Can't believe right wingers are the new SJW's getting offended over a 400 year old play.
Can't believe right wingers are the new SJW's getting offended over a 400 year old play
>what is a false flag
Right wingers are the biggest snowflakes
Please explain
Made me think
We created this.
Quick rundown on this controversy?
Cernovich was lisping mad about some kike being arrested, is this what he was spitting about? I can't follow faggotry
easily one of the most autistic things i have ever witnessed:
>people I agree with can't do anything wrong
you lost to that
Holy shit this is BLM tier. Made yourself look like a retard and you're making them money.
>gets shot down
>means mildly annoy the cast and the audience for 30 seconds
>Everything i dont like is a false flag
Have another redpill buddy
The right wing decided MONTHS ago that we were going to beat them at their own game and become the new SJWs as a tactic. We're not actually offended, if the left wants to fight dirty we're going to fight dirtier. It's nothing but nigger pool and we're better at it.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>muh 73d monopoly
r/the_donald was a mistake
There's a NYC production of Julius Caesar that is portraying Caesar as Trump (in the past there has been a similar one with Obama). A couple dumbasses are insisting it's contributing to violence against conservatives and trying to interrupt/censor the performance.
I've seen it stated many times they've done similar plays with Obama, but nobody's ever given examples. Do you have any?
They aren't wrong. If people were firing guns at Democrat Reps they would have stopped the Obama show and you know it
>When people still consider the old testament Christianity despite it being Jewish
For you
I've never heard them using Obama as well for caesar. calling bullshit
don't you have some elected officials to mow down
Remember when Christians and Republicans complained about everything, like how video games were too violent and sexual?
Remember when the SJWs took over that completely?
It's just a neverending cycle
really, he could have at least come up with a little speech. as opposed to yelling YOU'RE GOEBBELS GOEBBELS YOU GUYS ARE GOEBBELS GOEBBELS WOULD LOVE YOU THIS IS GOEBBELS
>teh rite iz da new counter culture
lmao yeah right
I'm fine with it. Good for them.
Interesting. Is this the same organization? I wonder if the same message of people wanting to take down Trump for their own glory exists in the current play.
See the link in my reply
Now just think for a second if their was a play that murdered a obama look a like
Did the Obama ones end with his assassination?
>everyone in that comment section
>we need more of this
>good girl
lmao u guys are cringey as fuck
A better tactic would be to put on a skit where you kill Obama and then take it on the road. Kill Obama every night in a new town...or act like FUCKING INFANTS. Whichever you think is more effective, alt-lite
>Republicans complained about everything, like how video games were too violent and sexual
Nigger Al Gore's wife lead the charge for the "parental advisory" warning on music after failing to have that music banned in stores and Hillary Clinton even recently has been openly in favor of stopping violent videogames.
It's Julius Cesar you retard. Happens right in the middle.
No they have it confused.
The Obama ones were Othello and he was portrayed as buttfucking a white girl while calling her, for whatever reason, "taxpayer"
They did. Stop looking for reasons to be victimized.
Bunch of fucking babies here.
He is a fucking nut case.
How can someone be so lacking in self-awareness?
Yes, Caesar was assassinated both in real life and the play. It's a central part of the performance.
A rodeo clown had an Obama dummy and was forced by the DOJ to undergo diversity training and the rodeo had to use an apology. Of course, they weren't forced to, they complied like the cuck republicans they are.
stop opening fire on senators
this is what mental gymnastics look like.
There was a few years ago and literally no one cared.
I remember seeing similar tweets from SJWs, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore if you're right or left.
Stop being a cry baby. Our Senators are no less garbage just because they're being shot at. Sorry, buddy. I have no tears for parasites
It's not possible to know this without watching both productions to compare, but that's why I can't believe the tone of these two plays were the same. If I had to guess the Obama one was more tragic with people wanting to end him for not living up to THEIR expectation of him as stated here and the Trump one is more about mindless, barbaric culling. I don't think it's a coincidence they have three black actors as the ones to stab him.
