Just like in Constantinople in 1453, we will raise our flags of ISLAM in your European cities and Vatican...

Just like in Constantinople in 1453, we will raise our flags of ISLAM in your European cities and Vatican, we will slaughter all of you and declare that there is no god, but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.

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Is that real?

>tfw no muslim hunk to dominate my boipussy

Allah isn't real

come faggot, i'm waiting

muslims can't fight for shit, thats scientifically proven

I want a European sissy concubine for my ghanima


Kuffar BTFO

yes said you were coming here pussy.
come faggot, don't bath youself in your past glory.
if you haven't noticed the gold time of islam has ended long ago.


All of Europe & North America Inshallah

Turkey is a dying country bro.

just leaving this here
kuffar eternally BTFO how can they even compete ?

How can you do that when Turks are dying out

This has to be a Jew post...

But I sure would love to kill that Mexican faggot

OK, but before that just remember to have fire extinguishers in your kitchen in case your fridge goes on fire.

Good luck with that

islam never had a golden time
all they did was kill and conquer people who did something of value and claim it as their own


And then fire from the Heavans will rain down upon the Invaders, your prodginy will burn in their beds. I want to teach pic related person how to be a better pet owner.

Good luck, bro. Though they say in school that Turks are mostly good at running from a battlefield, but it's probably just commies’ propaganda.

Bomb yourself then faggot, show us you cockroach got some balls

>pierre is talking about balls and faggotery

why the fuck did you crucify a chihuahua

>too afraid to bite the hand that feeds him and his entire species

Looks like my dog the fucking thing looks exactly like my do- where is my dog..

> we will slaughter all of Vatican

That would actually be good for Europe, I approve.

Nice my arabian friend! :)
We germans invented the final solution for jews. Im looking forward to do it to your species. Its time for a new kind of genocide :D

BTW nice bait :D

its nice to dream,user

I wouldn't put it past Turks.

There's a reason no one likes them, Jews, Arabs, Kurds, Persians, every ethnic group that surrounds them in the Middle East can't stand them.

They're even below niggers on the tier of humanity. That's why they belong impaled on pikes, squirming to death. Vlad the Impaler knew exactly how to deal with them.


I like how there is a holy war on the horizon. The best wars are holy. Governments wony know how to virtue signal their way into public trust sinc3 the public is just killing each other. Illuminati wins in the end but they win anyways it seems.

Any moar?

Dogs are haram

I mean the dog could have been dead already.
Jesus guys its a dog. I dont even kill flys but keep perspective.

oh noes. inbred low iq sand people.

muhammad called for a war against dogs after he claimed the angel Gabriel couldn't appear in his house if dogs were inside.

Fuck you
And fuck you too OP

these are like the best screenshots for reddit and facebook etc.

And please..yes..do it...say that stuff openly and start to attack us.please.i beg you,do it.

Before we become muslims
You will be Lgbtq fagots

>Fucking slaves
>triying to indulge in a sin.

He's right. It's almost like being statistically the dumbest people on earth is a thing.

>being this new
>not understanding muslims

ISIS? Is that you? Is Al-Baghdadi okay? I heard he isnt doing to well. I hope he doesnt get into trouble out there.

And just like the Muslims of old, when you die you will go to hell. Repent and turn to Christ before it's too late, my friend!

I'm not sure if that image is a Nigger, Faggot, Jew, or Muzzie?

Not that it matters any?

hope he gets brain cancer tbqh

>animal cruelty

I'd say enjoy your ban, asshole, but youre a roach, you'd survive a nuclear winter.

Daily reminder to all Turks that the only reason their country exists is because the Venitians betrayed the Byzantine Empire, and that the Turks were getting absolutely BTFO before the Fourth Crusade.

Pic related.


>lumping us with niggers
Out of all people a frenchcuck should know the diffrence







Fucking Turk, I hope someone rapes your mother, you and the rest of your family.


ok buddy

That was fun times.


nope you arent even bright enough to know when your being culled. you buy the media hype

i guess you havent been to europe. there arent many brown people and galf of them are nigs. where did all the refugees go?

answer they were processed into dog food or sold as horse meat which was being labeled beef

laugh if you want but any one who has gone to europe knows the truth. white people brag about it to other white people who dont act lefty

You're redpilling the wrong board against roaches.

Preaching to the choir

>Those spaghetti arms and faggy earings

Vlad was impaled by the Sultan if you know what I mean.

You dont have to be brown or a refugee to be a muslim

>I hope someone rapes your mother, you and the rest of your family.
How do you think he was born?

Just like in the Balkans in the 16th century, ve gonna raise our pikes in your asses, we will slaughter all of you and declare that there is no allah or pigfucker muhamad, but God and Christ is His son.

>Confusing your sultan with Matthias Corvinus
At least hit up wikipedia before shitposting turkroach.

Knowing Ottomans it's a pretty safe bet they molested him too.

Your time is coming roach


Ey vah! It's 1915 all over again!

you know roach, a human sees a dog as a companion that they evolved with, a turk sees a dog as something to eat and torture, what does that tell you?

fuck dogs

If you got that kind of foothold shitskin do you really think we will not nuke the ever loving shit out of you?

fuck roaches, what are you gonna do besides shit up the board with your barely intelligible subhuman posting, you won't conquer europe, you won't do shit but sit in your shitty country sweating in front of a computer

"Muh Ottoman Empire!!1"

"If we go super Muslim under Erdogan, the Arabs will embrace us as overlords, and we'll be relevant again!"

"... any day now..."

They don't need to embrace Türks. We automatically come on top.
To all Arabs who read this: serve us or you get castrated.
To all whites who read this: send tax ot you get special Enver treatment.

dogs are mans best friend,but i guess i dont consider roaches people

Love how turks are so proud of their history, although these faggots would spit on your grave.

hah, just like in 2023 this flag will be raised on constantinople, you will beg to be baptized Christians to be spared but will only meet a Russian bayonet

lmap yeah right.

here you go, remember vlad in 1462
>muh 20,000

>W-well they might have lost every important city and position in Anatolia, but they did win this one battle that didn't matter!
>Byzantium BTFO!

Nice meme, roach.

You can't even get your dick out of the camel long enough to make a fucking wheel. Mohammad was and is a abjucating piece of shit.

Did the dog die when you crucified it, or when you raped it? You shouldn't play with your food.

check this out, priceless

my ancestors fought in this war and im proud of them

manzikert is the only important one dude

Why are the "Templar" LARPers shitposting ITT?

You faggots are responsible for OP and his shithole of a country existing since you sacked Constantinople in 1204 and turned it into a low hanging fruit, easily picked by the Ottomans.

There are plenty of Arab countries have are wealthier and have even higher standards of living than Turkey.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain, and Oman all have average incomes than you roaches do.

You missed out an all that oil money when we broke you up after WWI. You got so, so fucked. That's what you get for messing with the Eternal Anglo. Stay bitter.

Kek, that's worse than a Zulu-tier defeat.