Was this a work or a shoot? And why didn't it draw dimes?
Was this a work or a shoot? And why didn't it draw dimes?
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It's the water filter lunatic desperately trying to stay relevant. You would have thought losing custody would have been a wakeup call.
It was a shoot.
And it was trending in the top 5 on youtube so it was definitely drawing dimes.
Yeah. Nah. It was Alex wrecking another liberal cunts career in spectacular fashion.
What did Meltzer give it?
4 stars
I have no idea what OP just said. Can someone translate this niggerspeak for me?
This is what engineered reality looks like. Its all a show and its all garbage
It really seems like a work but I can't see any upside for NBC or Megyn Kelly so I really don't know.
No. He didn't lose his kids. And you should be filtering your water anyways.
>Kelly sweetalked Alex into giving an interview saying it won't be a hitpiece
>edits a hitpiece interview
>AJ gets pissed and reveals he was secretly recording their convos and Kelly's lies are on youtube for all to see.
What does "work" and "shoot" means, in this context?
OP is implying their feud is a work (i.e. scripted, like WWE).
Shoot would mean its a real life, unscripted feud. Like Hulk Hogan had with Macho Man.
It's just the Cia trying to relagitamize their disinfo campaigns
Draw dimes? Aren't you trying to be clever? And failing in the process
Millions will see it on youtube / infowars.
A few oldsters will see it on NBC.
"I think Alex Jones has blacklisted me because his Zionist masters want me to stop talking. ...Alex Jones is controlled." - Robert David Steele
On the real, I think Jones just has limits. I do think he's more-or-less genuine in the stuff that he will cover, even though I don't like him at all, so if I had to guess, Megyn Kelly was there for a hit job. Jones recorded her entire visit and supposedly, she was being very flirty with him.
Putin already punked her shit up. Hopefully, Jones does it, too.
Because the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega weren't in the match
I stopped listening to Alex Jones in 2011 and this was something that by that time was a regular yearly occurrence.
>Interview with so and so who is likely to muck up his message and misrepresent him
>"Surprise I'm wearing a wire/have a hidden camera! This will finally end their career!"
>Literally nothing happens.
Its just a ride.
Megyn was probably banking on liberal sympathy because she had that brief moment in the sun where she was considered by SJWs to be the most important, bravest woman alive after Drammuld Gump literally raped her with that Rosie O'Donnell debate response and subsequent "blood leaking out of her wherever" statement.
Then reality reared its ugly head on her and she realized that she was only ever an expendable pawn to these people who pretended to be her friend and parted themselves on the back for getting onto a less evil news network.
ya finna pinheads
finna have sex
Alex gave her his super male vitality. Right in the pussy.
>Literally nothing happens.
>expecting corrupt companies to have ethical standards
Dumb animeposter
Its for the viewership.
>Robert David Steele
I'm sure Alex has a good reason to blacklist a CIA spook.
Goodnight AMERIMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
>work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
I'm using this as an excuse to post one my favorite works turned shoot, and you can't stop me.
This meme again. Steele is full of knowledge while Alex is a fucking clown. If you can't see past this "once CIA, always CIA" meme, then watching Alex Jones is exactly where you belong.
I have had so many conversations with people who claim that Steele's position is this or that, thus he's a shill, and every single time, I can point to an interview that contradicts what they're claiming. It's always shallow, off-the-cuff judgments, like they're operating from some conspiracy theory guidebook from the 90s. It's silly. He easily has more value than the overwhelming majority of alt media people.
You're right. It's not like a cia agent would deceive anyone or anything.
Where is your point? I don't see it. All I see is substanceless sarcasm.
Awww. And I thought he was getting that sweet pusy... : (
>Steele is ex-cia
>There is no such thing
>Steele is CIA
Its pretty simple formula. Once CIA = Always CIA
Steele is a fatass manlet who is gaslighting the alt-media. He talks like Obama. Same cadence, same reliance on saying "uh" every other word. Literally the most annoying stooge on stage today.
The guy comes from the biggest shiller of disinfo in the free world.
You choose to believe him, fine.
I'll take what he says with a grain of salt.
So, you've got a meme and personal attacks. Is that all?
crowdfund it.
She has a price. He needs another storage house for his waterfilters.
>call your local mobster
finna seething
He's right though. That's the point.
A "work" is when you strain your hardest but cannot poo. A "shoot" is when poo goes all over the road or in your eye.
Any source on Alex Jones blacklisting Robert David Steele?
The guy has people from Seal Team 6 on and whatever. It's not like those guys aren't quasi CIA agents dude.
More nothing.
For fuck's sake, Steele has reviewed some 2,000 books on Amazon and has repeatedly said that most of what he knows is not direct knowledge and that he amalgamates information he gets from multiple sources. Just about everything that he says has been said by others and has been said for years.
"People ask me, 'How do you know so much?' Excuse me, I don't know so much. I have a lot of sources and I know who I trust."
So, are the authors of all these books Steele is drawing from just plants who wrote the books as part of the great Steele psyop? Do you think that Alex Jones talking about Satanism, pedophilia, child sacrifice, and blook-drinking is more credible than Steele talking about it? The dude is basically a fucking scholar with military and intelligence experience. Compare the amount of times that Jones has named the Zionists to the amount of times that Steele has. Protip: You have to actually listen to Steele to be able to do that.
I haven't even read his books yet and I know more about him than anyone I've seen decry him. It always seems like 1.) Shills 2.) People who have been convinced by shills 3.) Shallow thinkers.
He said it in an interview within the past month or so. I don't remember which one. I watch every one that he does and many of them are an hour long or more.
Kelly though she could get a worked interview in but Alex no sold the entire match then start to shoot on Kelly backstage.
Well I was wondering about why he wasn't on Alex Jones nomore. I think Jones just can't cope with someone disagreeing with him and it's some kind of wannabe alpha shit. Steele dared to disagree with Alex a few time I think and you could see he wasn't taking it lightly. Like he thought they were trying to move in for the kill about an half year in, this and that should be done, and bam now we are here.
I felt the same way. I think the last interview Steele did with Jones was the one in which he very strongly advised Jones to sue Google for the way they fucked InfoWars. Either in that same interview or the one before it, he said, "Oh, come on, Alex. Don't be chicken."
>unironically being a fucking moronic simpleton who's only point of contention is literally "MUH LIBRULS"
Ayo hol up, so what dat fat crackah be sayin iz dat sneaky white bietch was finna go behind his back n shieet? Oh hell nah niqqA you gotta show a bietch who da man iz NAHMSAYIN NIGGA AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
I think he got cock blocked by the white house as well. He was pretty desperate to talk to trump and everybody was giving him the sideways stinkeye it seems.
everything Alex does is a work
Megan Kelly secretly believes that the Sandy Hook Shooting was a hoax and is interviewing Alex Jones on the subject in an attempt to spread awareness
They should have brought in a jap. Meltzer only gives 5 stars to japs.
Well said brother jack dude
Dimeless geek detected. Have sex at once pinhead.
wouldve been 5 in the tokyo dome.
Based AJ living in your head
I'd pay good shekels to see Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Megyn Kelly
>being this mad that your liberal waifu was stained by based infowarrior seed