Find me a man more based and more relevant for today's shithole crisis we're in.
Find me a man more based and more relevant for today's shithole crisis we're in
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Russia is still the one doing the pushing, and has successfully convinced all the useful idiots of that it's le Joos and the deep state who are the perps
Russia Today. Sputnik. Wikileaks. Infowars. Breitbart. ZeroHedge. There's a war on your mind, and the US and the West is finally getting really destabilized.
We are already destabilized. Have been for the past decade. And I'm not so sure it's Russian influence.
We are nearly at step three, civil war.
We get it, shareblue. Im gonna trust vox, vice news and the MSM now.
>We are already destabilized. Have been for the past decade.
Eh, sliding scale. Increasing political polarization has been quite apparent throughout EU/US though. Often tied to terrorism/immigration.
>And I'm not so sure it's Russian influence
What would you suggest?
>We are nearly at step three, civil war.
Well, yes, that's the point.
Not an argument
He wasn't wrong but he liked Jews and nigger women so he is a degenerate
As if NatSocs aren't an example of what Yuri talked about
After Islam, you fags are next
No matter how hard you try, you will never look like a pollack.
Good? Irish genes make for more attractive people anyway.
Only if you admit Russia is currently using the AltRight and populist movements across Europe the same way as they used leftists during the Cold War.
He just blamed the Russians to make money after he defected because the Soviets wouldn't let him marry a tight desi princess.
I've been trying to get Putins cockholsters here on Sup Forums to understand theyre being played for a couple years now with no luck.
i tell them:
>putin is a leftist who is just trying to keep outside influence away of russia, not keep left-wingers out. he's playing left vs right so you will support his interests
they say:
>yea, maybe, but at least he's batter than the left
Well, they're not wrong that he's better than the left. Where they're wrong is failing to realize that Putin WANTS them to think he's better than the left.
Thomas Sowell
He's good too. Too bad 60% of Sup Forums care more about nigger memes rather than hearing what actual smart black folk have to say.
it's russia and israel, together.
>please, name one difference between israel and cold war era russias policy and ideals
kek, you're one of them.he is not better than the left. he is the same as the left, fool. he is the left. without him and ((his people)) the left would have no power and would have lost a long time ago. you clearly have never read anything be the man in OP
Putin isn't pro feminist. He is by default better than the radical left, even if only slightly. Calm down and think rationally, faggot.
Dr. Anthony Napoleon
If you ever wanted to understand the link between our shadow elite, corporate interests, weaponized mental pathogens (progressivism) and communist subversives, check these books.
you clearly misunderstand the entire situation. no one is pro feminism in their own country unless they are trying to subvert those in power. go read about yuri or watch some videos if you dont like reading and youll understand. political correctness is a tool used to cause division and sew seeds for a takeover. educate yourself or stay cucked by putin
You've misunderstood if you don't think I didn't know this already.
He's my hero, nojoke.
HAAAAAAAHAHAHA, can't resist.
You got to really thick to believe people believe that shit. You ought be fired from your shill post. Your supervisor will see this and give your job to someone else who can do better than that .
He's good too. I think Yuri summarized the entire issue better, though. Peterson's good with specifics, and he also gives some Canadians some hope.
you clearly dont understrand if you think putin is better than leftists, cuck. leftists and putin are 2 sides of the same coin. the left in america is phase one while a putin would be phase 2 of a communist takover. you think a leader like putin is better than having to deal with leftists who dont have even half his power and thats why you are exactly what putin wants. youre cucked and you fell for the commie plan to make Americans rather have putin as their leader than have freeedom and deal with the left. jackass
Try again.
I'm surprised he's not mentioned more often on Sup Forums. I don't know exactly what his deal is but he's a great source of knowledge.
Nothing but a middle ranking KGB pencil pusher trying to make himself look like a big kingpin to the Americans he defected to
we can like putin hate leftists while still being American
its called having your cake and eating it too
now git
With the new flag system if your LARPING a Leaf or not.
wrong, its more like eating shit and thinking its cake because the person who shitted clogged your nose. right wing americans who like putin are literally worse than americans who like netanyahu.
name a single difference, when it comes to america, between netanyahu and putin
Yes, and Russia is still led by the post-soviet jewish oligarchs, who most likely share goals with our kike elite and therefore are most likely working together. Really makes me think.
