Fucking hell, what will the outcome be?
Alex Jones playing Megyn Kelly like a violin
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Also holy shit, the video is sill 3rd in trending after 2 days of it being up.
The best part is, due to a particular law in TX, they can't sue him!
IDK about Jew York though.
Can someone give me a, how should I say this, a quick rundown?
He played us like a DAMN FIDDLE
Posting the original
I think it's the same here in NY
Needs more Kaz.
These "Ben Garrison" cartoons are so interesting. Talk about delusion, like how he makes all the depictions of right wing figures with muscles, in much better shape than they actually are. Gives the opposition looks of terror and fear, while making them stickily and weak. Its all just perception though, and the person who makes these truly has a bias perception, truly delusional.
I still don't get what this is all about? Who fucking cares about Megan kelly or Alex Jones? She's a washed up news grandma, and he is a actor playing a right wing conspiracy nut. C list at best, long past both of there experation dates. Can a fellow user break this down for me? I can't quite understand what is the deal with this all.
I kind of feel like these 2 are professional wrestlers acting like they are in a huge fight, but when they get back stage they are both acting for the crowd, and are really best friends putting on a show.
why boner why
I miss the old Alex Jones when he was less mainstream and talked about Satanic cults and extra-dimensional aliens, demons, and other kookie theories. At least Steve Greer has been putting out interesting stuff.
If only any of this mattered I might give the slightest shit
Can't believe jewtube allowed this shit to be on trending
Underrated brother.
he still looks bad
Google hates Kelly just as much as us it seems. Thank you Eric Schmidt.
>right wing conspiracy nut
pulled that straight from your legacy media talking points didn't ya faggot?
AJ is the mainstream now and this was bound to happen as the actual MSM loses influence.
Media is still extremely arrogant, and thinks they have full control of manipulation of its viewers (the few that pay attention) This will be used by people who dont bother with media bullshit and end up redpilling more people.
>this post is satire
Alex recorded their entire conversation, so he could later prove that they edited it.
>Satanic cults and extra-dimensional aliens, demons, and other kookie theories
Is the Joe Rogan 911 episode really considered ''old Alex Jones'' now?
doesn't that shit just happen all the time?
>Alex Jones
>in any way relevant
Talk about Right wing fantasies.
>being this autistic
It's a cartoon, you dumb nigger.
of course it is, but its a depiction. A perception of people and their views. Its trying to paint an image of right wing figures and their opponents. It's not real though, its a drawing meant to convince you one side is weak and childish, while the other is adult and strong. Its really sad stuff, if I'm being honest. In reality its more the opposite. Look at your response ">being this autistic. It's a cartoon you dumb nigger." You prove it with this response.
You're retarded. I say that because you are and that's all you deserve or will be able to comprehend.
Can anybody read music? What is he playing?
It's so fitting that the democratic symbol is a donkey. You're all a bunch of jackasses.
AJ still has a good amount of muscle bulk from his glory days of looking like a damn Adonis
Hi Steve
No, interviewees usually don't do that out of fear. Alex Jones in the other hand is literally a madman
Hey any of you smart fucks able to tell me if the music in garrisons toon is an actual piece of music?
johnny cash
i want to know too
democrats talking about others being delusional.
It's likely just gibberish since there's not even a time signature.
Yeah, that's how every political cartoon is drawn you fucking moron. Is this the first time you've actually seen one? Oh, that's it.. You've only just noticed these nuances because this particular cartoon is conservative in nature. You absolute fucking retard, you.
The way it's written makes it not gibberish. The music at the top of the image actually makes a melody. Even looks like violin music, idiomatic to the instrument. The music on the stand looks less intentional
redpill me on anne frank?
is it entirely fake?
Written with ballpoint pen which didn't exist until the 50s
The keys aren't consistent at all though. Sure it's a melody, but it's probably not a good one or from any piece in particular.
While that's possible, it's not likely.
Kelly made herself, AND NBC news look retarded with the Putin interview.
Now this. Her job security is dwindling fast.
Comcast paid big $$$ to lure her away from FNC, and their ROI is NOT panning out.
Well it's in D major, and the notes in the first measure reflect that. The alignment of the high notes is a little fucked up though
>Alex Jones playing anyone
Is that why he lost his kids and had to basically admit his whole show is a bit? Remember the time he apologized about pizzagate? Yeah...
Was this his plan all along? Or was it reactionary to NBC's promo?
>admit his whole show is a bit
He didn't "admit" anything. He said exactly what his lawyers told him to say. Rush Limbaugh was forced to say the same thing back in the day
He did it in case he saw them turning their "profile interview" into a "conspiracy nut Alex Jones exposed" story, which from the previews of the interview for NBC is what appears to be happening.
