>whites will go extinct in your life time
I love this!
Whites will go extinct in your life time
Other urls found in this thread:
>posts picture of one dead white American
>not taking into account the daily suicide bombings in Turkey
>I love this!
Something is wrong with you on the inside. Seek Jesus.
You truly are a sick breed Turk. More like roaches than people.
You live only for death and destruction.
I hope the vile demon you call a god drags you with him to hell.
>China, India, Nigeria, Brazil all make up more than half of the World's population and whites are minority in those countries.
>White bois killed millions of themselves in WWI and WWII
>Birthrates in Europe are declining and less marriages due to beta males rather masturbate and play video games at home all day
>Interracial Marriages rising in the United States.
Feels good man, fuck white people.
turks are white k*rd shitposter
return to reddit!
This board is for humans only, roach.
We have more nuclear weapons and more advanced nuclear defense systems than you shitskins ever will.
If it comes to it, you will end, not us.
Not really, you brown guys are just ensuring you will be completely anihalated