Yuri would be my pick and Peterson a close second.
For pic related. Jews using pedo rings to gather intel:
he doesnt advertise himself. he's been a psychologist for some of the world's most prolific leaders and shares the fucked up things in their heads
He doesn't advertise himself because he doesn't want to get assassinated (though many think that's already happened.
Most people post his interview but honestly I think this is the better video
Theres even a part where some woman tries to say all people are equal and he shuts her down.
Completely agreed, though they're both glorious fruits of wisdom and truth.
Shareblue cuck. When the time comes we'll gas them too.
>Russia is supporting the only Western movements that don't want to destroy Russia
Woah.....big if true.
I've read all of his books except for Awakening Beauty. He's a profound teacher on many different subjects. I just think it takes a lot of blind faith to believe in his legitimacy.
"Ex-shadowmen advisor/lawyer/genius" spends spare time freely exposing their methods through Twitter with their permission. Why?
Interesting. I'm assuming this theory manifested itself due to his mysterious hiatus during the election. It would be nice if this guy could do occasional videos including his face. It's not like he has that large a following where he'd be recognized in public.
He said that European Nationalism is "regressive" and compared their desire for safety from terrorists to the SJW desire for safe spaces from different opinions.
He's way too soft, but on the other hand, anyone who says "read Solzhenitsyn" is basically sending you on a crash course towards "It's the Jews".
He also speaks of Hitler's Table Talk lately. If you read the intro, it clearly states that the book throws historians for a loop in that Hitler speaks of "dumping the Jews in Russia" and says "even if they are rooted out of Europe, they will try to return in a few hundred years". This was during the time in which the Holocaust had supposedly begun.
he has a few videos on youtube. lots of voice interviews and commentary.. but rarely steps on camera
Here you go
He is censored and they definitely don't like him, but the elite is so confident the masses cant be saved from themselves, so they dont even care.
links to free versions?
>believing in ex-pats
There is no such thing as an ex-KGB agent.
If you have an actual thought or argument to disprove Yuri, go ahead and do so. If not, go back to 2edgy4me neo-Hitler larping
Yuri is the shit:
AZQuotes for the truth. Please post more red pills
You can't really become un-redpilled.
Nationalism is like MGTOW. It's a perfectly reasonable response to current events, but shouldn't be held as a model standard for the rest of time. We're trying to destroy mob mentality and stupid tribalisms that so often "regress" into stupid ideologies like Zionism or Feminism.
unless he flees from the KGB to live elsewhere, are these opinions even real or just shillery (clinton)
Yes you can, it is called Nihilism
>thinking in terms of """"countries"""" in the year two thousand and seventeen of our lord and savior Jésus Christ of Nazareth
Either bluepilled to the bones or straight up shill
Literally everything is piloted by the international clique, they couldn't care less about being """russians""" or """americans""", they are above nation states if you haven't noticed yet ya gooffy goy, people been knowing this since before the third reich was even invented
Nah, blackpill is only the first step towards the real redpill.
You must fully digest it.
Yes, what you call the real red pill, I call positive Nihilism. Same same but different I guess. Thought you meant the sormtrooper red pill
>You can't really become un-redpilled.
You've never heard of the numerous stories where man was formerly KKK/Nazi/WhiteNationalist etc until he shook a black man's hand and he became a SJW? Besides, despite all the shit that gets posted here in truth format and pills I don't buy any of this shit.
>unless he flees from the KGB to live elsewhere
>"ex"-KGB agent warns that cultural marxism is creating a staging ground for a communist takeover by creating pro-USSR sympathy
>right-wing reaction and pro-Russia sympathy is at an all time high.
Bezmenov could totally be right, and the knowledge and methods of societal subversion that existed within the KGB would have simply been passed down to the successor intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, soon to be re-consolidated into the MGB. I don't know if I would go so far as to connect the current Western political sentiments with a Russian propaganda effort though.
>says sven
>you've never heard of the numerous (((stories)))
>(((Saturn))) rings
where is the argument?
Whether what we see in the west is specifically of Russian origin or not, the tactics are still the tactics. Zionists, Ashkenazis, whatever.
