>Blacks blame whites for all of their problems.
>Whites blame jews for all of their problems.
When did you realise personal responsibility and individualism is the only true ideology? And by playing into this victimhood you're as bad as a nigger?
>Blacks blame whites for all of their problems.
>Whites blame jews for all of their problems.
When did you realise personal responsibility and individualism is the only true ideology? And by playing into this victimhood you're as bad as a nigger?
>hurr durr whites and blacks are the same for shifting the blame
>he forgets that wealthy Jewish supremacists like the Rothschild family exist
>he forgets that the World Zionist Congress exists and coordinates with these same supremacists
>he forgets that Jews have been doing what they've accused whites of for well over a century
>he forgets that Jews are the ones who started the whole "whitey is the one keeping you down" bullshit
the final redpill is realizing that jews are to blame for both blacks and whites problems
I'll drink to that
>Whites blame jews
Not really, jews are how they are and is not OK, whites don't blame anyone for their problems if anything we just deal with then
We don't blame Jews for our problems, we blame them for the worlds problems.
Whites don't blame Jews lol. Always attack a traitor before an enemy. Cucky progressive Whites are what destroyed us by. The Jews wouldn't have the power without them.
This. Nazifags are the niggers of the white race
Actually jews help blacks by giving them gibsmedats and white wimmins.