>pls dont hate us d-daddy
Pls dont hate us d-daddy
If my daughter disgraced herself the only way to repent would be to reclaim her the way God intended.
Not even that good looking. 6/10. At least they're not obese like most Canadian/American women. Would bang if very drunk.
I'm enjoying very much all the pornography lately, some good thicc bitches
Eminem's daughter turned out to be a great kid, when the odds were entirely against her (Eminem's daughter)
If you're a shitty dad your daughter will turn out shitty. Period.
>Not even that good looking. 6/10
Just don't shit diarrhea outside the door please
Don't they get nervous knowing a future employer/friend/spouse might see this image?
Women are incapable of forward thinking.
Daily Reminder: Rome fell because of women.
Throw them into the bog.
Why would they? Id hire either of them on a dime. Pretty sure all of these can sit around answering phones and getting coffee.
Flag collection boyz
if you can see the pussy lips or the asshole it's not obscene, we live in a new society, adapt or die, asshole.
white women are worse than jews
You meant can't, right?
The Old Testament says to rape virgins for a reason. Pandora's box type shit, yo.
>those girls have fathers
Sad. This could happen to you.
Make white children and raise them well.
yes, typo
Clothing should be optional. Prove me wrong. Inb4 moralityfags.
The female body involuntarily stimulates males.
Nothing else will do the same thing, merely by looking at it.
Can anyone think of anything that does this other than the female body?
>Rome fell
>because of women
How do you mean?
I thought it was ransacked by Gauls?
A cute male ass
I like the shy one.
HEY YOU! yeah you,stop acting like primal sex objects, go put some close one woman!
How is this pol related?
>I thought it was ransacked by Gauls?
They brought their women and children along them.
Should have sunk the damn ships.
Holy fucking shit I just did a double take. The one on the left looks exactly like my wife. Was about to fucking kill her kek
Why was it ransacked by hordes?
Because women corrupted them from within i guess
a video game with... REALLY good gameplay!
sure thing kiddo
typical suburban American dumbasses. sickening
Seeing your enemies fail completely.
somehow I doubt it
Some cars
People being married is an extraordinary thing now?