.

any medicine coupled with unrestricted capitalism is a bad idea
pic related

Its only free for people who dont pay the associated (((taxes))).

>"Leaves open the possibility that some other nation could become the global leader"

Hey guys, America isn't the best anymore!!!!!!

>>free if you are a student or elderly
it isnt "free" you moron its payed by taxes.

>why do people still regard the USA as a first world country?

They're keeping our seat warm.

you don't pay for healthcare as long as you work more than a shit tier 20 hour a week mcjob.

it's a great system, actually. the poor retards literally die in the street and the productive people get to survive.

>Amercians will defend this

Two operations and a weeks stay in hospital

>So were giving all the good drugs to everyone else and just charging our own citizens 1000% more
The other nations pay for it through taxes. Also if insurance companies refused to cover it, the price will go down.

>legally using it to shoot up a school

>Hey guys, America isn't the best anymore!!!!!!

Thats what happens when people like Obama socialize the healthcare, we become like everyone else.

Did reagan sign an amnesty bill while he was president?
If the answer is yes, it is on him squarely.

no shit, im saying only in America are they upcharging on everything

> >free if you are a student or elderly
>it isnt "free" you moron its payed by taxes.
If your a student, the extra taxes you pay later in life will be much more than the cost if you had payed now. That what happens when you get a service now, but pay over time later.

> free healthcare

If you're not a fuck up the average American lives much better than the average Brit. Controlled for both of our third world shitskin population and it's not really close.

>it's a great system, actually. the poor retards literally die in the street and the productive people get to survive
I asmume this is refering to america? I agree with this idea.

With socialized medicine, the unhealthy people get to live and spread their bad genes.

Given the standard of health and dental care there? I wouldn't think they're paid.

>upcharging on everything

at at times overcharging by 1000%

>In the study, the facilities that marked up their prices the most were more likely to be for-profit

well your NHS (national healthcare service) is bleeding your country dry

and you cant afford to give people antibiotics for shit