Indivisible seems to be more of a loose coalition of individual local groups than a centralized top-down organization. Having looked at some of the groups on there that are in my area, it seems to be pretty broad, including mainline Dem committees, "progressives", woman's clubs, antifa, etc. Based on what I've read, their plan seems to be to try to take power at the local level, which is obviously pretty dangerous if they can actually get organized. Most organization is done through Zuckbook. Have a look at your local chapter. There's probably a few in your area, anons. Their goal as of now is to rally a broad amount of anyone left of center to flood town hall meetings, train in politics, and run for local offices. They want a total take over of government positions starting at a local level. It concerns me because looking at the map, there's a ton of these chapters in red areas, and they are organizing fast.
Its funded by a Soros connection. It's probably worthwhile to look into (((who))) is actually behind this and see if there's any connections to the usual suspects.
>Nevada has almost none Most based state in US confirmed?
Carter Garcia
What in the absolute fuck is this brainwashing boot licking commie bullshit
Luis Reed
It's called big tent politics user. Not only is it not new but it's the number one play in their playbook.
Isaac Scott
If they actually had any influence or power they would've used it already. It's just another fluff 501 (c) (3) or (4) to milk regressives for their disposable incomes
William Wood
>The Indivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Donations to us are not tax deductible. If you are interested in giving a large gift, please contact for more information about our 501(c)(3) status with the Tides Foundation.
There you go, it's just more leftist fundraiser/lobbyist fluff. Nothing to worry about. Starbucks revolutionaries
Anthony Martinez
I wouldn't dismiss them so quickly. I actually have known about this group since the election and have been watching a few local chapters carefully. I live in a red red red state and these groups went from about 30 people to a couple hundred active members in a short amount of time. In my area they organized a big voter registration drive and they are passing out reading material and hiring trainers to talk to people about running for any local position, from school board to precinct committeeman.
Imagine, these are the left leaning moms who will run for school board who will push for trans rights in your children's bathrooms, these are the liberals who will get on your town board and vote in repressive gun laws. These are the lefty guys who will organize dag queens to read to your kids in libraries. You get what I'm saying? Their plans are to erode away our rights from all directions possible. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE A BUNCH OF WELL ORGANIZED IDIOT LEFTISTS
Nathan Morgan
The fuck is that?
Parker Cox
I don't know what anons compiled this research data but this group most definitely is astroturf.