The German Identitarian movement is going into the epicenter pozz and multiculturalism, to protest against the invasion into Europe.
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The German Identitarian movement is going into the epicenter pozz and multiculturalism, to protest against the invasion into Europe.
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Fucking based. Germany is finally going to uncuck herself.
>post yfw you realize this is the prelude to the 4th reich
Don't get my hopes up, can't wait for them to go fash enough.
Was ist Antifa eigentlich für ein Lappenverein? Tun so als wären sie krass und wenn die Polizei sie mitnimmt wird "Bitte nicht am Kopf. Das tut mir weh :^("
Stream is fast paced action flick atm
A fourth Reich will happen in our lifetime.
Was ist das
Combat 18 will reach Berlin Staaken within 10 Minutes , the hunt will start at 23°° CET
kanacken ausmorden
I wish them the best of luck
there is a spanish talking in that rt stream, he is saying
"there was some guys with the face covered, they caught 4 juping some bushes, and tomorrow everything is closed and im sure it will rain, thank god that at least im moving to another flat next month"
You have to go back Pablo
They're screaming "Nazis raus"?
Typical. Probably effective in crushing most right wingers in Germany. Fuuug
How many people? Doesn't look like many.
A few hundred.
they are talking that they can get better paid covering right wing concentrations fucking southern spanish you should kick them from your country krauts
can anyone find any high camera angle to try to guess how many ppl is there? seems rt is the only stream to me
>germscum desperate to pretend theyre hot shit again
america nuke
>tfw there are more Identitatians then muslims at the "peacefull islam" protest in cologne
>Pole shitting his pants because we are going to steamroll you again
Stay mad
take off your rddit flag you obese larping manchild
Does this mean Germany is finally gonna jam ?
What will happen space cowboys ?
Well the portest is in one of the biggest communist places in Germany so them getting so many people there means something.
How many are there?
So all the people with yellow and black flags are against the migrants then ?
Fuck yes, Krauts you need to subtitle important times for us please. What are they chanting?
Can't really say but between a few hundred and more than a thousand.
Not only againts migrants they want to make Germany an ethnically German country again.
Look at the lack of obesity America.
Oh hell yes
Fucking based as fuck the people are waking up.
Trash it.
Cool new flags.
>Europa, Jugend, Reconquista
Europe, youth, reconquest
>Heute bist du tolerant, morgen fremd i eigenen land
Today, you are tolerant, tommorrow you are a stranger in your own land
Is Hans finally starting to get uncucked?
holy fuck they are some redpilled chants
>There is about 30 people there.
Europe is fucked.
Those are the AntiFa counter protesters being cucked by the Polize
/Ourguys/ are atleast 300 hundred strong
Wir kommen züruck
Coming back meter 4/10
Shit Sup Forums pol just got elevated to classy with new flags.
just look at these antifa cucks. They all look like retarded sjw's.
>Europa für Europäer, Antifa nach Nordkorea
Europe for Europeans, Antifa (can) go to North Korea
So is this a small portion of the nationalist movement?
The fire rises...
good luck
Oh fuck for real?
This is not the only one. There is also the Ein Prozent / One percent.
There are a few more but I don't know their names right now and some of them are legit natsocs.
no fucking way. is that banner legit or shooped?
The antifa is for five minutes there, yet they started to fight the police, while the indentitarean walked peacefull in bigger numbers.
The ANTIFA is a bunch of retards, I cant believe it.
They are betas
You can tell by the shadows it's real.
I don't know how Antifa wants to fight a civil war. They are absolutely hated by police, military and a good bunch of the population.
Where are they off to now?
The waving bye bye was funny.
Germany, I thought you were doomed!
Where is your people?
They are not there...
It's real and Lithuania is fucking based.
I kinda like the second one, but I feel like these could be better
Whats with the Overwatch logo?
Hello newfag
Its towing the line though, if they go too deep they could get arrested for (((hate speech)))
Not to mention their lack of strenght and stamina.
This gave me hope. Are they increasing in number krauts? Am I right to have hope?
They literally cried when the police removed them. I bet most of them have never been in a streetfight.
Yes, yes and prepare your champagne.
Where can I buy that flag here in the U.S ?
>Am I right to have hope?
we both know the answer user
They definetly increase in numbers. A few weeks ago almost no one knew about them here and now they manage to organize themselves in the hundreds in the communist and migrant infested Berlin. Also Identitarian Movement is not the only one of its kind.
Yeah. It seems like theyre becoming more and more stupid from time to time. Most policemen are anti-left, but yet they keep attacking and insulting them at every demo. The indenditerean, hell even PEGIDA realized it and theyre friendly AF to the police.
I'm sure this protest has finally stopped immigration into Europe, we are save now.
We can be thankful that these protests saved our lives.
I don't know if they'll ship it over the pond.
>One protest doesn't magically change the country overnight so let's not protest at all
Töte dich Achmed
After this protest millions of refugees decided not to come to Germany and ten thousands of refugees moved back to their home country.
All politicians changed their mind and borders will be controlled now.
This protest changed everything for us.
Wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
Is this a German 'trolling'? You aren't very good at it. Also, kill yourself.
If they like the "refugees" so much, why don't they go to their country instead of trying to force the larger volume of tax payers, to help them keep their pets?
"Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes."
(Alexander Meigs "Al" Haig Jr. was a United States Army general who served as the United States Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan and White House Chief of Staff under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.)
Because if refugees stay in their country they will get gassed by ASSadist barrel bombs just like the peaceful moderate jihadist rebels. Especially those Syrian refugee children from Africa.
>they want to make Germany an ethnically German country
No way this shit is allowed in Germanistan.
>Advocating for non deomcratic solutions
>Still sits here and hasn't done what he thinks needs to be done
Makes me wonder who is posting this.
Can't you see the other flags? Lmfao, it's real. WPWW
Every revolution begins with relatively peaceful civil unrest being disregarded and brushed off. Their numbers will swell, their voices will grow louder and then things will get interesting.
They get labeled as nazis and some even call them a terrorist organization but it is allowed. (((They))) will just try to shut you down with any means possible.
Drop some redpills under the comments, regarding the chosen people, while there are still only a few comments.
Who fucking cares tho?
They do, Thanks for the link
only in eastern europe
god bless
Great news, Germany is awekening.
PS: don't fuck up this time, ffs
I pray these movements keep growing in Germany. You're the heart of Europe.
>PS: don't fuck up this time, ffs
Yeah, join them this time, traitorous niggers.
Some dude from antifa I saw sitting on the livestream was presented on the Dutch news as a researcher...
any chance for a stream with a bigger watermark?
dirty kebab muncher detected
One day in many years to come there will be no Governments I don't know when or how but I think it'll happen eventually.