Is it morally right for me to have thoughts of rape seeing all the hot white women laying half-naked in the local park right now sunbathing?
Is it morally right for me to have thoughts of rape seeing all the hot white women laying half-naked in the local park...
>shitskin hiding behind a meme flag
a shitskin would not bother asking if something was wrong
So you're telling me you wouldn't go diamonds seeing pic related? Are you a faggot or something?
>morally right
You can't control your thoughts and emotions but you can choose to not act on them.
Christians have a good concept for this, where every one of us can have sinful thoughts but one must recognize it's sinful and not indulge in it. If it's a small sin, it is even allowed, as far as you acknowledge that your behavior is a weakness of yours.
People who aren't camel jockeys think about other things besides sex all the time. It's how we build great civilizations while brown people have barely escaped grass and mud huts.
Why rape and not just sex? Do you like the idea of them not wanting you back?
as a man, those types of thoughts are in your biological makeup. think about it: back in the day the goal for man was to spread his seed as much as possible and the easiest way to do so was through rape. society has shunned this view but it is still there subconsciously.
Is it morally right for me to have thoughts of bestiality seeing all the hot black women laying half-naked in the local park right now?
Well, thoughts aren't criminal.
Not yet.
No its natural for men to rape.
Go ahead and breed those pussies.
Yeah op.
Repent and find ways to occupy yourself.
>is it morally right?
The thoughts aren't anything bad in themselves and are also pretty natural despite what faggots will tell you.
That is your animal instinct to reproduce. Males are naturally attracted to the female form, in order secure a mate to propagate the DNA of the species. If you had any "humanity," you would recognize those feelings as strictly animal in nature, and learn to ignore them. If it's a physical problem, just rub one out next time you are sitting on the toilet, and move on with your life.
>women laying half-naked in the local park right now sunbathing?
where do you live? this isnt normal
No Ahmed you're a degenerate sub human
I think about being raped by girls like that too.
You don't have to get all rapey just because you lost your flat, Mohammed.
going diamonds and forcing yourself on someone are two different things
Why dont you go talk to them instead of sitting there with retarded fantasies. Be alpha not cuck
>just repress yourself!
That's why you weaklings will never win a race war.
Rape is the solution to white (((women))).
I remember when Sup Forums was good, with rape and AoC infographics.
nigger detected
Cunts only respond to dominance, christcuck.
Dominate them with your intellect, not your penis, nigger.
fix yourself, psycho boy
It's normal to get a tingly feeling your balls, get a semi-chub, and have trouble taking your eyes away. And it's normal to grab your dick if nobody is looking and also fantasize about normal sex. But rape? Only if you are a filthy mudslime or a psychopath
Thoughts are only a crime in a liberal fantasy future. Your actions are what define your morals. If I was charged with every "illegal" thought I've had in my life I would get a 10,000 year prison sentence.
Lol that's a bad idea because women are only human in image. Their instincts and brains are more simian, which explains their attraction to niggers.
>domimate her with your brain
Hahaha maybe you mean semen in her ass aka telegony
they have no attraction to niggers. You let the Jew brainwash you. You failed.
Women lasciviously use their bodies as an attack on male peace of mind. This is a violation of the NAP.
instead of thinking about raping them i would spend the energy using that imagination to imaginate some words and tactics to ask one or several of them out. but i guess thinking is just my white privilege
>shitskin from the Bahamas
This nigger response is why your country will never produce anymore than the tourism your land provides. Bahamas literally have no other contribution to the world except degenerate niggers like you
this. WTF is wrong with OP? Oh, right just another feminist slide thread.
A) I'm not 12 so seeing a woman in a bikini doesn't get me hard
B) I've actually had sex before, unlike you, so no, again, seeing a woman in a bikini doesn't get me hard
C) Leave you house more often
Put yoir flag back on, Achmed.