It's just horrible. I feel sorry for you Swedes. You don't deserve that horrible fate.
It's just horrible. I feel sorry for you Swedes. You don't deserve that horrible fate.
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you baiting us or something?
Sightseeing videos?
It seems normal to you, because you haven't lived in a 100% racially pure ubermensch society.
That's not a no go zone idiot, that's in the middle of the city core.
Swedish schools are increasingly becoming more Afro-Arabic. Each passing decade shifts the demographics in their favor.
Fucking pathetic entitled stormshit. Go fucking die loser and stop making shit up about Sweden. Fuck stormshits and your leader Klumpf
Every video is in the city core of each city, the immigrants live in the suburbs
Le stormshit meme cherrypicking.
>That flag.
Here you go flaggot:
Yes, yes, nice cherrypicking, however, they're not from 2017 and barely 2016. Even so, they will only show you the nicest parts town such as Gamla Stan. Not the nigger infested shitholes in Cuckholm.
Sweden is filled to the brim with niggers. I can't go outside without constantly hearing a foreign language or seeing people with burqa. I don't even live in a big city.
We need to deport these vermin.
You're still cherrypicking stormshit
B-b-but muh niggers.
You live a in big city get fucking used to it. We live in a global world.
What do you have to do with Sweden?
Just don't respond
>"terrorist attacks are part of living in a big city"
>"if you kill your enemies they win"
Tips fedora.
This thread was made by a nigger
OMG, there's a bunch niggers and muzlims. But everything is still functioning, there's no violence or anything. Just normal people.
How fucking autistic you have to be to have a problem with this?
Other than muh racial purity, there's nothing bad happening. No one gives a shit. The world is changing, get used to it.
But its not right, whites are already a minority compared to other races, and now there will be even less of them
>there's no violence or anything
>what are sleeper cells
achmed, its time. The swede is still asleep
Yeah cause issues like these don't mean anything.
Swedes should be emptying out their social aid and tax dollars on people from the other side of the world who hate them and rape/rob their children.
>m-muh civic nationalism is good
You will be hanged along with the commies.
>The world is changing, get used to it.
Indeed, get used to it, Swecuck.
you and I both know behind that EU flag is not a swedish flag. Every swedish person knows sweden is dead.
The faggot you are talking to is just b8ing (you)s
How are you so fucking stupid?
Why in the fuck should Sweden destroy its ethnic hertiage and just give it country and money to a bunch of islamic 3rd worlders?
Its insane. I don't give 2 flying fucks what you think about the world is changing. It's fucking insane.
I can't wait for this utopia to backfire. It will be the very last kike trick the west will fall for. I don't care how badly our economies crash or how many of us die because after this there will never be kikes pulling this shit in the west ever again.
The only way you have made it work thus far is by absolutely lying. Just omitting the truth and reality of the situation.
Why shouldn't they? We're all human. Why do humans with one skin color deserve rights and humans with another don't?
Vad menade han med detta?
>It's just horrible. I feel sorry for you Swedes. You don't deserve that horrible fate.
Yes they do. They voted for that shit and socially destroy anyone that is against it
Sweden is better than 99% of the world, but we need to fight to keep it that way because it's quickly changing
All these raging stormshits.
At worst the countries become 40-50% white and then it stops. So fucking what?
Also you can still look and pass as white while having niggers genes. It's pretty common in America. Your white looks don't die out you know.
>you guys only care about the colors!
nice meme
remove the EU flag, I want to see where you're from...
it sure as fuck ain't sweden.
I spit on your ideology and on the flag you use to hide your identity.
>giving it more (you)s
its b8 m8
Ok, and? You realize that a black man can have 165IQ and a white man can have 70IQ too, right?
>Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods
Americans mixed with these people, and look whose flag is on the moon
>You realize that a black man can have 165IQ
which one? Obama? halfy?
Tell me what is skull structure is.
>tip: it's not african-negroid
and then we have bantu proper skull
Well, that explains how a retard could use computers and solve captcha.
>stormshit science
>no violence or anything
>he says as he continuous to give him more (You)'s
Yeah, the meme attacks that stormfags can use for propaganda.
The only problem here is police incompetence.
And Sweden still ranks as one of the safest countries.
The redpill on sweden.
West will lose unless they start to kill those like you.
>Why should Swedish people deserve to live in Sweden
Because they are Swedish and its the country they built and their ancestors built and its the country they fund. Its Sweden.
Why do millions of muslims just get to go there, get free houses, and handed free money, and not even be grateful or even friendly to the swedes?
Because they are human and deserve equal rights?!?! Like WTF are you even talking about kike? I fucking hate you people. Moving niggers all over the place because your basically schizophrenic, bored, morally conceited racists.