In any case, I think it's ignorant to assume just because it's the same play they're based on every depiction is practically the same.
on the spectrum?
What the fuck, you can't just tell me someone killed Big C and not say who.
shut up fat boy
>board that jerks off to the idea of the US being Balkanized
>"don't shoot my politicians" :(
Surely portraying Trump as Caesar would be a compliment?
Were you crying this much when Gabby Giffords got shot?
not an argument
Thanks for the rundown, seems fucked up the snowflakes get so worked up over literally nothing.
If lefties get away with then so can righties...because we are right... let us have some fun for a change.
After Obama-mocking rodeo clown, Missouri fair requires 'sensitivity training'
>literally no one cared
Do you have the memory of a goldfish or did you just get your learners permit for mommy's car?
Doing this kind of shit is why the left has been winning since the 60's. It's about time the right actually takes some action instead of simply complaining.
I ran it through archive
>This is what Americans actually believe
I won't
>you are all joseph gurbles
Who is Joseph Gurbles?
Pretty much the only one in here who gets it. It's a gradual process to disrupt and destroy them at every moment of their lives. Do not let them have peace, safety, or happiness. Ruin them, their lives, and their futures.
So you're OK with Obama look alikes being mock-killed as well? What if both are offensive?
Not the play. It is how they chose to use it.
>a 400-year-old play involving the 71-year-old president
It is though, all left wing media is watered down neutered pseudo shit. That's why you lost and the autists are flocking in droves the other way.
>SJWs leftycucks taint a perfectly good Shakespearean play about the greatest ruler in western history buy making it an overly politicized farce about killing President Trump who has only been in office for 6 months.
What the fuck else is new? This was blatant anti conservative propaganda intended to normalize violence against conservatives. The jew media is doing it in full force now to incite the mentally ill leftist into attacking conservatives, or have you already forgotten the attempted assassination on senator Scalise
Eric Holder would send the entire cast to Guantanamo no questions asked
Not sure if bait
>hola reddito
The difference is we are capable of actually stopping to think about our fantasies.
that's the best word to describe redditor behavior
Stop freaking the fuck out because your own tactics and people are being used against you. Get used to it.
Hi Jack,
When you started naming Sup Forums I just thought you were another interloping fag wannabe journo.
>you are showing your true colors.
For personal fame.
>this will not end well for you.
I have a feeling someone is pulling your strings.
>Jack pinocchio
You're "literally" full of shit fag
any retards actually believe this?
rights have no saying in anything THEN SUDDENLY this happens
something fshy
No nobody wants that. But we have to get hype in case it does. Don't want to get caught with our pants down in a crisis.
>he's not just lying down and taking our conditioning, he must be autistic!
You are all gerbils, you all run on wheels, you all live in cages, you are all gerbils, gerbils, gerbils, gerbils
What a witty retort. I'm sure you showed him big brain user.
Well. Kosher in general at least
shut up queer
My 8 year old thinks so at least
t. sally kohn
Nigga Jesus was a Jew too and in the New Testament he straight up refuses to heal a Canaanite women because she isn't a Jew.
Quick rundown, and
>400 year old play
>dresses the main character as Donald Trump
I highly doubt Will Shakespeare intended for his play to be portrayed like this. He was writing a historical play, not a "drumpf suxxx XD" stunt for liberal New Yorkers to jerk off to
>king obongo is so thin skinned he has to retaliate against a fucking RODEO CLOWN you can't make this up
So you stoop to the liberals' level? This snowflake shit is why they lost the election. You don't think it'll backfire on you?
Quick run down? It's over.
lmfao retard
lol did you injure your neck reaching so hard for that one?
The left is always furious when their tactics get turned on them: absolutely furious someone could have the gall to do what they already did.
That's epic! We need more of this!
>What if both are offensive?
Then you're a snowflake. Public figures are fair game to criticize and satirize in art. Do you think it was offensive when they made a. ersion of MacBeth where he was essentially Stalin? Or when one adaptation of Richard III was an allegory for WW2 Nazi England?