You are telling a story, a pretty jewish story, not based in reality. Maybe the moment the hand was shook, but surely not when the white and the brown hand realised, they are not the same and way far from being compatible. The real redpill is to accept this, not like your jewish story force it for the glory of the cycle of the chosen man. It will never come.
oh boy wait till you hear about golitsyn
>>You are telling a story, a pretty jewish story, not based in reality.
I am recounting that these stories were being told. Whether they actually happen or not is not my concern. I don't doubt some of them but that's not the issue.
>Maybe the moment the hand was shook, but surely not when the white and the brown hand realised, they are not the same and way far from being compatible. The real redpill is to accept this, not like your jewish story force it for the glory of the cycle of the chosen man. It will never come.
I'm exaggerating here to show the common theme in those stories. It isn't completely inconceivable that someone could drop their racists beliefs. An American can quickly examine the racial attitudes of 50 years ago and today and see the change, despite being in closer proximity to the days of race science and colonialism.
>that it's le Joos
Yes, Russia (run part by Jew oligarchs) is spending Money to shill brigades to Sup Forums with rare merchants memes with other Jew - meme material - to lobotomised NEETs. Some part of Sup Forums think Joos - it's satire.
> There's a war on your mind, and the US and the West is finally getting really destabilized.
Saudi Arabia has been exporting wahabism since 70s and Central Europe countries importing (supposedly temporary) workers from Muslim world in 60's-90's was all Russia fault, Sven.
You have an ideology not fabricated by Russia, a foreign population volatile to these ideas that you imported (Germany and France imported to quell short labor shortages), resources to insurgency and terrorism funded by someone (not in case of lone-wolf actors), etc.
Alas, USA used/supported jihadism - mujahedins - in Soviet-Afghan War - the same ones - they are fighting now. They can never leave Afghanistan in long term and they are there for 16 years.
Russia has deal constantly with Muslim pop (now it's 15%) in some extreme cases with dirty schemes and probably will suffer harsher consequences.
What about us, Sven? What about you? do you want to make a suicide pact with Russia too. We already making one with EU Refugee measures.
Accurate post but the BASED BLACK MAN MAGA MGOTW XDDDDDDD plebbit mindset will disregard it instantly, doing just what Yuri was talking about.
>An American can quickly examine the racial attitudes of 50 years ago and today and see the change, despite being in closer proximity to the days of race science and colonialism.
literally american, or rather say Protestant education. It starts with the stories a white mother tells her children which are not the same as those told by the brown mother. Even in a multicultural society like the US, those are different stories, and they will stay different, as long as the mother bearing the child is aware of her own history.
And regarding being nearer, at the end there was and will never be an American history in the western cycle, your continent has been defined 98% by Europe. Maybe the next civilization will see you as the romans. I hope not.
nice points but it's the kikes, you forgot add to your list they control the US
>le Russia
>There's a war on your mind haha you goyim like Alex Jones right?
He-y avian jizzer
Finally you are using the right method. SHUT IT DOWN
Sowell does a great job wanting blacks to learn from the successes of whites and take their strategies, even though his people never will.
I wish the right could look at the successes of the left and take and use their strategies of slow subversion.
Blacks can't, but you'd think whites would be smart enough to.
see the thing is that the resurgence in right wing thought it not coming from institutions or anything else that is easily corruptible, its coming from grassroots sources. So it is possible that the grassroots source was AstroTurfed but that wouldn't be as easy as just taking over institutions
he's relevant but he was just a small cog in the globalist machine, it's the bankers that are behind it all.
And you should gas yourself.
I would be inclined to believe you ...
if it were not for the fact that is was the so called "progressives" who were getting ready to destabilize the US by attempting to shoot politicians.
They have the same ideology that was pushed by the soviets, which means they have over 40 years to get leftists in their places. The new russia has only a couple decades at most. If they had begun to reserve the trend to be sympathetic to the new russia we would see institutions and education reveresed to favour the new russia but it hasn't.
The soviet union is winning the cold war from beyond the grave
youre a reterd, terminal diagnosis, your're alse in the ABOORT THREAD
This. nu-Sup Forums and Trumptards are so fucking dumb for thinking Putin is le ebin alt right man
what a post, you're antifa nupol yourself
If Nationalism is not the permanent standard, the result will be degeneration to a state which again necessitates Nationalism.
>We're trying to destroy mob mentality and stupid tribalisms
you are trying to destroy human nature , good luck with that