Yeah great culture, though has nothing to do with race. Kind of autistic, but whatever, I guess it works.
American culture is better though.
Remove your flag faggot. WHO ARE YOU
>At worst the countries become 40-50% white and then it stops.
No it doesn't
>you can still look and pass as white while having niggers genes
You will be dumber. Every metric regarding this issue points to a wide gap in IQ distribution. There is literally not 1 fucking reason for a white person to mate with a black person. They lose entirely in that exchange.
I see what you are doing, I actually live here though, in the poor parts. As a kid I longed to move here, now I long to move back home to my little town.
I live in the poor areas (read muslim areas), så there were grenade attacks, shootings, violent events etc frequently, and most people there were muslims/africans. The city centre is also at any given time at least 50% arab/african. There's gypsy beggars EVERYWHERE.
It's not a hellhole, but it is a hell of a lot worse than what it used to be just 20 years ago. The future of Gothenburg is probably something akin to what Malmö is now (and the future of Malmö can only be speculated).
nice rape material
Cite one fucking example of your stupid fantasies coming to pass in reality. Why would it stop at 40-50%? Cite one well functioning society that has a 50% arab/black population and a 50% white population. Show me one person that 'passes as white' while having any kind of significant african heritage (even quadroons don't look white, while asian quadroons look completely white). .
Fuck off newfag autists. I'm user.
I don't give a shit about "my" country. I was just randomly born here. I'd rather be born in a superior country, like USA or Sweden
Dude, where do you live? Go to Brunnsparken (city centre) at any time and just snap a picture of a crowd, it WILL be around 50% arab/african, at least.
>Americans mixed with these people,
With what fucking people? Black people? Sand Niggers?
Motherfucker do you even know who went to the moon? Do you think a pack of Mullatos landed on the fucking moon??!!??
And you think USA is an example of well functioning multiculturalism? It is FAR from 50% black/arab by the way, the black population is at about 13% and the muslim population is just a few percent. And even with those small numbers they still have extreme racial crime, violence, riots, social problems etc.
A lot of you have some nigger ancestry. Niggerhood gets bleached with time, look at jews. Besides it's not like you HAVE to mix with them, you can just live in your white suburbs like most americans do.
We used to be so great!
Why did the kikes target the most Blondes in the world first rather than enacting immediate revenge against Germany?
I think the fact that sweden was targeted with mass immigration just Proves that jews are the most vain, envious people on the planet.
What cereal box did you find it in? I found mine in a Smartprice Cornflakes.
You are citing the tipping point that is often discussed. Do you think everything just stops tipping and trends all freeze when that tipping point is reached?
How are you this fucking dumb kike?
>And you think USA is an example of well functioning multiculturalism
Who has a world empire? Pure nordic Sweden or le 56%? Whose culture is dominant and copied by dumb Swedes? Who created the internet and computers?
Sweden is too small and socialist for white suburbs. Even today theres almost no place to escape if you want to live in a white area. We have three major cities and they are all shitskin central already. Even the small cities have a lot of arabs/africans, and they are currently even establishing a presence in TOWNS. The only way to live in a white area in Sweden will soon be to move out to the country to a farm or something.
USA established their empire when they were nearly totally white, and since that changed (immigration act change in the 70's), they've been slowly crumbling. Are you in any way implying that their empire-ness stems from their multiculturalism? Ask yourself: Why is the US powerful.
Sweden will be ok once misogyny is defeated to reduce male violence.
Soon a bill will be passed to prevent Swedish males from urinating while standing up.
This will help them embrace feminine and global perspectives.
They are the most racist, untrustworthy, unpleasant humans you could ever have the unfortunate of dealing with.
They get run out of everywhere they go for basically doing shit like this. Shit that is outrageous and pisses everyone off.
>Why is the US powerful.
Because of superior culture and values
Not really, that's part of it, though the most important part was WW1 and 2, the complete destruction of the economy of europe and the resulting economic shift to the US (the US had undestroyed industry, and many major european powers lended A LOT of money from the US).
The culture and values are christian, and this you share with europe.
Fucking thank you.
Our multiculturalism is horse shit. niggers can play sports or star in bad comedies but that about covers it. They have destroyed almost every urban center in the country. They are a plague not a "strength" Just nobody has the balls to just say it.
These places suck because they are full of black people and everywhere black people go they destroy everything because the are not at an IQ threshold consistant with maintaining a functioning society.
Thats just because they left school as they grew older.
>hides geo flag and creates commentary on a country
>pic related
Is this a coincidence?
... where mustlim terrorists drive trucks into people in the middle of the day. it's a no-go zone. Every city in this country is a no-go zone.
LIVE: Jimmie is going full Duerte, promises helicopter rides and Swexit.
Mexico in the second highest category? Your map is bullshit.