The entire premise of the interview was that Megyn Kelly wanted to do personal profiles on controversial figures. She kept harping on about Alex Jones' custody case on the phone with him as if she wanted to hear his personal struggle. She even said she didn't want to get too involved with his conspiracies like sandy hook.
It's a cartoon and not meant to be read literally, but it's probably something Russian. You know, all those right wingers are in Putin's pocket. LOL
Is it me or is Ben Garrison gay? He seems to make all of the males he draws as overly hansom and thin when in reality they're fat pensioners
Almost seems like they want it to trend
I know, I'm just saying those notes aren't random. Definitely trying to illustrate an actual piece of music. Play it on a piano, you'll hear what I'm talking about.
no, he is just bad with anatomy. he has had drawings with thumbs on th wrong sides of hands.
he is a shitty artist with a cult following.
Someone want to explain to me what exactly this is supposed to mean? That NBC was going to misrepresent what Alex Jones said to make him look crazy?
Im gonna make them give back our credibility, Megyn.
It did exist btw, just not commercially available. However, the other counter is that only little bits were written with ballpoint pen and these were annotations, not actual content. Are there any refutations for this?
>He said exactly what his lawyers told him to say.
So he's willing to undercut everything he's ever said just because his lawyers told him to? Best part is he went on the air after word got out to contradict what he had said in court. Guys a dumbass and will say whatever he feels will allow him to keep getting money from morons.
>>he's shitty
>>cult following
He's a success.
This faggot doesn't know how to read music and can't imagine the tune in his head.
This user is correct, play it out and listen to it and you'll see why Garrison chose the notes he did. Don't be a brainlet all your life.
Even the stand music is idiomatic to violin (especially the open E and fingered E notation). It's a weird mixture of accurate writing and lack of musical sense.
Ben is playing a viola there, not a violin.
he's a "success" because Sup Forums specifically fucked with him for such a long time he started catering to them.
every political cartoonist is a hack, otherwise they'd be genre painters.
political cartoonists just culture petty bullshit for views. they are basically instagram sluts or streamer thots
To literally quote Jones' lawyer during the pre-trial hearing:
"He’s playing a character” and is nothing like his online persona."
What did he mean by this?
Its ok user you'll shrivel up and die soon
didn't he apologise and then half a week later go right back to talking about it?
He said things like him wearing a lizard mask and yelling like the devil are satire, not his whole worldview.
Plus if we're going by his image in court then he said, in official court testimony, that he doesn't do weed because soros-and globalists contaminate it. Also the entire basis of his wife's argument was that Jones was brainwashing his kids into believing wild, anti-government conspiracy theories.
The irony is after actually followbeing by the trial I'm more convinced than ever he's the real deal. You would be too, if you read the actual court records, fat ugly nigger.
What's the full quote?
Every political cartoon has a bias.
>le enlightened centrist faec
Here's the rest... seemed redundant: "Judging Jones by his Infowars performances would be like judging Jack Nicholson by his depiction of the Joker on “Batman,” Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo.
Donald J Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America ;)
A bunch of sixteenth notes.
Alex chin rubby Megyn violin crotch...mmmm
>all these underage trump fanboys taking alex jones seriously
m8 alex jones would break break your skinny liberal ass in half, tbqh
Yeah, or maybe because he's worried about the U.S government shutting him down
Take it to Sup Forums
Are you an illiterate idiot? The ballpoint pen was invented in 1888 and the first viable commercial pens were being produced in Germany in 1941.
Alex Jones doesn't believe a word he's saying.
Even a midget would be able to break his fragile body into half, user. He's the kind of guy that would be a punching bag for 99% of the people that visit /pol.
Basically his world view is real, the screaming lizard mask wearing parts of his show are done for dramatic effect as if nobody knew this. Everyone just prances around like he "admitted it was all fake you guys XD gay frogs!" when he was actually fucking right about that believe it or not.
Welcome to propaganda son.
If they do produce an interview where Jones is portrayed as a crackpot doesn't that make Jones the one who was played for agreeing to it in the first place? Who's gonna care that Megyn Kelly lied to him?
He's just a hack, drawing everyone he likes as buff and handsome and everyone he hates as spindly and ugly. His Trump is especially funny in this regard.
I haven't played violin in 14 years and I've forgotten how to read nodes. Can you reveal it?
What happened?
Did they have sex?
The question is how is Alex Jones still alive
Apperently he surfed the humunga-dunga.
under-appreciated, my friend.
Alex Jones recorded all his interactions with Megyn Kelly before and during his interview with her and he's released them expecting her to turn the interview into a hit piece.
kys jackass
Is her career over? Who actually watches her?